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Thread: Musk Advocates to Double H-1B Visas

  1. #241

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  3. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by RJB View Post
    Everything is downstream of culture.

    And culture springs from the ethnos of the people living there.

    An apt metaphor, given the picture you posted, don't you think?

    Happy New Year, btw!
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  4. #243

  5. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown View Post

    Surgical masks should have been fully automated decades ago.

    And companies would have done that, if not for the market distortions created by foreign subsidization of manufacturing.

    It's caused a 50+ year slump of economic and technological progress.

    What the "muh cheap $#@!" advocates don't get, is if we had properly reacted to these market distortions, $#@! like this would be automated today and available even cheaper than it is now.

    Instead, we're stuck 50 years in the past.
    Last edited by TheTexan; 12-31-2024 at 09:46 AM.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  6. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    This is all irrelevant. Whether humans are "widgets" or not, the point of free market competition is that people are born free to make any lawful choice that does not violate the basic rights of others, including who to hire/fire/etc. So, if XYZ Corp. wants to hire somebody from China or India (or whatever), that's their American right, as an American company. I realize that there are some higher-order strategic considerations that can come into play but the American way of defeating the Old World habits of armed theft through military means is to just outcompete the bastards (unless they want to fight for real, in which case, kick their asses.) We did it for 250 years and now, all of a sudden, we somehow can't manage. Americans suddenly need French labor protectionism or something. It's pathetic and disgusting. And to see this crap flying on Ron Paul Forums, of all places, is just embarrassing...
    I agree. Why is it that business owners don't have the same rights as everyone else?

    I'd be willing to bet most, if not all of the people complaining about companies hiring foreigners have done it themselves. And many of them weren't even here legally. Like that roof replacement? Lawn service? We need to all turn ourselves in as accessories.

  7. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    This conflicts with everything everyone else who works with them says about them, many people who work with them have absolute horror stories about their incompetence, and their culture of cheating for degrees is well established even in mainstream sources.
    Anecdotal horror-stories don't settle a matter... bad things happen.

    No, freedom does not naturally outcompete slavery if it allows slavery to be used against it, history is dominated by slavery not by freedom.
    But you're making my point for me: domestic labor protectionism is slavery-in-disguise, even if it dons the robes of "Murica First!"

    You seem not to have yet learned the #1 most important lesson of Clown World: any mouth-sounds that can be made by a genuine conservative who believes in conservative principles can also be made by a trained-Marxist operative in "MAGA" camouflage, but for sinister motives. Just because the people honking the clown-horn for shutting down H1B are saying "We believe in Murica First!" doesn't make it true.

    Yes, my loyalty is to my country, first and foremost. I want America to win, and not get dragged back down into the mud of the Old World. But that process begins by seeing through the lies of the Old World operatives who have infiltrated the "conservative right-wing" establishment for many decades, if not all the way back to the founding of this country. They make all the right mouth-sounds. But they are just wolves in sheeps' clothing.

    I don't actually care about H1B as a program, in itself. It can stay or go, I don't care. The bigger issue is Federal policy on economic (work) immigration and naturalization. We want the best to be here, period. "Best" includes not only work ability and intelligence, but also cultural factors and love-of-America. Robbie on the Dave Smith podcast used the analogy of a basketball team ... we want the best players on our team, so we should be poaching them from anywhere in the world. I agree that is not what is happening right now, but since when is this the #1 most-urgent, die-on-this-hill now-or-never political issue?!? MAGA supporters who are grabbing torches and pitchforks over this are getting spun in circles by the RINOs and neoCONs who have lured you out into the middle of a political minefield. This is a losing issue for the Right, as it currently stands. H1B reform? Sure, yes, reform is needed. H1B abolition? Ridiculous and tyrannical (effectively prohibits American companies from hiring permanent employees from overseas).

    If you're right that nobody would be hiring except for the political agenda, then that's why we need to set the rules up so that hiring only occurs if it's actually profitable for American companies... then let the market decide. My bet: overseas hiring in the Tech sector would go way down (because currently artificially inflated for a political agenda), and overseas hiring in other sectors would probably go up a little. Just a hunch, but that's what I speculate a freedom-preserving Federal economic immigration program would look like. Axing the entire program is just tyrannical and protectionist.

    Nationalism is the fence that keeps the globalists from taking over the world and they have been trying to destroy it incrementally for centuries, first by creating larger states (forcing any opponents to also get larger to resist), and then by creating massive regions like the EU and pushing directly for globalism and the elimination of trade, immigration, and political barriers.
    Agreed on all points but we're talking past each other as usually happens on politically-charged topics like this.

    You misunderstand the story of the 300 Spartans, they fought a nationalist battle to keep a slave based empire out of their territory.
    No, I understand it perfectly. The point is that actually free men will fight 10,000x harder than slaves, no matter how many slaves there are. So, allowing free men -- American company owners -- to decide whether to hire domestically or overseas for roles they need to fill, is guaranteed to result in the strongest American economy with emphasis on American. The problem with H1B is that it's government meddling (tyranny); but abolishing it (and not replacing it with a sane alternative) is still just other government meddling (tyranny and slavery)! Get the government out of the business of deciding who American business-owners should be hiring! Purely based on economics, they're automatically going to hire 90+% domestically. But when it is actually profitable for them to hire from overseas, we only weaken ourselves (America last) by tyrannizing them and forcing them not to hire those people. And if you're right that it's actually never economically viable, then the market will automatically default to 0% overseas hiring because free market companies that are forced to actually compete on P/L (no corporate welfare) literally can't do unprofitable things!

    And you are now contradicting yourself above where you claimed the H1Bs were not useless and incompetent.
    Not contradicting myself at all. Let me clarify what I have observed (I'm not speculating about "data"):

    - 15-20 years ago, H1Bs seemed to be about 90% good in the sense of smart, actually-educated and truly pro-America; 10% were less so
    - Now, the proportions seem to have changed... maybe it's only 50/50 now or some other ratio, but it's not the 90/10 ratio it was before

    And there will always be abuse and subversion of this kind of program, so even if we pretend they could be good they must not exist.
    Yeah, the program has to be fixed, that I agree with. My main concern (and the reason I'm reacting on this thread which I normally don't do) is that I really think MAGA is getting led down the primrose path on this issue. I want our side to win. But you're being led into a n00b trap unless there is some 17-million dimensional chess move here that I'm overlooking. I just don't see it.

    Trump promised to eliminate H1B in 2016 and it was a major reason people supported him, even though it was not nearly as bad yet back then.
    Most H1Bs are from India, and almost are of similar quality and working for the same cabal using them all to dispossess the natives.
    And what Musk and Ramaswammy dared to propose was to eliminate the country caps which would result in a near monopoly on H1Bs for India.
    To my eyes, it looks like the full sweep of proposals on the board are all garbage -- from Dems to Trump to Musk to Ramaswamy. Instead of "choose my flavor of government tyranny!" we need to just STOP the tyranny completely. The Big Tech corps take up all the oxygen in these discussions but they aren't most American companies, which are small- to medium-businesses. Some of those businesses have specialized needs that require them to operate overseas, including hiring staff from overseas. Quashing all of that with the sledge-hammer of Federal tyranny because the Big Tech sharks are getting away with murder by abusing some other government tyranny (the H1B program as it currently exists) is insanity. Rather, let the market decide and the way you do that, is by creating non-tyrannical rules that allow American businesses to hire from overseas if it is actually profitable for them. If not, then the hiring won't happen. And you can't allow tax-breaks or other forms of corporate welfare for overseas hiring, which is what is currently happening and is a big part of the reason this issue has gotten so bad. In a word -- tyranny! Stop the tyranny with freedom! Not with other tyranny! When will the R-party ever learn??!?
    Last edited by ClaytonB; 12-31-2024 at 12:23 PM.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  8. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    They do not have a right to import anyone.
    If they want to hire foreigners they can set up shop in foreign countries, but then they would have to deal with the inferior societies those foreigners created for themselves.
    We have every right to keep them from importing foreigners who will drag our society down to the level of the places they came from only to see them jump ship and run off to the next semi-successful society for them to set up shop in and then sell out using similar tactics to make number go up. (their number, everyone else's numbers go down)

    Wanting to keep your own nation and culture and not be overrun by hordes of barbarians is not unamerican or European, it's basic humanity.
    We should have a cushy station because we BUILT the cushy station, Nationalism is the opposite of imperialism, it's the imperialists who are trying to take over the world and homogenize all cultures, economies, and polities.
    The Roman empire used foreign slaves to undermine its working and middle classes and that led directly to bread and circusses and the eventual collapse of Rome.
    H1B wasn't originally supposed to be "Apple decides who gets to immigrate". It's turned into that, but it didn't start that way. It was, "If XYZ American corporation is willing to pay your visas and keep you employed and sponsor your naturalization, we will create a special program for you to do all of that and if you naturalize, you can become a citizen." Naturalization isn't automatic... you have to speak English, you have to know American history, and you should be assessed for cultural compatibility with American values and interests, just like any other immigre. That was the original program. It was obviously flawed (otherwise, it wouldn't be so broken today), but it was close to being a good working system that respected the rights of American businesses and protected the interests of America as a country. We need a system that is more that (and can't be corrupted by Big Tech/etc.)... we need more freedom, not less. We need to abolish tyranny, and stop trying to cure tyranny with other tyranny... which is the only move the R's ever actually play on the chessboard. Meanwhile, the country continues to go up in flames before our eyes, and they refuse to learn the lesson with a stubbornness that makes the exile Jews look like choir-boys by comparison...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  9. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Comparing county/state lines to national and cultural lines is laughable.
    Protecting Americans from invasion and displacement is not tyranny, allowing and facilitating an influx of foreigners to the disadvantage of the people is a tyrant tactic as old as time.
    True as stated, but not relevant to the discussion.

    There are much smaller programs for truly needed temporary foreign workers like hotshot crews, and you know good and well there is not that kind of exceptional need for the foreigners being brought in just to lower the living standards of the middle and working classes to eliminate their political power and establish a globalist oligarchy.
    What is happening right now is definitely tyranny. H1B is a bad program. But compared to illegal immigration, it's a trickle. The rules are being broken to make it a flood, so stop allowing the rules to be broken. Stopping the rules from being broken is not abolishing H1B, it's enforcing H1B. According to stats from X22, that would cut H1Bs down to 10% of their current levels. But nobody's talking about just enforcing the rules as-written because that's not MURICA enough. Please hear my warnings on this -- this will lash back in the faces of the Right and we are going to lose quite a bit of ground from the 2024 win. *sigh

    If you want to hire foreigners then you can go live and set up a business in their country and deal with their society.
    Businesses already do that, but foreign hiring is a competitive advantage that foreign businesses use, so we are hobbling ourselves not to take advantage of that same practice, when it is actually profitable. We want the best players in the world on our team, here. No, that's not profit-is-profit, I mean "best" in the full sense of that word. There are Christian workers all around the world with highly valuable skills who, if we could woo them to immigrate here, would be a massive benefit to our country, and a loss to the rest of the world. That's an example of immigration we want to happen. We don't want it to be a flood; by definition, there aren't enough top-talent people to be a flood. So, flooding is a sign of political machination. But there's a world of difference between "lower and enforce the quotas" and shutting it all down. One is sanity, the other is tyranny.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  11. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    I agree. Why is it that business owners don't have the same rights as everyone else?

    I'd be willing to bet most, if not all of the people complaining about companies hiring foreigners have done it themselves. And many of them weren't even here legally. Like that roof replacement? Lawn service? We need to all turn ourselves in as accessories.
    I don't follow all of what you wrote -- some lines of work are more domestically oriented (roofing, landscaping) and it just won't make economic P/L sense to hire foreign workers for those roles. Other companies, even "small" American companies, have a multi-national reach and may have legitimate need for talent acquired from overseas. That's why you let the market decide, rather than government bureaucrats, or the Big Tech oligarchs who are in the pockets of corrupt foreign politicians to one degree or another. The proper role of the Federal government is to ensure that American interests, culture and core values are preserved. They have completely and totally abdicated their responsibilities in that and so many other areas. Instead of doing their actual job, they want to play Politburo and pick market winners and losers. Which is how you get Big Tech and the mess we have today. Bribocracy...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  12. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    I don't follow all of what you wrote -- some lines of work are more domestically oriented (roofing, landscaping) and it just won't make economic P/L sense to hire foreign workers for those roles. Other companies, even "small" American companies, have a multi-national reach and may have legitimate need for talent acquired from overseas. That's why you let the market decide, rather than government bureaucrats, or the Big Tech oligarchs who are in the pockets of corrupt foreign politicians to one degree or another. The proper role of the Federal government is to ensure that American interests, culture and core values are preserved. They have completely and totally abdicated their responsibilities in that and so many other areas. Instead of doing their actual job, they want to play Politburo and pick market winners and losers. Which is how you get Big Tech and the mess we have today. Bribocracy...
    I'm saying that non business owners and business owners should have the same rights. I'm not a business owner and the government should not forcefully prevent me from hiring someone from mexico to cut my grass. And the government should not prevent a business owner from hiring someone to write software.

  13. #251
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Musk and Ramaswammy (and Clayton it seems) do.
    Trump doesn't and neither do the people he actually put in charge of immigration.
    Noticed how Musk and those around in Trump new admin said nothing about importing Eastern European or European, Nor Asian entrepreneurs like SK,Japan in general?

  14. #252

  15. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Anecdotal horror-stories don't settle a matter... bad things happen.
    My experience has a sample size of several hundreds of H1B workers over 2 decades at companies both large and small.

    It's not about "bad things happen". Bad things typically didn't happen - because as a manager it was my job to make sure that bad things didn't happen and I happen to be quite good at my job.

    But these H1B's and the offshore people sure as $#@! made my job difficult.

    Another part of my job is shielding the rest of my team from these kind of headaches. Perhaps as an individual contributor you simply never saw this side of things.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  16. #254
    Should add a tariff to these H1B workers. Whatever wage they are paid, the company is required to pay an additional 50% that goes to an American citizen fund payable directly to the American people. (And make it so H1B's can never become citizens.)

    Then we'll see how many of these H1B's are based on actual skill shortages.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  17. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTexan View Post
    My experience has a sample size of several hundreds of H1B workers over 2 decades at companies both large and small.

    It's not about "bad things happen". Bad things typically didn't happen - because as a manager it was my job to make sure that bad things didn't happen and I happen to be quite good at my job.

    But these H1B's and the offshore people sure as $#@! made my job difficult.

    Another part of my job is shielding the rest of my team from these kind of headaches. Perhaps as an individual contributor you simply never saw this side of things.
    Probably. But I also knew some of my coworkers on a personal level and the reality is that most of the people I made friends with genuinely like America. They actually think America's cool... they like things like stealth fighters, American cars, rock-and-roll ... even guns. The astonishment on the face of foreign-born people on discharging a firearm (after proper safety instruction) is amazing to see. At least some of them aren't just here to get a paycheck and wire money back home. They want to live here because they like it here better than back home.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  18. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Anecdotal horror-stories don't settle a matter... bad things happen.
    Sorry, that doesn't cut it.
    It's far more than anecdotes, you're trying to tell us that scorpions don't sting.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    But you're making my point for me: domestic labor protectionism is slavery-in-disguise, even if it dons the robes of "Murica First!"
    Slavery is the result of bringing in foreigners to undermine the domestic working and middle classes.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    You seem not to have yet learned the #1 most important lesson of Clown World: any mouth-sounds that can be made by a genuine conservative who believes in conservative principles can also be made by a trained-Marxist operative in "MAGA" camouflage, but for sinister motives. Just because the people honking the clown-horn for shutting down H1B are saying "We believe in Murica First!" doesn't make it true.

    Yes, my loyalty is to my country, first and foremost. I want America to win, and not get dragged back down into the mud of the Old World. But that process begins by seeing through the lies of the Old World operatives who have infiltrated the "conservative right-wing" establishment for many decades, if not all the way back to the founding of this country. They make all the right mouth-sounds. But they are just wolves in sheeps' clothing.

    I don't actually care about H1B as a program, in itself. It can stay or go, I don't care. The bigger issue is Federal policy on economic (work) immigration and naturalization. We want the best to be here, period. "Best" includes not only work ability and intelligence, but also cultural factors and love-of-America. Robbie on the Dave Smith podcast used the analogy of a basketball team ... we want the best players on our team, so we should be poaching them from anywhere in the world. I agree that is not what is happening right now, but since when is this the #1 most-urgent, die-on-this-hill now-or-never political issue?!? MAGA supporters who are grabbing torches and pitchforks over this are getting spun in circles by the RINOs and neoCONs who have lured you out into the middle of a political minefield. This is a losing issue for the Right, as it currently stands. H1B reform? Sure, yes, reform is needed. H1B abolition? Ridiculous and tyrannical (effectively prohibits American companies from hiring permanent employees from overseas).

    If you're right that nobody would be hiring except for the political agenda, then that's why we need to set the rules up so that hiring only occurs if it's actually profitable for American companies... then let the market decide. My bet: overseas hiring in the Tech sector would go way down (because currently artificially inflated for a political agenda), and overseas hiring in other sectors would probably go up a little. Just a hunch, but that's what I speculate a freedom-preserving Federal economic immigration program would look like. Axing the entire program is just tyrannical and protectionist.
    You are the one mouthing propaganda designed to sound America first while it destroys Americans.
    America is not just a section of dirt, nor a sports team, it is Americans.

    And lets just deal with the whole sports team garbage, it been a long psyop to warp winds, the "local team" has absolutely nothing to do with the people there, it's identity theft by billionaires to con the locals into paying for their stadiums and buying their merchandise.
    In the old days the players actually came from the town the team was named for, then they started recruiting just a few players from other places, and eventually they now have not a single player from the town.
    They are now trying to use the mind warping that they installed in people using sports teams to do the same thing to the country itself, "America" will continue to exist, but nobody of importance in it will be American except for the suckers at the bottom paying for the stadiums and buying the merch.
    I'm not a zero immigration extremist, I could allow a much smaller program to prioritize a literal handful of the best and brightest inside very restrictive total immigration caps, but you people are driving me farther towards the extreme, it would be far better to allow zero immigration ever than what you are pushing.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Agreed on all points but we're talking past each other as usually happens on politically-charged topics like this.
    No, we are not, you want to turn my country into a sports franchise in the globalized league, you are promoting globalist homogenization that will end up tearing down the national fence and open the door to world government.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    No, I understand it perfectly. The point is that actually free men will fight 10,000x harder than slaves, no matter how many slaves there are. So, allowing free men -- American company owners -- to decide whether to hire domestically or overseas for roles they need to fill, is guaranteed to result in the strongest American economy with emphasis on American. The problem with H1B is that it's government meddling (tyranny); but abolishing it (and not replacing it with a sane alternative) is still just other government meddling (tyranny and slavery)! Get the government out of the business of deciding who American business-owners should be hiring! Purely based on economics, they're automatically going to hire 90+% domestically. But when it is actually profitable for them to hire from overseas, we only weaken ourselves (America last) by tyrannizing them and forcing them not to hire those people. And if you're right that it's actually never economically viable, then the market will automatically default to 0% overseas hiring because free market companies that are forced to actually compete on P/L (no corporate welfare) literally can't do unprofitable things!
    Your side is like the local Greek who showed the Persians the goat path around the pass so the Spartans could be attacked from within as well as without.
    After all, if the Spartans were so great they should be able to beat an enemy attacking on the inside and the outside at the same time, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Not contradicting myself at all. Let me clarify what I have observed (I'm not speculating about "data"):

    - 15-20 years ago, H1Bs seemed to be about 90% good in the sense of smart, actually-educated and truly pro-America; 10% were less so
    - Now, the proportions seem to have changed... maybe it's only 50/50 now or some other ratio, but it's not the 90/10 ratio it was before
    And the ones 15-20 years ago opened the gates for the ones coming now.
    And none of them were ever better than Americans or needed.
    And they were always depressing the wages of Americans and crowding them out of the industry.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Yeah, the program has to be fixed, that I agree with. My main concern (and the reason I'm reacting on this thread which I normally don't do) is that I really think MAGA is getting led down the primrose path on this issue. I want our side to win. But you're being led into a n00b trap unless there is some 17-million dimensional chess move here that I'm overlooking. I just don't see it.
    1 this is an original MAGA issue and one that is a winning issue for us.
    2 if this is not dealt with severely and swiftly, even at the (incorrectly) theorized short term cost it will result in an irreversible long term destruction of any hope for MAGA and America, this is a battle we have no choice about fighting, it is a hill to die on.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    To my eyes, it looks like the full sweep of proposals on the board are all garbage -- from Dems to Trump to Musk to Ramaswamy. Instead of "choose my flavor of government tyranny!" we need to just STOP the tyranny completely. The Big Tech corps take up all the oxygen in these discussions but they aren't most American companies, which are small- to medium-businesses. Some of those businesses have specialized needs that require them to operate overseas, including hiring staff from overseas. Quashing all of that with the sledge-hammer of Federal tyranny because the Big Tech sharks are getting away with murder by abusing some other government tyranny (the H1B program as it currently exists) is insanity. Rather, let the market decide and the way you do that, is by creating non-tyrannical rules that allow American businesses to hire from overseas if it is actually profitable for them. If not, then the hiring won't happen. And you can't allow tax-breaks or other forms of corporate welfare for overseas hiring, which is what is currently happening and is a big part of the reason this issue has gotten so bad. In a word -- tyranny! Stop the tyranny with freedom! Not with other tyranny! When will the R-party ever learn??!?
    Maintaining our national boundaries is not and never will be tyranny.
    These people are not Americans and they have no right to come here.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

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  20. #257
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    H1B wasn't originally supposed to be "Apple decides who gets to immigrate". It's turned into that, but it didn't start that way. It was, "If XYZ American corporation is willing to pay your visas and keep you employed and sponsor your naturalization, we will create a special program for you to do all of that and if you naturalize, you can become a citizen." Naturalization isn't automatic... you have to speak English, you have to know American history, and you should be assessed for cultural compatibility with American values and interests, just like any other immigre. That was the original program. It was obviously flawed (otherwise, it wouldn't be so broken today), but it was close to being a good working system that respected the rights of American businesses and protected the interests of America as a country. We need a system that is more that (and can't be corrupted by Big Tech/etc.)... we need more freedom, not less. We need to abolish tyranny, and stop trying to cure tyranny with other tyranny... which is the only move the R's ever actually play on the chessboard. Meanwhile, the country continues to go up in flames before our eyes, and they refuse to learn the lesson with a stubbornness that makes the exile Jews look like choir-boys by comparison...
    It was always "Apple gets to decide who gets to immigrate for their own advantage and the disadvantage of American workers while using the imports as slaves because they have to work for Apple or go back", otherwise it wouldn't be a special program, the people would have to use the regular immigration system and then get a job.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  21. #258

    Clint Russell @LibertyLockPod

    If X wants to be the everything app. (Clearly the goal) You can not censor for wrong think. At all. Ever. The CEO came out today saying they want to roll out X pay which is basically a banking service.

    No one in their right mind will bank with a company that is censoring

    It doesn't matter what Elon changes his handle to. Actions speak louder than green frog pfp's. Hoping for this to be undone and explained in the new year.

    Elon earned a lot of goodwill over the past few years, deservedly so. This trajectory is not good and anyone being quiet about it is only doing so because they either
    A) see their enemies being silenced
    B) dont want to risk demonitization

    That's the truth

    Most of us were on here in 2020/21 and this feels eerily similar

    It's not OK. Speak up now. It only gets worse if you don't.

    They wanted to get away from advertiser controls. Millions of us subscribed to X to allow for that. Some even ponied up for the $1K/month gold badge only to have it stripped away. So which is it?

    Free speech or death
    Bait and switch

    I've hated the constant lectures from Whitney Webb about how we were subscribing to our own technological gulag. As if I didn't recognize the risks.

    Well, it's looking more and more like she was right.

    Don't let her be right, Elon.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  22. #259
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    I wonder how many white Americans are members of India's parliament?

    So now we have at least two communist Indians in the US house.

    Shri Thanedar @ShriThanedar

    All Americans make America great, including immigrants. We must increase H1B ten fold and eliminate country quotas. Make it easy to check immigration status, give EAD to all green card applicants, and quadruple USCIS staffing budget to expedite legal immigration. This is how you make America the greatest ever.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  23. #260
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    True as stated, but not relevant to the discussion.
    Absolutely relevant.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    What is happening right now is definitely tyranny. H1B is a bad program. But compared to illegal immigration, it's a trickle. The rules are being broken to make it a flood, so stop allowing the rules to be broken. Stopping the rules from being broken is not abolishing H1B, it's enforcing H1B. According to stats from X22, that would cut H1Bs down to 10% of their current levels. But nobody's talking about just enforcing the rules as-written because that's not MURICA enough. Please hear my warnings on this -- this will lash back in the faces of the Right and we are going to lose quite a bit of ground from the 2024 win. *sigh
    It's larger than a trickle, and it's aimed strategically at important sectors of society to drive the natives down into the lower classes while elevating foreigners above them.
    Reducing it is good but not good enough, they will boil the frog slowly because they moved too fast and we started trying to jump out of the pot.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Businesses already do that, but foreign hiring is a competitive advantage that foreign businesses use, so we are hobbling ourselves not to take advantage of that same practice, when it is actually profitable. We want the best players in the world on our team, here. No, that's not profit-is-profit, I mean "best" in the full sense of that word. There are Christian workers all around the world with highly valuable skills who, if we could woo them to immigrate here, would be a massive benefit to our country, and a loss to the rest of the world. That's an example of immigration we want to happen. We don't want it to be a flood; by definition, there aren't enough top-talent people to be a flood. So, flooding is a sign of political machination. But there's a world of difference between "lower and enforce the quotas" and shutting it all down. One is sanity, the other is tyranny.
    We do not need them, and the only people who reap any advantage are the international globalist oligarchs.
    When we have sorted out our problems, and that includes a 20+ year immigration freeze, we can let in a literal trickle of immigrants through the basic immigration system, and those people that we let in can then get jobs.
    If you want foreign workers you can deal with their societies, you don't get to undermine your fellow countrymen.

    Tell me where the average man gets to import a new employer? he doesn't, he has to move to a foreign country if he wants to work for a foreign employer.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  24. #261
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  25. #262
    Tesla joins top H-1B employers list as Musk pushes for reforms to expand visa program

    Read more at:

    Tesla joins top H-1B employers list as Musk pushes for reforms to expand visa program

    Tesla joins top H-1B employers list as Musk pushes for reforms to expand visa program

    Read more at:

    Elon Musk's Tesla ranked 16th among top H-1B visa employers in 2024. The company had 742 initial and 1,025 continuing employment petitions approved, reflecting its growing reliance on foreign talent. Musk supports the H-1B visa program, essential for his business success. Major tech firms like Amazon, Cognizant, and Infosys also top the list, maintaining a demand for skilled workers.

    Read more at:

    Elon Musk's Tesla ranked 16th among top H-1B visa employers in 2024. The company had 742 initial and 1,025 continuing employment petitions approved, reflecting its growing reliance on foreign talent. Musk supports the H-1B visa program, essential for his business success. Major tech firms like Amazon, Cognizant, and Infosys also top the list, maintaining a demand for skilled workers.

    Elon Musk's Tesla ranked 16th among top H-1B visa employers in 2024. The company had 742 initial and 1,025 continuing employment petitions approved, reflecting its growing reliance on foreign talent. Musk supports the H-1B visa program, essential for his business success. Major tech firms like Amazon, Cognizant, and Infosys also top the list, maintaining a demand for skilled workers.

    Read more at:

  26. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post

  27. #264
    -cambridge analytica enters the chat-

    funny thread!

    this is how tptw insert topics into the social mediasphere and then use data mining of the "reaction" (create problem>monitor and control reaction>provide solution) to gauge how to present the solution. it's fun watching the hegelian dialectic in real time!

    it's a real shame that some people sell their very souls to further it. but that's for a thread that should be buried in an unread subforum, i guess.
    Last edited by devil21; 01-01-2025 at 04:34 AM.
    "Let it not be said that we did nothing."-Ron Paul

    " is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that they see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."- A Quote From Some Old Book ----- > iow, pick your deadly sin?

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  29. #265
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Yes, as part of his reforms (which were headed towards eliminating the program) Trump issued rules requiring better pay for them so that the incentive to import them for cheap labor would be reduced.

    Just admit that Trump is a sellout, swamp rat.

    Last edited by unknown; 01-01-2025 at 09:05 AM.

  30. #266
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post

    That's $#@!ed up.

    Although Jake Shields has been spitting the Izrael truths so this has been in the works for a while.

  31. #267

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  32. #268
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    It's larger than a trickle, and it's aimed strategically at important sectors of society to drive the natives down into the lower classes while elevating foreigners above them.
    Reducing it is good but not good enough, they will boil the frog slowly because they moved too fast and we started trying to jump out of the pot.
    I think the quota is around 85,000. According to X22, current levels are over 800,000, about 10x what hte law allows. Stop the lawbreaking, and you will have fixed 90% of the problem overnight. The "perfect", in this case, truly is the enemy of the good. By lunging for the "perfect", you are just falling into a Dem tactic. They dangle the carrot, you lunge for it, and back into the manacles the right-wing goes.

    We do not need them, and the only people who reap any advantage are the international globalist oligarchs.
    Does a basketball team need MVPs? Nobody "needs" new players, you recruit them in order to improve your team. There are a lot of people in the world that we don't need" but from which we will greatly benefit by having them here, instead of over there. Obviously not 800,000/yr., that's just demographic warfare. I don't know the correct cap amount, but we agree there has to be a cap, and it has to be enforced to prevent demographic warfare. But closing the border is just another globalist win condition because a border that can seal people out can seal people in, which Dr. Paul already explicitly warned us about. We really just need to enforce the laws on the books and that will automatically fix 90% of the problem.

    When we have sorted out our problems, and that includes a 20+ year immigration freeze, we can let in a literal trickle of immigrants through the basic immigration system, and those people that we let in can then get jobs.
    Sure, I get the idea of shifting the Overton window but the problem is that you can't shift the Overton window to the right by promoting Nazism for the simple fact that Nazism is obvious tyranny, and people will automatically (and correctly) reject it, and end up staying where they are. This is why the Left always baits conservatives to go full-Nazi, it's just baiting them into self-cancellation. "Seal the border for 20 years" is tyranny and you're being baited into that message by trained-Marxists who are behind these talking points to make you feel like you're shifting the Overton window hard when, in fact, you've just been duped into self-cancelling.

    EDIT NOTE: I'm not suggesting Swordsmyth is promoting Nazism, only that this line of argument fails for the same reason that Nazism fails -- it starts from valid insights (social/cultural degeneration) and then goes to an extreme that is obviously wrong.

    If you want foreign workers you can deal with their societies, you don't get to undermine your fellow countrymen.
    I agree that there is no "right" for American companies to alter American culture and values, nor act in any way against American interests. So, the constitutional Federal duty to duly regulate immigration logically supersedes all economic considerations. However, those economic considerations are real and so when the immigration policy has been fixed so that the current demographic warfare methods have been made impossible (and hopefully undo some of the damage already done), it is imperative that the Federal government allow economic immigration because that is actually (provably) in American interests. To go against it, is to go against American interests, not just P/L, culturally as well.
    Last edited by ClaytonB; 01-02-2025 at 03:42 PM.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  33. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown View Post
    That's $#@!ed up.

    Although Jake Shields has been spitting the Izrael truths so this has been in the works for a while.
    I suppose under Elon's Musk new guidelines and rules with the incoming of Trump adimin.
    You or anyone cant do any of the following on Twitter/x

    Just my observation from this.

    1.You can not be critical or criticize Israel or their war against Hamas, Gaza, Hezb etc.
    If you criticize Israeli actions your stats on twitter will be demonized and you could lose your account or blue mark.

    2.No questions or critical debates on Zionism topic.

    3.Criticizing or opposing of H1B positions would make Elon Musk call you a racist.

    When it comes to the Isreali thing on twitter it seems there are some Jewish users who arent very happy about the new direction of twitter.
    They are right.

    What NeoCon clowns are trying to do is to push certain topics on the dark web and that is something they shouldn't allow to happen but unfortunately i see that happening.

  34. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    It was always "Apple gets to decide who gets to immigrate for their own advantage and the disadvantage of American workers while using the imports as slaves because they have to work for Apple or go back", otherwise it wouldn't be a special program, the people would have to use the regular immigration system and then get a job.
    I just disagree with this characterization based on personally knowing many H1Bs, especially those from earlier in the program. If you're wealthy and want to immigrate to the US and naturalize, it will be possible for you (as long as you meet the other immigration criteria) because you have enough money to sustain yourself during the (potentially very long) period of economic disruption to your life as the immigration process can make it impossible for quite a bit of time for you to be employed. If you run out of money during that process, you run the risk of failing to naturalize and having to return home, which may be a big waste of time and money for you, as well as your employer who may have invested in you and now you're going back home. That's the problem H1B fixes -- no company wants to invest in an immigre and then have that individual go back to wherever they came from. H1B keeps that investment here. So, it's economically in America's interests for immigre's who move here for economic opportunity and to naturalize, to have a pathway that is designed to regulate that process.

    I have every economic interest to oppose H1B. My paycheck will increase by a lot if H1B is shut down. But it's bad for America. I love my country more than I love cash. I want H1Bs to come here, but the system has to be made to actually work in America's interests, period, and to preserve American values and heritage. We cannot be importing hostiles into this country, even under the guise of economic P/L. That we agree on. But your proposed solution is tyrannical and actually damages American interests.
    Last edited by ClaytonB; 01-01-2025 at 12:57 PM.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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