While I think that the Federal government must never be beyond the threat of secession (that is, reconstitution through a convention of the States, which is logically equivalent), I don't think that secession would have solved our problems in 1861, nor would it today. The problem is the word you used: slavery. Not lack of secession. Just slavery. The problem that has arisen in the US since 1865 is that the word "slavery" was redefined by the word-sorcerers as something that only happens to black people, involving whips and chains, and so on. The war between the North and South was not actually over whether to do slavery but, rather, how to do slavery. Southern slavery was at least honest -- we are masters, and you are slaves. Today, we all live under the Northern slavery, which uses golden manacles instead of chains, and "social norms" (fashion, opinion, etc.) instead of whips. And it's definitely not racist, it's an equal-opportunity enslaver of all who are not part of The Club. Northern slavery is far more parasitic and creates far more total human suffering than Southern slavery ever could have. The master can only afford to employ so many hands to beat his slaves. The central bank has infinity cash with which it has created a worldwide slave-matrix, inside which we all now live. "A prison you cannot taste, touch or see -- a prison for your mind." Even if you break out of this Matrix, you cannot actually escape, because the Agents are not machines, they're your fellow human-beings who have been converted into mindless remote-control zombies. Hence cars plowing into holiday parades and guns shooting up schools. In an ironic sense, the lying headlines spin reality all the way 360 degrees around so that they're technically true. Might as well just arrest the car and impound the gun, the "operator" is effectively just a robot anyway...
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