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I didn't now international billionaires act in their own self-interest, did you?
Tesla Emerges Among Top Employers Of H-1B Visa Holders
"When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch
"And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons. like Razib and all the Indian names mentioned here (save for National Review Ramesh perhaps) but please don’t attribute my views on stuff without actually getting it from me. I am vehemently against the H1B system and I’m especially against more of them coming from India.
Too many of them have a penchant for being complicit in this fraud, and then well meaning Indians wonder why anti-Indian sentiment is so rampant. It’s festering because we are facilitating this fraud and crying racism at anyone who fights against it. I prefer not to lie in that bed my fellow Indians are making for me.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
H1B immigrants from where?
The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown
America is not an economic zone.
It is, or was, a nation of ideals that were specific and well stated.
That "proposition" has been smashed.
The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
We Need Fewer, Not More, Worker Visas
There's an important debate raging on social media about the tech bros being brought into the Trump administration and their plans to expand immigration. I explain that what they want to continue doing with college educated workers is the exact same thing they've already done with non-college educated fields; namely, drive down wages and culturally gerrymander Americans out of jobs.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
This can't be the only one.
The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
I can see a brief moratorium being placed on H1B and similar visas while we overhaul the immigration system to actually be subject to the will of WTP. But I see no reason to cap the number of people immigrating here so long as they are going through a proper vetting and naturalization process that would catch things like fake degrees or other fake qualifications. We want the best people here, the best workers, the best thinkers, the best artists, etc. Let them be here, and we will be the best in the world. If we enforce the Constitution, the ones who are only coming for nefarious reasons will quickly find out they've made a mistake, even if they manage to "sneak in". So, the real issue is obeying the Constitution, not the bulk number of legal immigrants.
And we need to halt all illegal immigration forthwith. I didn't understand the importance of that issue pre-2020. Now I do.
Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28
Trump's proposed cabinet is the wealthiest in the history of the country. With few exceptions, their money comes from a system which relies on employing foreign-born indentured servants in place of US citizens and permanent residents.
Do you believe that this group of people plan to destroy their own livelihoods?
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
Until last year I was working for an American company with international offices, and I was one of the maybe two dozen people in a company of 200 that were white and grew up in America.
After a year of being completely ignored by my supervisor (an Indian guy living in London) and having people with way less experience and time in the company given all the new opportunities (only one one of whom was born in America), I set my LinkedIn profile to "open to work".
Literally hours later I got contacted by a VP wanting to talk about why I was trying to leave. I told him 1) my supervisor literally hasn't talked to me in the last six months, 2) every higher responsibility I used to have has been taken away and I've been put back on taking front line tickets, 3) you always lay people off in October and I'm leaving myself runway to find something else because dude, I can read the room. (I didn't add 'dude what the $#@! you can spy on my linkedin but you can't find out whether your departments are being held together?')
He swore up and down that's not what he wanted to have happen and it certainly wasn't right and could we talk about it more. We never connected again but I did put a bunch of effort into a presentation to go over some of the fundamental problems of why it $#@!in' sucked to work in that department and ways we could mitigate them - and number 1 on the list was to demonstrate all the superstar employees they'd had over the last 20 years that they literally took off the street and allowed to train on the job, as opposed to requiring masters degrees and 10 years experience.
I don't have any evidence anyone read any of it. I ended up giving them 2 weeks notice after 23 years working there, and half of the second week was Thanksgiving break. I don't regret it.
Before I left, more than one H1B holder told me how envious they were that I was able to just walk. Some others weren't envious - but congratulated me on having the courage to GTFO.
Oh, and one other thing - I'm tired of hearing about all these industrious foreigners because Americans *ARE* lazy, and that is a GOOD thing.
Laziness is why people do something right the first time. Because they don't want to come back and $#@! with it.
Laziness is why people spend 45 minutes fixing something that only takes 30 seconds to work around. It doesn't matter that you only have to do it three times a week - the unwillingness to come back and $#@! with it is why it's getting fixed.
Laziness is why people document what they're doing. It's so they don't have to deal with you figuring it out - so they can say RTFM and go back to posting here.
Laziness is essentially why people come up with efficiency tweaks. Sure, there are corporate goofballs who profit off of it but most of them boil down to a lazy dude looking at his life and thinking 'holy $#@! if I have to do this process this inefficiently for one more day I'm going to scream'.
Every good habit that I have seen in coworkers for the last quarter century has been due to good old fashioned American laziness.
When you put hardworking industrious Indians on a task, and they can't figure it out after staying awake for two days and ask the American who has been there twice as long for a consult, the American is the one who says 'what the hell are you doing troubleshooting a third party product for our customer?' I have literally told people in India to be lazy in the past.
I'd rather green cards to H-1B. If they want to come here, work and make money they should become a part of our country, not take the money and run.
Looks like this causing a mini war on twitter.
The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown
Last edited by unknown; 12-27-2024 at 12:54 AM.
Some interesting comments in the reddit thread above.
Claims that Musk kept most of the H1B guys at Twitter simply because of leverage, that they risked deportation should they do something to warrant dismissal.
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