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Thread: Rand's social security amendment fails to pass.

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    Rand's social security amendment fails to pass.

    Only three Republicans voted to pass a failed amendment to a new Social Security bill pushed by Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, that would've gradually raised the retirement age in order to receive benefits to 70.

    The House passed a bill called the Social Security Fairness Act 327-75 in November, which eliminated two provisions, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), that limit Social Security benefits for people who receive pensions from government and public service jobs.

    After the bill made its way to the upper chamber, Paul proposed an amendment that would've gradually raised the Social Security retirement age to 70 to offset the cost of the Social Security Fairness Act.

    Paul, who opposed the bipartisan bill for Social Security reform, told The Hill that it "speeds the bankruptcy of Social Security. Social Security is due to go bankrupt in 2034. This will speed it up by a year or so. It's $200 billion added to a program that is already short of money."

    The amendment failed on Friday night in a 93-3 vote. The only GOP senators to support the amendment were:

    Rand Paul of Kentucky
    Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming
    Mike Lee of Utah
    Last edited by unknown; 12-23-2024 at 08:25 AM.

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