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Thread: Speaker Johnson SLAMMED For Bloated Spending Bill!

  1. #1

    Speaker Johnson SLAMMED For Bloated Spending Bill!

    Speaker Johnson SLAMMED For Bloated Spending Bill!

    After promising there would be no Christmas Continuing Resolution...Speaker Johnson put out...a Christmas Continuing Resolution. It was jammed with so much pork that he faced a GOP revolt in the House and a D.O.G.E revolt from Elon and Vivek. What's next? Also today, New House-introduced "D.O.G.E." Bill is unimpressive. We'll tell you why.

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  3. #2
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    I was all for giving Johnson a fair shot at first. He has proven to suck.

    The good news is that we are getting closer to the idea of 1 subject per bill, thanks to Massie promoting it!
    Citizen of Arizona

    I am a libertarian. I am advocating everyone enjoy maximum freedom on both personal and economic issues as long as they do not bring violence unto others.

  4. #3

  5. #4
    And yet he was awarded by being voted to remain Speaker.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

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