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Thread: Would you let Bill Gates hack your DNA?

  1. #1

    Would you let Bill Gates hack your DNA?

    John Mac Ghlionn
    December 07, 2024

    Thanks to CRISPR, the meddling mogul's plans to 'improve' life as we know it are more ambitious than ever.

    Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are promoting CRISPR as a game-changing tool in science, but behind the excitement are serious concerns about its risks.

    For the uninititated, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats technology is a gene-editing tool that allows for modifications of DNA in living organisms. Recent research reveals that CRISPR, while effective at editing genes to address inherited diseases, often introduces unintended consequences, including large-scale DNA mutations.

    The potential to 'edit out' undesirable traits raises questions about eugenics and the commodification of human life.

    This is a major concern.

    Cascade of genetic malfunctions

    Editing a specific gene can lead to off-target effects, altering unintended regions of the genome. This can lead to rapid mutations, potentially triggering the onset of cancers or other genetic disorders. Furthermore, even when targeting specific sequences, CRISPR's modifications can destabilize chromosomes, leading to large-scale deletions or rearrangements of genetic material. Such alterations not only disrupt the targeted gene but also affect neighboring regions, causing a cascade of genetic malfunctions.

    Another critical danger lies in the complexity of biological systems. Genes rarely act in isolation; they interact within vast networks that control development, metabolism, and immunity. Changing one gene can disrupt these networks, creating unforeseen problems.

    For example, CRISPR has been associated with chromosomal abnormalities that compromise cellular functions. These serious side effects are particularly concerning when CRISPR is applied to human embryos or germline cells.

    That's because these changes are heritable, potentially affecting future generations.

    Ethics? What ethics?

    Ethical concerns further compound the risks. The potential to "edit out" undesirable traits raises questions about eugenics and the commodification of human life. While therapeutic applications aim to eliminate genetic diseases, the same technology could be misused to enhance physical abilities, intelligence, or appearance.

    This will likely pave the way for a new era of genetic discrimination, where access to CRISPR defines who holds the ultimate biological edge.

    In Silicon Valley, the seeds of this dystopia are already being sown. Transhumanists champion genetic enhancement as the next step in human evolution, treating biology as a canvas to craft the "perfect" being. We are entering an age in which a privileged few will command an undeniable biological edge. The rest of us, meanwhile, will wither away in the shadows of engineered perfection.

    Moreover, the technical and regulatory frameworks around CRISPR remain insufficiently robust to address its risks comprehensively. Current regulations vary widely across countries, creating opportunities for unregulated experimentation. Rogue scientists or organizations could exploit CRISPR for malicious purposes, such as developing bioweapons or creating genetically modified organisms with harmful ecological impacts.


    Business Insider article

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

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  3. #2
    Gates doesn't even want to hack his own DNA. Why on earth would anybody want to prick themselves with any vaccines that he has connections to?
    Last edited by Anti Globalist; 12-09-2024 at 10:08 PM.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  4. #3
    Progress for progress's sake. It's not gonna end well.

  5. #4
    Remember that time in 1995 when Bill Gates had literally only just risen to prominence because ID software games only worked on IBM hardware, and then he released a brand new OS that had absolutely no facility for video game graphics and he had to shoehorn in the directX library?

    The man doesn't just fail to understand people. He doesn't even understand computers. I don't know anyone who believes he got where he is through honest business practices.
    I kinda hope he lives long enough for the old media to die so he can live the last part of his life getting completely ignored, like everyone has wanted to for the last 30 years.

  6. #5
    The Apocalypse of John

    And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

  7. #6
    I'm not ready for this.

    We're being governed ruled by a geriatric Alzheimer patient/puppet whose strings are being pulled by an elitist oligarchy who believe they can manage the world... imagine the utter maniacal, sociopathic hubris!

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