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Thread: Trump's new Surgeon General

  1. #1

    Trump's new Surgeon General

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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  3. #2
    So, another win?

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTelander View Post
    So, another win?
    It's a "Government Has Business In HealthCare" win.

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTelander View Post
    So, another win?
    Just spit my coffee out, so much winning!!
    "The Patriarch"

  6. #5
    Trump has already lost control.

    Assuming he had any to begin with.

    Just leave Biden in there.

  7. #6
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  8. #7

  9. #8
    Good idea. Pick a Surgeon General thats completely wrong when it comes to Covid, masks, and vaccines. Trump clearly has learned nothing.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

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  11. #9

    Swamp Thang

    Hey, at least, she's a female, though.
    "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of Yahweh of hosts, the God of the battle lines of Israel, Whom you have reproached.'" - 1 Samuel 17:45

    "May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in moment of great crisis, stood up to their politicians, the opinion-makers, and the Establishment, and saved their country." - Dr. Ron Paul

  12. #10
    Last edited by CCTelander; 11-23-2024 at 03:03 PM.

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    Just spit my coffee out, so much winning!!

    So much winning I can almost FEEL the next lockdown coming.

    Maybe even with FEMA “quarantine facilities” for the unvaccinated this time.

    But I’m not concerned. I know we’ll be able to rage post our way through it.

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  14. #12
    What the ef is this $#@!?

    Has she been on record stating she was wrong or reversed course on the covid nonsense from that Fox News interview?
    Welcome to the R3VOLUTION!

  15. #13

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  16. #14
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown View Post
    Trump has already lost control.

    Assuming he had any to begin with.

    Just leave Biden in there.
    Looking more likely the assassination attempts served their purpose. Do the Deep State's agenda or you're dead.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post

    Thanks for that, @Anti Federalist + REP

    For more to come [and what he's already been working on] here's something to really sink your teeth into:

    Palestine: “Peace to Prosperity” Through Technocracy

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post

    COME ON, WHAT IN THE $#@! IS THIS $#@!?

    Might be one of his worst picks at this point.
    Welcome to the R3VOLUTION!

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post

    Trump absolutely should have picked Dr. Lapado or Dr. Carson for one of these positions (surgeon general or HHS) and then called any opposition to them "racist." Oh well. Missed opportunity. (But no missed Pfizer payments).
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Well...there you go. It's all about ego for Trump. He's still proud of Operation Warp Speed. RFK Jr. can criticize it at director of HHS but Trump can say "Well he's not a doctor anyway."
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Globalist View Post
    Looking more likely the assassination attempts served their purpose. Do the Deep State's agenda or you're dead.
    Yep, and in one of the videos I posted, it was noted that Adleson's wife owns Rubio, he has been a project of theirs... and in their massive donation to Trump the quid pro-quo was explained that Rubio had to have a high ranking position in Trump's cabinet.
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  24. #21
    A cure is extremely rare in the Human Condition.
    The only cures come from the individual themself.
    Healthcare is not about caring or promoting health. It is about making money from keeping people sick.
    If Society wanted health, we would not be where we are today.
    Health is easy it all starts with what we eat and taking care of ourselves.
    There is no money in health only in sickness.
    Normalize dysfunction at every level.

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