Just an FYI, Scott Adams retweeted the long thread about Gaetz.
Last edited by Brian4Liberty; 11-22-2024 at 11:47 AM.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
Good. I didn't like the turncoat anyway.
2 new additions to his Record:
Matt Gaetz voted YES on S. 546 Federal Police Grants - Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution does not authorize Congress to support local law-enforcement agencies. Federal funding of local police departments and county sheriffs comes with strings attached, usually in the form of oversight, regulations, and other homogenized standards — none of which are constitutional.
Matt Gaetz voted YES on H.R. 4824 Carbon Sequestration - The federal government has no authority under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to engage in energy or environmental policy. Furthermore, carbon sequestration is closely connected to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is antithetical to the Constitution and U.S. sovereignty.
Matt Gaetz On The Record
Mises Institute
An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)
The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)
he revealed he will not be returning to Congress next year despite having been re-elected to the seat he vacated.
"'But of course, they're false, because when you test them against other records, when you test them against other testimony, it all falls apart very quickly.'
He said he was the victim of a politically motivated campaign because of his key role in forcing out Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.
And he insisted he could have answered all the allegations during his confirmation hearings but that the process would have dragged on, undermining Trump's plans to begin his overhaul of government on day one."
Still doesn't make sense about not returning after winning an election imo.
If you go to the link, there are screen shots which appear to be from court filings. I haven't looked into it any deeper than that thread.
"Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
"Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
"Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul
Proponent of real science.
The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.
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