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Thread: SC - 40+ monkeys escape biolab facility

  1. #1

    SC - 40+ monkeys escape biolab facility

    Danke was not injured
    Do something Danke

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  3. #2
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  4. #3
    BREAKING: Officials are urgently searching for 40 Rhesus monkeys that escaped from bio-research lab

    Currently an urgent search is underway as authorities report that 40 to 43 rhesus monkeys escaped from a research bio-lab facility in the Yemassee area of South Carolina on Wednesday evening. Officials from the Yemassee Police Department confirmed that the monkeys escaped from the Alpha Genesis Primate bio lab Research Center. Traps have been set up in the area, and police are using thermal imaging cameras to help locate the animals. Authorities are advising residents to keep doors and windows closed, avoid approaching the monkeys, and call 911 immediately if they see any of the escaped animals, as this could pose a public health concern.
    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  5. #4
    The only explanation for this is that Democrats are planning to manufacture another pandemic.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  6. #5
    That was fast. They must have had people ready and waiting for the release-the-monkeys order to come down as soon as the election results were announced.

    Also, “40 to 43”? So they don’t even know the exact number? Or at least they claim not to.

  7. #6
    many monkeys remain on loose
    Do something Danke

  8. #7
    Two monkeys recaptured with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches yesterday in SC , 11 or more monkeys still on lam.
    Do something Danke

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    That was fast. They must have had people ready and waiting for the release-the-monkeys order to come down as soon as the election results were announced.

    Also, “40 to 43”? So they don’t even know the exact number? Or at least they claim not to.
    Alpa Genesis Co uses monkees for brain disease disorder treatments. Of course are claiming tese monkees dont yet ave contagious brain diseases. Like any reason to believe it
    Last edited by oyarde; 11-13-2024 at 09:09 PM.
    Do something Danke

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    Two monkeys recaptured with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches yesterday in SC , 11 or more monkeys still on lam.
    You know, if it had been only a single monkey, they might think he was really mentally sick and they wouldn't take much notice.

    But you say there were two monkeys. Were they, by any chance, humming anything? Because if two of those monkeys, just two monkeys, were humming in harmony, they might think they were both fagg0ts and they'd lock them up in separate cages.

    Now if it had been three monkeys, three, can you imagine, three monkeys humming the same tune. They may think it's an organization.

    And I can't even picture 40-some monkeys. Can you? Can you imagine forty some monkeys escaping and being found together humming the same tune? I mean, honestly, can you imagine 40-some moneys, gathered around a photo of Ron Paul and humming the same tune. And friends they may think it's a movement, a rEVOLution. And that's what it is.

    Then again, maybe it's just the latest lab leak of a dangerous virus.
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Voluntarist View Post
    You know, if it had been only a single monkey, they might think he was really mentally sick and they wouldn't take much notice.

    But you say there were two monkeys. Were they, by any chance, humming anything? Because if two of those monkeys, just two monkeys, were humming in harmony, they might think they were both fagg0ts and they'd lock them up in separate cages.

    Now if it had been three monkeys, three, can you imagine, three monkeys humming the same tune. They may think it's an organization.

    And I can't even picture 40-some monkeys. Can you? Can you imagine forty some monkeys escaping and being found together humming the same tune? I mean, honestly, can you imagine 40-some moneys, gathered around a photo of Ron Paul and humming the same tune. And friends they may think it's a movement, a rEVOLution. And that's what it is.

    Then again, maybe it's just the latest lab leak of a dangerous virus.
    all of these monkeys shouldve been on group W bench
    Do something Danke

  13. #11
    No mokeys captured today
    Do something Danke

  14. #12
    No more monkeys collected , So , will it later be said tey are or is it intentional to not do so?
    Do something Danke

  15. #13
    Two feral Emus also on loose in SC, Been loose maybe 3 monts
    Do something Danke

  16. #14
    At least 6 monkeys still on loose . SC probably infected by now
    Do something Danke

  17. #15
    This is becoming reminiscent of KMET's Paraquat Kelley's Fish Report (Roger Waters's Radio KAOS takeoff ... because it's shorter)
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

  18. #16
    Deadly e coli from organic carrots , 1 dead over 30 currently ill in 18 states
    Do something Danke

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  20. #17
    Monkees still living it up in SC
    Do something Danke

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    Deadly e coli from organic carrots , 1 dead over 30 currently ill in 18 states
    WTF?? Are those fuking monkeys carrying e-coli now? Do they have a penchant for organic vegetables? And how in hell have they spread across 18 states? Did some of the little bastards make it to Florida, and DeSantis bus them off to San Francisco to get their organic fix?

    Jeebus, it's time to organize the militias and put an end to this insanity.
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

  22. #19
    Guess it could be worse , today in 1945 Nuremburg trials started,1992 Windsor castle on fire .
    Do something Danke

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    Deadly e coli from organic carrots , 1 dead over 30 currently ill in 18 states
    I guess it had to happen - damn monkeys must have made it to St. Louis. KSDK is reporting 97 E.coli cases linked to five events catered by the same company that is evidently employing migrant rhesus monkeys.
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

  24. #21
    If this story were about owls it would be a real hoot.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    Guess it could be worse , today in 1945 Nuremburg trials started
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

  26. #23
    4 to 6 monkeys never recovered. Probably infecting people in red state currently
    Do something Danke

  27. #24
    Monkees roaming freely now in Orange City Fla and two adjoining areas, Deltona and Debary , all expected to be carrying herpes b and who knows what else .Earlier this yr an Oklahoma woman was attacked and maimed by a monkey while on her back porch
    Last edited by oyarde; 12-20-2024 at 10:30 AM.
    Do something Danke

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  29. #25
    Rumors are just over 30 some monkeys captured finally in SC but also rumors of crazy infected ones still on loose
    Do something Danke

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