Marxism disguised itself as an economic philosophy. When American workers rejected that, the Marxists abandoned them as the uneducated. This is one of the reasons why they wanted open borders, to get a new underclass.
To protect the new underclass they went into wokeness. You've seen it everywhere, including on this forum. Basically they can't win an argument so they distract by name calling to avoid a good and needed discussion. With immigration, they called people who weren't racists, "racists" to shut them up. They called peaceful people "neocons" because they had the sense to want a secure border. If you were against chopping off children's genitals, you were "transphobic." If you're against war, you are a "Russian agent." Women against abortion were "misogynists." Conservative black men were the new face of "white supremacy." Etc.
They did anything to change the subject and put others on the defensive. And it actually worked. Discussion was ended. People were banned from social media. A lot of time good people just didn't want to deal with the insanity of crazy people. It's one of the reason why things are screwed up and absurdities were accepted as truth. People were afraid to speak up because of corporations and woke mobs. We've all seen it, even on this forum and didn't realize the scope of the destruction until now.
So we are at another crossroads. As they turned on the working class, I see the marxists blaming their defeat and cursing Hispanics, black males, white females, and other groups. People finally see (or at least are willing to speak up about) the hypocrisy.
So if the marxists have turned on the American worker and now are cursing the formerly protected minority classes, what other deception is up their sleeves? The wicked never rest.
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