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Thread: The economics of "prepping"

  1. #1

    The economics of "prepping"

    The Economics of Prepping | Mark Thornton
    {Mises Media | 12 October 2024}

    Why do people prep? The mainstream media demeans preppers as irrational and out of touch with reality. From a scientific point of view, however, prepping is rational, efficient, and very normal.

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    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

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