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Thread: Zelensky's Victory Plan: 'Please Start WWIII For Me!'

  1. #1

    Zelensky's Victory Plan: 'Please Start WWIII For Me!'

    Zelensky's Victory Plan: 'Please Start WWIII For Me!'

    Ukrainian president Zelensky is in the US to present his "Victory Plan" to end the nearly three year proxy war with Russia. As key towns in eastern Ukraine fall, his plan is...more of the same, but faster and harder. Including immediate NATO membership with Article 5 guarantees! Also today: Is Iran targeting Trump? You won't believe who's trying to sell this narrative!
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  3. #2
    I deplore Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but what were they to do?

    In '89, Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Onion on the condition and consequent promise that NATO accept no further members. Since then, what is it, eighteen new members have been added? Pardon me, but on this point $#@! THE WEST, including America, for going to blatantly against their word to Russia. I have no love for Russia, given how they destroyed most of my family, but I do have a love of honorable behavior, and "we" have behaved most dishonorably on this point.

    How would we feel were Canada and MX to enter into a military alliance with China, possibly placing a couple million fully ready and regulated troops at our northern and southern borders? We $#@! a nuke is what we'd do and we'd carry on like raving lunatics, and rightly so. What's good for the goose...

    All Russia could see was yet another invasion by its western neighbors. Hitler did quite the job on the Soviet Onion, which gives me no cause for tears. But to be fair, it gives Russia all rational and just cause to be alarmed by NATO expansion, especially given that we live in the post-coldwar era. We have arms limitations agreements with Russia that to my knowledge still hold. And Russia seems to be in no position to be rolling ten thousand tanks across the plains of Hungary in claims of expanded territories.

    Seriously now, the Russian economy remains positively nineteenth-century. Other than gas, oil, and gold, what do they produce? Nearly nothing. Their military hardware is largely $#@!, with the exception of their artillery, which is fair to middling. Their tanks have no chance against A10s and antitank missiles. Their aircraft are second-rate, as are most of their pilots. Their navy... $#@!'s sake the Ukrainians sank one of their flagships... how good could they be? All they really have are their nukes and if they broke those out, we would turn Russia into a glow-in-the-dark parking lot. Putin may be pining for the old Soviet days (or not), but I doubt he is anywhere nearly so stupid as to think he could have it once more. He's a very clever guy and I do not for a moment believe he's so abominably stupid as to roll his armies into Europe. Russia would be reduced to ash by NATO with one hand tied behind its back.

    With this reality, what could possibly be the reason for expanding NATO membership right to the Russian borders? It COULD be all very rationally innocent, but how would Russia know it? The west lied to them in 89, why would they not lie about this as well?

    This $#@! lays at the feet of Europe and America almost 100%. We lied to them. They upheld their part of the bargain and we welched. Who's to be to be distrusted here?

    And the Ukrainians went from victims of the filthy Soviet nitwits, to scoundrels and blaggards in one move. All they had to do was shut their noises about NATO and be a good neighbor. That way, if Russia was intending to invade, which they would have done anyway, then the lines of guilt would have been clearly marked in the sand and the world could have come to their aid if they chose with little to no misgivings as to the propriety of such actions. As things stand, the waters are about as muddy as they can get. The only people profiting from all this obscene waste are the captains of the MIC. This is viagra on steroids for them because waste and pillage and death and misery of people other than themselves is what gets them hard.

    The whole thing is an obscene spectacle of waste. We should withdraw all support for Ukraine immediately and let the parties settle the matter without our "help". I'd sooner see every Ukrainian man woman and child murdered than have a hot WWIII break out. I'd toss in all of Europe as well, $#@! em all, and my entire family is there, save for myself. Those people, from the west coast of Ireland to the eastern frontiers of Irkutsk just never learn their lessons.

    You'd have thought that after the results of the Great War, the parties in question would have learned to live more amicably. But no. And so we have it, 2024 and once again looking down the long, wide barrel of the gun we call nuclear exchange. And for what? For the sake of evil idiots whom we should be forcibly removing from their homes, along with their entire families, and killing them all for the sake of a better world. But no. The rest of us, myself included, sit like bumps on logs, thumbs in our respective $#@!s, taking it all in as if it were normal and healthy.

    We deserve the outrages we heap upon ourselves, FTW.
    Last edited by osan; 09-29-2024 at 09:56 AM.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  4. #3
    Oh, and Zelensky is an insufferable putz.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

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