Not sure this belongs here, so move it if you see fit.
I ran across this today:
BIG error made at about 3:57 where he asserts that gold could not even keep up with inflation, the larger assertion being that gold has failed as money. To that I call foul. The error lays in his ignoring the fact that gold is no longer either currency or money, but whose market value is stated in terms of, say, FRNs. This in NO WAY speaks to gold's efficacy as either currency or money. So sorry, but an error this wild begs my extreme doubt as to the soundness of the argument in general. This cannot be ignored as it is fundamental to the nature of things.
So long as gold is not the economic lingua franca (FRNs are) of an economy, there is no possible way of knowing how it is going to fare in that role. My strong suspicion is that it would bring a stability to world economies that would lead the globalist tyrants to declare all-out war on the entire world... That, or they'd just go home, kill their families and then themselves for woe.
In the global case, FRNs serve as a market-distorting noise factor in relation not just to the actual current market value of gold, but in terms of the potential of gold as the global economic lingua franca - the foundation of all economic transactions.
Don't be fooled by the convincing sounding, but error-ridden arguments that say BTC is going to save the world. I promise you that the global tyrant already knows how to defeat BTC if and when it becomes a threat to their position in the world. If *I* can dream up ways of scuttling it, ANYBODY can.
Now once again bear in mind that we live in the era of the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE: Theye, upon their pleasure, can administratively castrate BTC by any of several avenues. THEYE control corporate entities, ultimately speaking, through policy and not through even statute, much less Law. Theye can effectively destroy any incorporated business with the stroke of a pen. Theye can sic the tax felons on businesses, effectively ending those businesses via the tax courts. Theye can send men with guns to haul away flesh and blood human beings pursuant to the rules THEYE make regarding human culpabilities, regardless of the corporate veil because there are endless regulations regarding such arbitrarily contrived obligations relating to ethics and tax statutes. Did I mention the tax courts?
Theye have a million ways to make life impossible for corporate entities who defy their policy mandates. When those mandates require things that will bring BTC use under THEIRE effective control, corporate entities will do NOTHING to defy them because their own balls rest in the hands of the Tyrant and his agents who not only don't give a rat's sphincter about you, they are likely champing at the bits to drill you a passel of new ones. This is the plain and glaring truth of things. $#@! with Theire will and they will put you over the wood and give your sphincter the exercising you cannot afford to absorb.
As for non-corporate business, if that is also deemed as needed to be reined in, that, too can be accomplished, the demons more than happy to make garish examples of those who defy the Whipmaster's command.
I will repeat myself unto your nausea: so long as we live under an administrative tyranny, the likes of BTC, gold, or anything else you care to offer up as money or even just mere currency, has no chance of standing against Theire will. We see this every minute of every day. Do yourselves a great favor and stop engaging in wishful thinking because it hampers you, rather than helps.
It is only until and after we oust the tyrants and get our heads out of our $#@!s that good and honest economic infrastructure has a chance, and that only so long as we the vast majority remain true to what it right and proper between men. This translates directly into a grim intolerance of the intolerable, which further and inescapably implies an even more grim and merciless treatment of those who transgress against their fellows, most particularly in terms of that which tends to have widespread effects. Government behavior at all levels is perhaps the greatest and most salient example of this, but counterfeiting money or currency is a close second-place candidate. These are not exhaustive, but methinks you get the point.
Gold failed?
Gold was the basis of the Byzantine economy. It succeeded perfectly for 900 years, the eventual failure of said economy attributable not to gold, but to the scoundrels who rediscovered the quick-fix of debasement, having completely ignored the lessons of Rome.
Gold doesn't fail. It CANNOT fail. Only people can do that, and if anyone thinks that bitcoin cannot be debased, you are $#@!ting in your own hats. ANYTHING can be defeated, and until you wrap your brains around that somewhat daunting truth, you will continue to fall for the same old carpetbagger tricks that have thus far never failed with the population at large. I point to the "pandemic" as the most recent and globally pervasive exampkle.
I'm not against BTC, but I am more than aware of its vulnerabilities, just as is the case with almost anything one might care to name.
Don't make a chump out of yourself. Invest if you will, but at least do so with awareness of the raw truth about things. Gold isn't the problem. BTC isn't the problem. FRNs are not the problem. Human beings are the problem. Until we figure out how to effectively neutralize the human gone criminal, and it can be done if we decide to have the stomach for it, nothing is going to change no matter what endeavor you care to name, BTC included.
TANSTAAFL, motherfuckers.
TANSTAAFL, and don't you ever forget it.
Freedom ain't free, and there is always someone, somewhere, seeking to take it from you by one means or another.
I see a potentially optimal case where gold is restored as the economic basis of global money and BTC becomes the transactional medium by which gold is traded in real time and in arbitrarily large or small amounts. This, however, would require trustworthy storing agents who would be good for their words as to the size of their holdings and as to the purity standards of them, which is to say that there would be no debasement. Given the general current standard of men's MQs (Moral Quotient), those last two bits show as rather tall orders... unless enough of us get right with God, so to speak, and get up the stomachs to do horrific things to those who transgress in such manners, and here I mean the death penalty and the economic destruction of their families. Some may chafe against that last bit, but I maintain that such people, let us call them the "criminal class" understand nothing less than such rude and merciless treatment. Nothing else dissuades them, and in some cases even that is not enough.
Mr. Swan Bitcoin makes yet another unforgivable error beginning at 7:52. He states:
Talk of logic blown to bits. The fallacy here lies in the conflation of bitcoin with a real, physical entity such as gold. In principle, BTC is infinitely divisible, thereby making the number of EFFECTIVE ECONOMIC UNITS infinite. In this respect, BTC is functionally no different than, say, FRNs, the only difference being the directions in which potential asset supplies expand. In the case of FRNs, it is outward and inherently inflationary. The difference with BTC, and it is potentially a VERY important one, is that there would be both an inflationary and DEflationary effects. The inflation should be obvious, as the number of effective economic units grows, thus affecting real-world economic transactions. The kicker, however, rests with the deflationary aspect, which greatly effects those with savings... to a point. But as good as that new sounds, the ultimate effect insofar as actual market conditions goes (all else equal), is inflationary. As the value of savings grows, purchasing power rises. With greater power usually we see greater demand, which in turn raises prices. Does that rise take a bit from the asses of savers? Certainly from spenders. What is the net.effect? I submit that this cannot at the moment be known. My suspicion is that it would all come to a balancing point eventually, but there is not way to predict what effects may be experienced on the way to that welcome state of stability. In this respect, BTC actually complicates matters in ways we cannot as yet predict as the complexities are virtually guaranteed to constitute a set of nonlinear factors, rendering reliable predictions nearly impossible.Schiff is a smart guy, but I swear he drops fifty IQ points whenever he talks about bitcoin... is basically making the infinite pizza debate, which says bitcoin isn't scarce because it can be infinitely divided... Bitcoin IS divisible, but that doesn't change the fact that there is only twenty one million whole parts.
Now, and perhaps finally, there is a practical factor here that in fact tends to limit divisibility, and it is called "machine epsilon", which is a fancy way of denoting the absolute smallest number that can be represented by a computer. However, the degree of practicality is likely a material irrelevancy here because even a 64-bit machine is able to represent a very small float. HOWEVER, and I have never once seen this addressed by BTC proponents: the problem of rounding becomes very significant as one further subdivides BTC. The smaller the division, the more instances of rounding that will have to be executed and the more significant becomes the issue of rounding of blockchain data, which may lead to upward supply growth, downward, or maybe a statistical push if proper algorithms are developed to deal with the problem. I'm sure this has been discussed in serious comp-sci circles, but BTC advocates seem to have been a mite silent on the matter.
Anyhow, my thoughts on the matter on a Sunday morning.
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