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Thread: 9/11 Firefighters Trash Official 9/11 Story, Say Obvious Demolition, Documentary "Calling Out

  1. #1

    9/11 Firefighters Trash Official 9/11 Story, Say Obvious Demolition, Documentary "Calling Out

    Focus on building 7 which was never hit by a plane but dropped like a rock in ten seconds. Absolutely utterly impossible. So if these firefighters are correct what does this mean for us? That the government we are under is controlled by monstrous psychopaths? Telling us mandatory shots are "safe and effective?"

    Building 7 the third building that fell on 9/11 not hit by a plane.

    Last edited by James_Madison_Lives; 09-11-2024 at 07:02 PM.

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  3. #2
    Yeah dude they LIE

    Thanks for post

  4. #3
    They didn’t just collapse, either. They sank into a pile of dust!

  5. #4
    In 2001 WTC 7 was only skyscraper Silverstein Properties ever built

    Think they built it in 1987.

    So they obviously had full control of it.

    & now Israel is a lawless Nation F* up little Palestine

    Easy to connect the dots

  6. #5

  7. #6
    thanks for laugh acptulsa

    needed that

  8. #7
    Not everybody takes the lies :

    Good on Architects for 911 Truth.

  9. #8
    The editors for Fire Engineering Magazine called the "investigation" a "half baked farce".

    It wasn't an investigation, it was a cover up.

    Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happyland Social Club Fire? Did they cast aside the pressure-regulating valves at the Meridian Plaza Fire?

    Of course not. But essentially, that’s what they’re doing at the World Trade Center.

    For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap.

    Crucial evidence that could answer many questions about high-rise building design practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to China, perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your next car.

    Such destruction of evidence shows the astounding ignorance of government officials to the value of a thorough, scientific investigation of the largest fire-induced collapse in world history.

    I have combed through our national standard for fire investigation, NFPA 921, but nowhere in it does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for buildings over 10 stories tall.

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  11. #9

  12. #10

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