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Thread: 'Woke' Walz - Can He Save Kamala?

  1. #1

    'Woke' Walz - Can He Save Kamala?

    'Woke' Walz - Can He Save Kamala?

    Some have likened Kamala's VP choice, Tim Walz, to a return to the days of Walter Mondale. Indeed there is a Mondale-like quality to him. But will Walz strike a chord in a midwest that appears to be turning more red? Also can't make this up: Israel is considering pre-empting the expected Iranian retaliation for a previous strike...with another strike!
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  3. #2
    He already has. The "Ds" get the popular vote, in a manner like AL GORE, but the Electoral College
    could be a 270 verses 268 split this fall.... or deadlocked at 269 vrs 269. Itz going to be damn close.
    This is the CAUSE IS MANKIND verses the CONSCIENCE of A CONSERVATIVE ELECTION, it echoes both
    1964 & 1968, TRUMP is the lesser man by comparison to SENATOR BARRY GOLDWATER and Tim Walz,
    an' WALZ is like a morph of HARRY S. TRUMAN with FRITZ MONDALE. Midwestern progressive populism.

  4. #3
    THE CAUSE IS MANKIND by Vice President HHH


    Both these books are campaign books from 1964.

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