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Thread: Voting Is An Act of Violence

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post

    Just because I don't vote doesn't mean that I don't contact senators and congresspeople. They hear from me all of the time. The problem is, when I voice my positions I am more than typically told: "huh, you're the first person who has called about this". So, that tells me that even those who do vote don't even bother to hold them accountable after they have cast their "consent".

    Other than that, I stay low and under, and look for ways to starve the state the best that I can.

    Tom Massie: "Noncompliance is more effective than voting." He's right, ya know
    My theory is nothing is going to happen until this all time, gigantic bubble pops. No one wants to do the right thing, which is reducing the size of government, while we're still doing moderately well. When this bubble pops and our standard of living goes down in flames, there's a chance we'll do the right thing. Or at least maybe some states will secede. That might be even better. As long as there's a free state that has good trout fishing.

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  3. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    My theory is nothing is going to happen until this all time, gigantic bubble pops.

    They know they can't stop it. But they do think they can make it happen on their schedule. They know it'll make people disgusted with The System. But they want to come out of this mess still in charge.

    So, the psyop, the clown show. If you have to crash the currency anyway, might as well spend on a psyop to get people so mad at each other they have no bullets left for you.

    Better than sitting around watching that Dr. No character and his meddlesome minions slowly convince people they'd be better off if you had less power.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 08-13-2024 at 10:58 AM.

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  5. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    They know they can't stop it. But they do think they can make it happen on their schedule. They know it'll make people disgusted with The System. But they want to come out of this mess still in charge.

    So, the psyop, the clown show. If you have to crash the currency anyway, might as well spend on a psyop to get people so mad at each other they have no bullets left for you.
    I don't think anyone is running the show. I think it's mostly politicians trying to stay in power by keeping the bubble going in the short run and hoping they get out of dodge before it hits the fan. To be more specific they're trying to keep the bubble going with government spending, borrowing, artificially low rates and money printing. In other words "stimulus". They had to slow down with the stimulus because price inflation got politically unpopular but they're about fire it up again. The problem is the price inflation will come roaring back as soon as the stimulus starts, it won't take that long this time.
    Last edited by Madison320; 08-13-2024 at 11:08 AM.

  6. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    I can’t imagine many, if any, here, pledges allegiance to any political party and if they did, it’s probably the Libertarian Party. lol
    I wasn't saying that the voters hold allegiance to political parties (though even among voters, there's 30-40% of voters on the left and another 30-40% of voters on the right who do). But the candidates do hold such allegiance. In the case of the Libertarian Party (recall that I labelled third parties as birth defects on the two-party system - they're rare and have little to no chance of winning) ... I don't think there's much allegiance on the part of candidates or voters to the birth defect parties; most voters see them as protest votes against the two major parties.

    But as a thought experiment, suppose Tom Massie or Rand Paul had originally run as Independents (laying out their positions, and stating where they disagreed with the Democratic and Republican candidates); do you think they would have been elected? When running as GOP candidates, they both defeated their GOP primary opposition - would they still beat those same opposition candidates if those candidates had the backing of the GOP and Massie/Rand were running as Independents? All the candidates are still the very same people with the same political positions, the only difference being that now Massie/Rand don't have that little "(R)" next to their names on the ballots - some other candidates do.

    === Edited to add ===
    If you really wanted to screw with the US electoral process, then forbid ballots from listing the political party affiliation of each candidate and make sure that the order of names on the ballot gave no clues to party affiliation.
    Last edited by Voluntarist; 08-13-2024 at 11:15 AM.
    Global Climate Change??? How dare we??? Well, I think until Mother Earth gives us the safe word, we're OK.

  7. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    My theory is nothing is going to happen until this all time, gigantic bubble pops. No one wants to do the right thing, which is reducing the size of government
    The bubble is the biggest thing. Even so far as defending and protecting the very Bill of Rights, they have no interest or care anymore. Any slight wins that we hear about, folks are happy to hear about them, but they themselves rely on others to pull that weight, while at the same time ignoring and giving passes to somebody who has before and announces now that they will abuse their power if/once elected again.

    , while we're still doing moderately well. When this bubble pops and our standard of living goes down in flames, there's a chance we'll do the right thing. Or at least maybe some states will secede. That might be even better.
    This whole "secession" thing is beyond ridiculous and not to be taken seriously. Half of the folks who want it really don't, and the other half want it for entirely the wrong reasons. Those folks will rant and cheer for nationalist solutions, well, because "communism", but they still rely on intrusive government just the same. There are a few folks like me who would like to see a secession, but we anarchists are frowned upon and demonized by the majority of secessionists, so basically we would still be in the same position that we are in now - trying to fight back a flavor of government. Which, btw, is what it comes down to; each individual making their own path and not relying others to do it for them. To me that is true secession.

    As long as there's a free state that has good trout fishing.
    I planned further ahead; I spear fish wherever there's an ocean ;-)

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  8. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    I don't think anyone is running the show.
    Did you pay close attention to that little operation they called The Pandemic?

    These people are full well capable of scheming to make us over as another China, friend. Take a closer look at that Jab Show and tell me they're just a grasping gaggle who can't get organized.

  9. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    This whole "secession" thing is beyond ridiculous and not to be taken seriously. Half of the folks who want it really don't, and the other half want it for entirely the wrong reasons. Those folks will rant and cheer for nationalist solutions, well, because "communism", but they still rely on intrusive government just the same. There are a few folks like me who would like to see a secession, but we anarchists are frowned upon and demonized by the majority of secessionists, so basically we would still be in the same position that we are in now - trying to fight back a flavor of government. Which, btw, is what it comes down to; each individual making their own path and not relying others to do it for them. To me that is true secession.
    There's always going to be a flavor of government.

    At least with secession the governments will be more manageable. There are plenty of governments that have done the right thing, not all governments grow, if they did every country would be communist by now. The scandinavian countries scaled back after they went broke in the late 1900s. New Zealand scaled way back. I'm not so optimistic with the US because we're so big.

    And I've watched way to many shark documentaries to ever go spear fishing ...

  10. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Did you pay close attention to that little operation they called The Pandemic?

    These people are full well capable of scheming to make us over as another China, friend. Take a closer look at that Jab Show and tell me they're just a grasping gaggle who can't get organized.

    Who do you think is running it?

  11. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    There's always going to be a flavor of government.
    Yes, of course.

    At least with secession the governments will be more manageable. There are plenty of governments that have done the right thing, not all governments grow, if they did every country would be communist by now. The scandinavian countries scaled back after they went broke in the late 1900s. New Zealand scaled way back. I'm not so optimistic with the US because we're so big.
    Until whatever happens, my goal is to continue educating others concerning self-reliance and liberty.

    And I've watched way to many shark documentaries to ever go spear fishing ...
    lol so you've never gone on a shark dive? I just recently took my offspring on one down in Costa Rica ;-)

    Mises Institute

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  12. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    Who do you think is running it?
    Well if people like Gates, Schwab, Soros and Rothschild aren't on the board of directors, at least they know who is.

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  14. #41
    Last edited by Brian4Liberty; 08-14-2024 at 11:17 PM.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  15. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    It's a lack of one action, you can engage in multiple actions, you don't have to not vote in order to do something else.
    Neither voting nor not voting is necessary in order to "do something".

    And merely voting - or merely not voting - is hardly doing anything.

  16. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTexan View Post
    I view voting as more of an act of submission. The whole point of voting is to pacify you into not fighting. Voting is a systemic means of control that cannot be used for effecting change.

    Participation in their system does nothing but signal obedience. (And aggregate participation, in fact, is a metric often used to measure the "legitimacy" of democratic elections)

    Trump entertains RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, to gain more votes and to pacify the people... and it's working.

    Adding additional "national" programs/agencies, "transition teams" to "repeal and replace" who are "running the government"...

    Federal agencies need to be abolished, not "repeal and replace".

    @Anti Federalist

    RE: Whitney Webb EXPOSES Kamala, Trump, Israel And More!

    Mises Institute

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