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Thread: Walking around and painting the town

  1. #1

    Walking around and painting the town

    ​Over a month ago, I downloaded an app called Silencio.* It's a relatively new (roughly a year old) "DePIN" app that records ambient decibel levels with your phone's microphone and uploads the recording levels to the Silencio cloud/servers.* They are building a database of ambient noise levels for the whole world I guess (you should see their coverage of Europe right now).

    The app includes a feature that displays a map (like google maps) that is overlaid with a grid of hexagons.* When a decibel level has been recorded for a given hexagon, the hexagon gets colored from green to yellow to orange to red representing how loud the area is (or was at the time of the recording).* The app encourages you to walk around taking new paths to get recordings and color/paint new hexagons.

    The app is kind of fun to use and helps motivate you (at least it did/has for me) to walk around more and explore a bit more.* If you have an unlimited minutes mobile plan and either enjoy walking around, walking a dog or just want to get more exercise walking around, you should give it a try - doesn't really cost you anything and it's possible that it might one day actually pay you some dividends (beyond the walking exercise).

    Download the app:
    🍏 iOS:
    🤖 Android:

    You can use "pmbug" as your invitation code when creating your account.

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  3. #2

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