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As far as freaking Covid goes, ideally he would say that the vaccine was a horrible mistake. But I can understand not doing that right now, like I understand candidates not going out of their way to call out Israel.
Facts are that he never made the vaccines mandatory and I am quite sure he had to resist that from his $#@!ty advisors. He talked openly about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and other options. He made nothing mandatory and tried to let us know about alternatives and to keep them available. And you had to know he was getting strong pushback, because THE criteria for having an experimental vaccine is that there isn’t an alternative.
Trump is not qualified to make medical recommendations. Only your own personal/private physician knows your and your family medical history. Get off of that Trump recommended this or that bandwagon, I don't buy that Trumpscuse and never will.
Trump is a businessman, sat on executive boards, reads and fully understands contracts, and knows how to interview employees. There is no excuse, or "mistake" as you like to put it.
Trump met with RFK Jr. concerning vaccine safety but quickly dismissed him after meeting with Bill Gates more than several times and implemented Bill Gates' agenda.
According to US Federal Election Commission documents (page 163), Pfizer, Inc. donated $1 million to Trump’s Presidential Inauguration Committee on December 22, 2016 and received four tickets to the Leadership Luncheon with Cabinet appointees and House and Senate Leadership.
Donald Trump appointed Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a well known physician with ties to the pharmaceutical industry as an FDA Commissioner in March, 2017. Two years later, on June 27, 2019, Gottlieb was elected to Pfizer’s Board of Directors to serve on its Regulatory and Compliance Committee.
Trump hired Moncef Slaoui, board member of Moderna and GlaxoSmithKline, to head Operation Warp Speed. OWS is a Public/Private Partnership, used BARDA as the financial interface between the U.S. federal government and the biomedical industry, which contributed to the largest transfer of wealth from the low/middle class to the upper 1%.
Bill Gates led the effort To get $3.36 Billion into the Coronavirus Deal.
Prior to Covid being announced, Trump signed into law the revised PREP Act which provides complete immunity to Pharmaceutical Corporations from being prosecuted in the event of harm and/or death.
Now, you ask yourself why he would grant complete immunity when it deals with people's lives.
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