Are you kidding? I could take a properly sighted-in AR with an EOTECH gunsight and drill any human being you care to name, center of mass, without effort at 150 yards. Anyone who knows which end of the gun the bullets come out could do it. It's a non-challenge shot. I bust rats in my barn from 60 yards with my ancient, crap-trigger Stevens Model 34 .22 all day long, which is a shootin' sumbitch.
However, your question stands reasonable.
If he wasn't alone, why was Trump allowed to live? A reasonably well trained sniper would have had Trump dead without effort, and given the way in which the SS reponded in the heat of the moment, that sniper would have readily shot his way through the weak cover given The Donald. Indeed, AP rounds would likely have taken care of business, judging by the ways in which the security detail moved, indicating to me that they wore no trauma plates. A good AP round will waltz through a kevlar vest as if it was not even there.
Let us be clear that Crooks may not have been helped positively, but only passively by allowing him access. This would be the safest way to proceed if we assume not getting caught with your hands in the proverbial cookie jar was high on your list of aspirations. Taunt, tease, and tempt. Once you have him on the hook, you lend him free access and let the stooge do the rest. Let's face it, the shot was so easy, it may have been assumed that he couldn't miss. Add to that the additional factor that killing Trump may not have been a requirement. Savage wounding may have been seen as sufficient to scotch his bid for reelection, whether by scaring him off or rendering him into such a state of health that. like Biden, he would not have been able to go on.If there was a second shooter, or if they purposefully allowed Crooks to get in position to take the shot, couldn't they have made sure he had a decent scope?
But rather than go for the gimme shot, Crooks went for the brass ring. Apparently he'd have had it, too, if Trump had not turned his head just as the bullet arrived... a circumstance that leaves me either further believing in God, or that this was staged for theatrical effect. I don't want to believe this of Trump. He doesn't seem the type, but since this is big-league politics, one can dismiss no possibility.
Indeed, though not for someone with a bolt gun. More telling, the SS stood there with their dicks in their hands for that long. And what was with the tinygirl who barely came up to Trump's shoulders? Women do NOT belong in the SS, just as they have no place on submarines. Bad juju all around, sorry girls.[Trump]stood there long enough checking his ear for a second shot.
And what about that cowering bint behind Trump? I'd put her ass on the unemployment line right away.
Not so. All they needed was to get a closet case to step up, and he did. Theye allowed him to do the job and he $#@!ed it up. As one with an extremely well-tuned sense of things statistical, the timing of the shot leaves me wondering about God's presence in the grander scheme of American affairs than it does in Trump's collusion, though I cannot quite dismiss the latter either.If this is a grand conspiracy, the only conspiracy is that Trump and the deep state conspired together. Something that @acptulsa has been hinting at.
We may never know the truth.
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