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Thread: Why Is EVERYTHING Weird These Days?

  1. #1

    Why Is EVERYTHING Weird These Days?

    Butler PA, July 2024, an apparent assassination attempt is made on the life of Donald Trump during a rally. OK, so far, so good in terms of appearances.

    That lasted about five minutes, after which the reports began filtering in. First came the report that a sniper had managed to get onto a rooftop a mere 150 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking. I've checked out the map of the area and I am hard-pressed to believe that the SS failed to secure that hide. Had I been in charge of that situation, you can bet your $#@! I'd have had that roof covered exclusively by a sniper, along with every other roof within at least 500 yards. Something there smells a bit funny. I've read that the big cheese at the SS refused additional manpower for this event. That assertion should have said cheese investigated with a curry comb, and it if proves out, I'd be in their colon looking for the truth behind such a refusal.

    Next, the ID of the shooter is revealed and video evidence surfaces with Crooks going on how he hated all Republicans, ending his diatribe with a cryptic statement "you got the wrong guy", or some such. To whom was he referring? Himself? Trump? Someone else? Then, of course, the networks begin chewing on the apparent fact that Crooks was a registered "Republican", turning themselves inside-out to get viewers to believe that he was not a lefty.

    Then it was revealed that many people had seen the shooter scaling the building to the roof. The reports of official responses to the reports about the mystery man were mixed, some saying authorities ignored them while others say men immediately investigated. Well then how in hell did the shooter manage to send six downrange?

    The shooter went for a head shot. There was no talk of whether he knew which end of the rifle the bullets issued. Nonetheless, I could make that shot at that range even if I were dying of pneumonia and had both eyes plucked out by harpies. But if he were no marksman, why the head shot attempt? Center of mass hits would have done the job, particularly a double-tap, even with 5.56 at that comfy range. It is possible that the guy was that stupid and ignorant... He was, after all, a lefty. But one would think even someone as stupid as your typical lefty would have thought things out a little better than that, so there's yet another tidbit over which to ponder and wonder.

    The story is getting weirder by the minute, just as has been the case with the elections, covid, and so forth down a growing list of events where 2+2 is not adding up properly.

    Just to show how far gone is America now, one of my first thoughts was to wonder whether this was staged by Trump's team. I wish I could dismiss this wild-sounding nonsense out of hand, but alas. Could Trump have had a capsule in his hand, which went up to his ear, making it appear he'd been shot? Assuming it was so, who would be able to examine the ear to certify the wound? Nobody. I think my head is going to explode.

    Further weirdness: dismissing all the inside-job theories, the timing of the miss, if "organic", should be all the proof of the existence of God that any man should ever need. It's really just this side of impossible to accept as true, yet here we are, assuming this was not staged and Don's ear is actually just dandy. The left immediately started in on this theory.

    Then there's Trump's reaction to having been shot. He's pumping his fist defiantly as he repeatedly shouted "FIGHT!!!". So once again either this is theater, or Trump's packing elephant-sized balls. I can believe the latter, and would like to, but I just cannot quite walk away from the questions that are rising like mushrooms.

    The one good thing FDR ever did, other than gracing the world with his death, was when he let slip that in politics, there were no such things as coincidences. This event seems to show a coincidence a more factors than I am able to accept at face value. I don't want to believe Trump is that person, but I can't yet rule it out completely.

    Then there's the feigned concern for Trump's welfare by Biden. And why is Obama opening his Kenyan piehole, making it all about him? Those don't count as weirdness, but they disgust me so I thought I'd vent a little.

    And if the claims of refusals for more manpower are true, why did Trump's SS detail not call off the rally? "I'm sorry Mr. President, we've been denied the manpower needed for this venue. We cannot risk letting your proceed." That would be that.

    Questions. Many many questions. Big calls have been made for a thorough investigation. Don't hold your breath.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

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  3. #2
    the ID of the shooter is revealed and video evidence surfaces with Crooks going on how he hated all Republicans
    If you run into it again, would you please shoot me the link? I would like to use it elsewhere.
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

    Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

    The Property Basis of Rights

  4. #3
    Everything is weird because they are very close to achieving their goal of world communism. About all they need to do at this point is pull the switch.
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

    Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

    The Property Basis of Rights

  5. #4

    And you're right. Everything's weird because we're in the middle of a massive psyop
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    And you're right. Everything's weird because we're in the middle of a massive psyop
    Are you sure that is him? Doesn’t look like him.
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

    Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

    The Property Basis of Rights

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    Are you sure that is him? Doesn’t look like him.
    Did you read the context or the top tweet?
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    Did you read the context or the top tweet?
    Nope, but I will.
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

    Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

    The Property Basis of Rights

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    Everything is weird because they are very close to achieving their goal of world communism. About all they need to do at this point is pull the switch.
    Yup, there you have it.

    And "they" are slowly getting beaten back, around the world, from Argentina to Albania.

    Small victories to be sure but it is infuriating and scaring "them", because the core tenant of Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism is the utter invincibility of the state and it's power.
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    Did you read the context or the top tweet?
    I see a lot of people saying this is a fake. Was there something else you wanted me to look at?
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

    Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

    The Property Basis of Rights

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    I see a lot of people saying this is a fake. Was there something else you wanted me to look at?
    No, I'm not at all sure that's the shooter. In fact, I think I agree with the twixt I quoted. All I know is, that may not be what osan was talking about but it's the most similar thing I could find for you.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 07-15-2024 at 10:18 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    And you're right. Everything's weird because we're in the middle of a massive psyop
    I think it's a coup against the US government. We have an mentally incompotent president, who clearly is not making the decisions. Then an assination attempt against his political rival in what sure looks like a JKF style patsy setup. I couldn't begin to tell you who is behind all this, I just know that things are not right.

  14. #12

    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

  15. #13
    ...larry fink?

    why I should worship the state (who apparently is the only party that can possess guns without question).
    The state's only purpose is to kill and control. Why do you worship it? - Sola_Fide

    Baptiste said.
    At which point will Americans realize that creating an unaccountable institution that is able to pass its liability on to tax-payers is immoral and attracts sociopaths?

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Yup, there you have it.

    And "they" are slowly getting beaten back, around the world, from Argentina to Albania.

    Small victories to be sure but it is infuriating and scaring "them", because the core tenant of Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism is the utter invincibility of the state and it's power.
    Finally, someone who gets it. RPF should be in white-pill euphoria right now but, instead, we're "soul-searching" over whether the Trump assassination attempt could have been faked. At this point, I don't even care if it was faked, because, well, all is fair in love and war and the Left is literally at war with the American public, except the loyal crazies among them. I think it would be a bad strategic move to try to fake something like this and I see no evidence that it was fake, but the point is that I'm not going to be doing any "soul-searching" over whether it might be faked. All I know is that it's a white pill and, in Clown World, I gobble down every white-pill I find and chase it with a shot of Vodka to double the effect.

    The globalists are visibly, involuntarily exhibiting terror indicators. That's something that even the best-trained Hollywood actors cannot fake. It's an involuntary response. You can fake one or two of them, like a cracking voice or furrowed brow, but you can't just give yourself nervous sweats, trembling lip, involuntary grief response, elevated blink rate, elevated breathing, and every other involuntary indicator under the Sun unless you're actually feeling terrified.

    They have miscalculated more than anyone has ever miscalculated in history. The whirlwind is about to be reaped...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  17. #15
    Things have always been "weird".

    Its just that we're now living in an "information age" which allows us access to info which 50+ years ago may have taken years/decades to uncover, if ever.

    We should give credit to the early JFK assassination skeptics.

    Come to think of it, the official story of nearly every major event in "recent" history (past 100+ years) is bull$#@!.
    Last edited by unknown; 07-15-2024 at 08:48 PM.
    "An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government" - Ron Paul.

    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you arent allowed to criticize."

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    They have miscalculated more than anyone has ever miscalculated in history. The whirlwind is about to be reaped...
    "They", have indeed, stepped on their own dicks.

    This will be something else as it plays out.
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    "They", have indeed, stepped on their own dicks.

    This will be something else as it plays out.
    And I think they aren't even done shooting themselves in the foot. They are basically "locked in" to the current trajectory. When you tell a lie so big (that Trump is literally Hitler, agent-of-Putin, etc. etc.) and you mobilize NATSEC-level resources to tell that lie, as well as "combat" your made-up lie, you end up with stuff like this headline. And I'm betting there will be more to come. And every step of the way, they are just creating the very monster they fear most. At this point, the divine intervention is obvious to me, but I'm sure TheCount has calculated the ballistics and has forensic "proof" that Trump had a fake-blood pack in his right hand, LOL. Welcome to the club, @TheCount, now go research WTC 7...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    And I think they aren't even done shooting themselves in the foot... And every step of the way, they are just creating the very monster they fear most.
    Assumption is dangerous. Underestimating this enemy is foolish.

    Just because they spoon-feed you a narrative doesn't make it so. Quite the opposite.

    Why is everything so weird these days? Because the media -- both that aimed at freaky progs and those aimed at Pepe frogs -- has way too many people trying to stuff others into molds, trying to make them into the cardboard cutouts the media creates and labels "the enemy".

    Do we have eyes to see and ears to hear each other?

    Try forgetting your assumptions and starting over here:

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCount View Post
    He did. Why can't he get credit for doing it?
    Last edited by acptulsa; 07-16-2024 at 06:51 AM.

  22. #19
    I think everyone is making more of this than it is.

    Consider one of the top contenders for the worst government in history: the USSR. We were fed a line about why it fell, about how it was Reagan's strength and the US military buildup and how the USSR just couldn't compete, but at this point we're all pretty aware (I hope) what the real reason was:


    They were directly responsible for what will probably always remain the worst nuclear accident in history. And we've had almost four decades to examine that event - and all the parties interested in protecting themselves are gone, so I believe we've been able to get close to, if not directly to, the truth of the matter.
    And the consensus at this point is that the accident was caused by a combination of negligence, incompetence, and blind rule following.

    In the wake of that accident the people of the USSR all woke up and collectively said "yeah, uh, this is officially bull$#@!". Gorbachev read the room and started to relax things and the next thing we knew the wall was getting sledge hammered live on TV.

    At the time we didn't have much of an idea what actually happened there and if you're all like me, you spent 20 years or more believing our official narrative about how great Reagan was and how he was 100% responsible.

    I don't think we're ever going to know what happened Saturday. Just like how we're never going to get answers about Las Vegas, we're never going to know exactly what happened with JFK (outside of an RFKjr presidency, which is one of two reasons I'm voting for him), and there's stuff about WWII we're never going to get straight answers for - I'm utterly convinced there are documents showing the whole Hiroshima narrative we've been fed is bull$#@!, too. And smart money says there's at least way more to this Crooks story, if he's even associated with this event in any way whatsoever.

    But none of that is important. At the time it wasn't important what caused the Chernobyl accident. The important thing was, forgive the pun, the fallout from that event. The important thing is that a mere three years afterward the armor cracked and another two years after that the beast was dead.

    We have a golden opportunity here to focus on what's important. I think the most important thing to note here is that if you have a news media and entire political apparatus that openly lies to you about a man every single day for eight years, who actively foments violence against that man, who actively tries to destroy him in the most despicable ways possible, we have (again pardon the pun) bulletproof evidence that that's not $#@!ing ok.

    It's not time to ask questions about how this happened that can absolutely be attributed to negligence, incompetence, and blind rule following.
    That's a waste of time that's never going to bear fruit and in the long run isn't even important.

    It's time to start rubbing some faces in this.
    It's time to openly show scorn for and shun anyone who joked about this in the last 8 years.
    It's time to say things like "what the $#@! did you expect?"
    It's time to say things like "Hey look he was surrounded by hundreds of cops that were supposed to be doing nothing else but watching and protecting him at all times and were supposed to have things under control and it STILL took two minutes to respond so take your gun control and shove it up your rectum and all the way out through your mouth and back up your rectum".

    It's time for some fallout. The media has tried to get in front of this since minutes after the event and tried to prevent that fallout.
    If you get bogged down in the deep state crap, that's exactly what they want. That prevents you from causing the fallout.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Assumption is dangerous.
    As you assume you understand my view on this, and then go on the prove you absolutely do not:

    Underestimating this enemy is foolish.
    I've tried to explain this to you multiple times but the message just doesn't get through -- "underestimation/overestimation" is not even a category in my thinking anymore. How can you "overestimate" absolute, divine omnipotence? What is there to "underestimate" in openly satanic plotting against the kingdom of God?? There is no such thing as "under/overestimating" once the wicked jump the shark of all sharks. They have, in fact, made this an issue of apocalyptic stakes... the kind of war where even nukes are just Fisher-Price toys, see Rev. 12:7. I'm not "inferring" that from any headline of current events, I'm informing you that that's the case. Once again, "underestimating" is not even a category of thought that is valid for me. You go on hand-wringing about the imaginary powers of the devil's henchmen. Scripture tells us they are already defeated, John 16:11. I'll wait for you to catch up, but don't dawdle indefinitely.

    Just because they spoon-feed you a narrative doesn't make it so. Quite the opposite.
    I don't care about any narrative, except that told by the involuntary reflexes of the wicked that belie the real truth, against their will. Everything else can be faked. That can't be faked because God put those reflexes there for this purpose.

    You keep looking at the issue as though it is a question of "Trump" versus "no Trump". You are the one who is underestimating the power of the kingdom of God because you do not understand that Trump vs. no-Trump is absolutely irrelevant in respect to the power of God. We are playing this strange Clown World game not because the wicked have any kind of actual power, not even the power to "lash out". Rather, they are simply fitting their eternal noose and God is giving them the rope to do so. Until you understand that, you will remain black-pilled and at the mercy of the flurry of meaningless headlines emanating out of Mordor. I hope that Trump will be President, and that he will truly deliver on all his promises. You seem to think you know that that "can't happen", but you really don't know that. Your soft-predictions about how this thing is going to go down keep failing one after another because you're so worried about "underestimating the enemy" that you've got yourself curled up in a corner in the fetal position, black-pilled to futility. Spit out the black-pill and WAKE UP. We could use some more warriors on the front-line with actual conviction and actual faith in the power of God, instead of this constant whimpering about how we supposedly don't know the "power" of the dark side. You have no idea what I actually know, or who taught it to me...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Once again, "underestimating" is not even a category of thought that is valid for me. You go on hand-wringing about the imaginary powers of the devil's henchmen. Scripture tells us they are already defeated, John 16:11.
    You'll wait for me to catch up? Pride goeth before a fall.

    I'm not worried about whether God will win in the end. Catch up with this: I'm trying to keep people from selling their souls to the very real power of the devil to claim them.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    We could use some more warriors on the front-line with actual conviction and actual faith in the power of God, instead of this constant whimpering about how we supposedly don't know the "power" of the dark side.
    A friend is mad at me. Once upon a time she was screwing up big time, and her kids were taken away and placed in her brother's custody. She straightened up, but her brother still didn't trust her and wouldn't let the kids and her spend time together.

    Her son was in puberty and feeling a real need to get re-acquainted with his mother. So, I pissed off both the brother and the sister. This gave them a common enemy, and because they had a common enemy, they started communicating again. I got her what she wanted (I did it for her son, but nevertheless) and she's still screeching autistically about me. Kind of like you're doing. She not only can't figure out the Lord's mysterious ways, she can't even figure out mine.

    The Bible says Heaven is for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Jesus said an honest publican has a better shot at heaven than the holy hypocrite. I don't believe and I'm not saying that Trump supporters won't get into heaven, but when I goad Mordan into admitting that he doesn't care how many people are screwed and impoverished by Fed printing (and 2020 showed us who the champion currency killer is) because he's able to do bitcoin keys on his own computer and anyone who can't deserves what they get like Darwin's poster boy, I think I help some people sidestep one of the devil's traps.

    Maybe that's just chutzpah on my part. But you shouting that it doesn't matter when the End Times are pretty obviously the devil's minefield, the last chance to separate the wheat from the chaff, well, it makes me think of Matthew Six. Fundies (not saying you are one) think God wants shouted hosannas, but when He took human form and walked the earth He went looking for a dozen fishers of men, shepherds to watch over His flock.

    Matthew Six says public declarations aren't what God's after. Public declarations of faith aren't always attempts to spread the Good News, sometimes they're just a way to show off. Getting one's heart in the right place is a lot like work, and sometimes the best way to do it is the sneaky way. But it's all good. Judge me all you want. I have more cheeks to turn.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Yup, there you have it.

    And "they" are slowly getting beaten back, around the world, from Argentina to Albania.

    Small victories to be sure but it is infuriating and scaring "them", because the core tenant of Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism is the utter invincibility of the state and it's power.
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    I see a lot of people saying this is a fake. Was there something else you wanted me to look at?
    So is the head of the Teamsters Union speaking at the RNC a small victory for or against communism?
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    None of what you wrote has anything to do with your constant black-pilling and is just changing the subject to avoid talking about it.

    I'm not worried about whether God will win in the end. Catch up with this: I'm trying to keep people from selling their souls to the very real power of the devil to claim them.
    "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above" -- the devil no longer has any power, John 16:11 and many others. It was shattered at the Cross. Since the Resurrection, the devil has just been on death row, awaiting execution of the sentence. The end of the Age will not be a harvest for the devil, it will be a harvest for God, and the devil will finally be hurled out into the lake of fire (no take-backs, just like he wanted!) So no, the devil does not even have power to claim anyone's soul. He's utterly defeated and awaiting sentencing. Peter informs us he prowls around seeking to devour people but that comes with the caveat that he is prowling on a leash, so the only way to be devoured is to go wandering within reach of the devil's leash (that is, to live in sin). There are many still in reach of that leash, and the Gospel is about getting people beyond the perimeter of the devil's leash. But this is not "power", it's the opposite of power. The Gospel is power. Jesus has all power in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18) The devil is a condemned inmate, awaiting his sentence in the lake of fire.

    ... the Lord's mysterious ways...
    God's ways are higher than your ways, Is. 55:8,9. That is why the only path forward is the Gospel. We don't even know how to pray properly, Rom. 8:26.

    I goad Mordan into admitting that he doesn't care how many people are screwed and impoverished by Fed printing (and 2020 showed us who the champion currency killer is) because he's able to do bitcoin keys on his own computer and anyone who can't deserves what they get like Darwin's poster boy, I think I help some people sidestep one of the devil's traps.
    OK, I'm not saying everything you write is false. My criticism always comes when you're black-pilling, because it's the black-pill that is pure poison. The devil is the sole supplier of black-pills, and spreading them around does not help the Gospel. I will not be cowed by the so-called "power" of the dark-side... they are already defeated. The only question facing me is how and where God wants me to march in the Gospel column. The victory has already been secured. Little known fact, the end of the world will not be a battle, there is not a single line of Scripture that supports this utter myth. Satan wants to believe it will be a battle, but it won't be. It will just be a slaughter, Rev. 19:11ff.

    the End Times are pretty obviously the devil's minefield, the last chance to separate the wheat from the chaff
    See, you consistently get it backwards and this is what I continue to challenge in your posts. It is not the devil who sifts the world, it is Jesus and his angels:

    "His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire." (Matt. 3:12)

    Fundies (not saying you are one) think God wants shouted hosannas, but when He took human form and walked the earth He went looking for a dozen fishers of men, shepherds to watch over His flock.
    Right, and liberals consistently misunderstand the Second Coming to be some kind of reprise of the first. It won't be. Jesus's return will be nothing like his life on earth, it will be the opposite in every way. 2 Thess. 1:6-10 tells us that he is returning to take vengeance. The Gospel is a revenge-tale. Jesus isn't coming back to give the world a cosmic bro-hug, he's coming back to literally burn it all down, as revenge against the wickedness of those who have rebelled against God. So yes, God does indeed want our Hosannas, shouted to the sky, and so they will be. On that day, there will be those who are shouting Hosanna, and there will be those who are being destroyed by fire from heaven. Those are the only two groups.

    Getting one's heart in the right place is a lot like work, and sometimes the best way to do it is the sneaky way. But it's all good. Judge me all you want. I have more cheeks to turn.
    Not judging anybody. Just calling foul ball on the black-pilling.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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