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Thread: Mises University 2024

  1. #31
    Game Theory | Lucas M. Engelhardt
    {Mises Media | 01 August 2024}

    Every game has a structure that involves three elements: you have players, you have strategies, and you have the outcomes.

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

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  3. #32
    Modern Monetary Theory | Robert P. Murphy and Jonathan Newman
    {Mises Media | 01 August 2024}

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

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  5. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Game Theory | Lucas M. Engelhardt
    {Mises Media | 01 August 2024}

    Every game has a structure that involves three elements: you have players, you have strategies, and you have the outcomes.

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

    EXCELLENT! MUST-WATCH! Central-banking gets nuked at the end of the lecture, amazing!
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  6. #34
    Fiscal Policy and Economic Reality | Shawn Ritenour
    {Mises Media | 02 August 2024}

    There is no general social benefit from government spending regardless of how it is financed.

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

  7. #35
    Effects of Inflation | Robert P. Murphy
    {Mises Media | 02 August 2024}

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

  8. #36
    Bureaucrats in the Deep State | Tate Fegley
    {Mises Media | 02 August 2024}

    The analysis of the operations of the military industrial congressional complex can be applied to other types of bureaucracies that have the ability to bestow favors and implement graft.

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

  9. #37
    Product Safety Regulation | Timothy D. Terrell
    {Mises Media | 02 August 2024}

    People are tempted to think we need government regulation and intervention in product safety.

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

  10. #38
    PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone
    {Mises Media | 02 August 2024}

    “Malinformation is information which may be true, but causes the receiver, the recipient of that malinformation, to become more distrustful of the government. I guarantee that you all have heard a bucket load of malinformation over the last couple of days.”

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

  11. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone
    {Mises Media | 02 August 2024}

    “Malinformation is information which may be true, but causes the receiver, the recipient of that malinformation, to become more distrustful of the government. I guarantee that you all have heard a bucket load of malinformation over the last couple of days.”

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 1, 2024.

    This was excellent. Slow start, you can skip ahead several minutes.

    Below is some chicken-scratch I jotted down while listening to this lecture. I started taking notes because this topic, as he admits part-way through the lecture, is next-door to spiritual warfare. I know that the term "spiritual warfare" sounds woo-woo to most people, even people who are unfazed by the woo-woo sound of "psychological warfare". But just as silly as the misconception of psychological warfare as being a staring-match between a Russian and an American psychologist seated across a table, so silly is the idea of spiritual warfare as being angels wielding flaming swords at each other in a CGI sky-battle, or wizards summoning weather events. Who knows, maybe we will see such strange things in the End Times, but that's not what spiritual warfare is. In some sense, spiritual warfare is the logical continuation of psychological/info-warfare, and other forms of non-tangible warfare, to the infinite limit. In the limit, all of these things really are about good/evil. And they're about whether you will stand for good or evil. Nobody else, just you. When the final test comes, will you stand? Or will you fold? That is the central question of spiritual warfare. Your brawling ability will not help you. Your firearms expertise will not help you. Your stockpiles of food and ammo will not help you. Your knowledge of methods of asymmetric warfare will not help you. Even the contents of the above lecture will not help you. You're going to need a surer foundation. If you think that's not true simply because you've managed to skate this far through life without needing any of that spiritual hullabaloo, try reading a book on history, especially the history of war, especially from the standpoint of the human cost. Or read a biography of the martyrs. Or talk to somebody who has lived through extreme hardship. The skeptics who feel that this is all a bunch of woo-woo stuff are vastly more vulnerable than they realize. There is a storm coming. Only those who have prepared will be able to survive it...

    - surveillance capitalism
        - the public-private surveillance state partnership
        - Fusion Centers
        - Pretty much all of Big Tech
    - mercenary censorship-industrial complex
        - fact-checkers, etc.
        - generate profit by extracting value from the essence of who you are
            - say think feel motives
        - extracted -> reformulated -> pkg'd -> sold/resold as futures
            - essence of social media/Internet industry        
        - MSM/corporate-media
            - generate profit by
            - use of slander/defamation
            - to advance political objectives and perspectives
            - by intentionally and maliciously damaging reputations
        - taking from you
            - extract aspects of your soul
            - reformulate
            - weaponize as slander/defame
            - generate profit
            - core biz model
            - advocacy journalism (by training) = propaganda
                - while avoiding risk of lawsuits
        - biz model extends down to social media trolls
            - tabloid social media -> generates revenue
            - extracting reputation value without permission
            - advance the interests of 3rd parties w/o your permission
            - wealth through theft? (stealing the essence of you)
    - psywar is when psyops methods used by gov against foreign population
        - or even against citizens of gov't in coordinated fashion
    - psychological warfare is the new battlefront
        - NATO: "hybrid warfare"
        - instead of kinetic warfare
        - propaganda/media psychological manipulation techniques
    - FVEYs intelligence alliance
        - most tyrannical during COVID
        - together with NATO have built tech for manipulating info
        - not just manipulating info
        - tech is powerful enough 
            - think feel believe, info you encounter
            - can all be managed/manipulated
            - you feel immune because educated/intelligent
            - these are most susceptible
            - accept authority
            - accept & assimilate info as provided
            - regurgitate what you're told
                - rely on info from higher up
            - most resistant to COVID were common ppl
            - didn't fall for the tricks
            - you are likely extremely susceptible to this manipulation
    - mass formation psychosis
        - RM spoke on JRE
        - Google manipulated search results
        - because it threatens Google's own biz model
    - you are being bombarded by psy-warfare
    - psychological bio-terrorism (fear of disease)
        - not the only way
        - propaganda re. env. toxins, water safety, soil contamination, climate chg
        - information bioterrorism
            - well-defined phases, developed by intel community
        - what you were just subjected to for the last 4 years
        - intelligence agencies have refined this to a fine art
    - bird flu (anecdote)
        - fear narrative
        - based on idea that bird flu is highly lethal
        - no evidence of h2h transmission
        - manufactured crisis
    - 5GW (fifth-generation warfare)
        - 1G: sticks/stones
        - 2G: classical war, more kinetic but centralized
        - 3G: increasing decentralization (e.g. Blitzkrieg)
        - 4G: vietcong, al qaeda, taliban
            - US/NATO aware they have lost this space
        - 5G: Ability to manipulate one's opponent/population
            - Best way to win at warfare
            - Psychological warfare
            - Guerilla mvmts have been very successful
            - Developed for offshore combat
            - Being deployed against domestic citizens
    - RM has been targeted due to being "anti-vax"
        - The story goes like this:
        - The pathogen is so deadly
        - That anyone who questions the safety/efficacy of the vaccine
        - Causes vaccine-hesitancy
        - Thus, is causing deaths
    - Under Mayorkas DHS:
            - misinformation (disagrees with approved narrative)
            - disinformation (misinformation for political purposes)
            - malinformation (might be true, but sows distrust of gov't)
        - ... are all domestic terrorism 
    - Banality of evil
        - Good & evil
        - Not RM's wheelhouse as a scientist
        - But freq the only available language for what is happening
        - language of faith, good/evil
        - people just going along to get along
            - where most evil comes from
            - failure to think through consequences of ur own actions
            - at core of libertarian thought
    - 3 major forces interact to bring about evil:
        - gross incompetence
        - nefarious scheming
            - eg COVID crisis for economic reasons
        - complexity of the systems (conceal failures)
        - incompetence + complexity => unaccountable bureaucracy
        - incompetence + scheming   => unintended consequences
        - scheming     + complexity => corruption
        - incompetence+complexity+scheming => banality of evil
    - Google/Twitter/FB = CIA
        - Funded, created by CIA through technology transfer
        - These are weaponized technology platforms
    - Online comms can be used to "peer into your emotional state"
        - This allows the data to be "mapped" in a cloud of influence
        - Shadow-banning is just part of a toolkit
            - Managers work to boost desired voices and deboost undesired voices
            - Based on the sentiments in your "inner self"
    - UKIP, Nigel Farage, Brexit
    - Cambridge Analytica, 2016 Trump election
    - oops!
    - Obama lectures @ Hoover institute
        - Need for censorship/propaganda
        - We need tyranny because these supposedly "perfect weapons" might misfire
        - Slippery slope -> tyranny
        - "Vaccine hesitancy" / anti-vaxxers
        - "Climate-change deniers"
    - Agenda 2030 / NWO
    Last edited by ClaytonB; 08-03-2024 at 04:13 PM.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  12. #40
    Firms, Managers, and Entrepreneurship | Per Bylund,-m...reneurship-2:5
    {Mises Media | 03 August 2024}

    "How do you run a business? How do you see things in the marketplace as an Austrian compared to others? Is there anything we can learn from Austrian economics?"

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

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  14. #41
    Environmental Economics | Timothy Terrell
    {Mises Media | 03 August 2024}

    A brief overview of how we can look at economic and environmental issues with an Austrian perspective.

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

  15. #42
    Economic Inequality | Mark Thornton
    {Mises Media | 03 August 2024}

    Austrian economists love economic inequality.

    “Even those who look upon the inequality of wealth and incomes as a deplorable thing, cannot deny that it makes for progressing capital accumulation. And it is additional capital accumulation alone that brings about technological improvement, rising wage rates, and a higher standard of living.” —Ludwig von Mises, Human Action

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

  16. #43
    Higher Education in Crisis | Timothy Terrell
    {Mises Media | 03 August 2024}

    "You go to college not so much because of the educational characteristics, and maybe not just because of the signaling, but maybe because it's just a lot of fun."

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

  17. #44
    Commencement Address | Sandra Klein
    {Mises Media | 03 August 2024}

    “Rothbard always worked with great enthusiasm and joy despite the many obstacles he faced. The reason why his spirits never dampened is because he had optimism, which he said may be very long-range. He didn’t merely believe the possibility of eventual victory. but implied that given a fairly safe set of assumptions, the triumph of liberty was practically inevitable.”

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

  18. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Commencement Address | Sandra Klein
    {Mises Media | 03 August 2024}

    “Rothbard always worked with great enthusiasm and joy despite the many obstacles he faced. The reason why his spirits never dampened is because he had optimism, which he said may be very long-range. He didn’t merely believe the possibility of eventual victory. but implied that given a fairly safe set of assumptions, the triumph of liberty was practically inevitable.”

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

    That's a great speech

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  19. #46
    The Great Ron Paul at Mises University
    {Mises Media | 04 August 2024}

    “Look up the Mises Institute and you’ll find the answer.”

    Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on August 2, 2024.

  20. #47
    Does Austrian Business Cycle Theory Help the Investor?
    {Mises Media | 04 August 2024}

    Recorded in front of a live audience at the 2024 Mises University, Bob discusses recent market turbulence with Mark Thornton. They also delve into the Skyscraper theory and the practicality of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory.

    Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian School of economics, and is the essential training ground for economists who are looking beyond the mainstream

    Dr. Thornton’s Minor Issues Episode on the Inverted Yield Curve:
    The Skyscraper Curse:
    Dr. Thornton's Article From 2004 on the Housing Market:
    The Inverted Yield Curve from Understanding Money Mechanics:
    Bob’s Econlib Article on Fiscal Austerity and Tax Rates:

    Join Peter Klein and Ryan McMaken in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a Mises event on strategy, economics, and decentralization of power. Register now:

    The Mises Institute is giving away 100,000 copies of Murray Rothbard's, What Has Government Done to Our Money? Get your free copy at

  21. #48
    The Meaning of Revolution
    {Mises Media | 05 August 2024}

    Live at Mises University in Auburn Alabama, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the methods of radical libertarians in light of Rothbard's essay on revolution.

    “The Meaning of Revolution” by Murray Rothbard:

    Get free copies of What Has Government Done to Our Money? at

    Get your ticket to Elections and the Economy: Do They Really Matter? in Fort Myers, Florida:

    Registration for the 2024 Mises Institute Supporters Summit is open for Mises Members:

    Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at

    Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store. Get yours at
    PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off

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  23. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The Meaning of Revolution
    {Mises Media | 05 August 2024}

    Live at Mises University in Auburn Alabama, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the methods of radical libertarians in light of Rothbard's essay on revolution.

    “The Meaning of Revolution” by Murray Rothbard:

    Get free copies of What Has Government Done to Our Money? at

    Get your ticket to Elections and the Economy: Do They Really Matter? in Fort Myers, Florida:

    Registration for the 2024 Mises Institute Supporters Summit is open for Mises Members:

    Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at

    Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at the Mises Store. Get yours at
    PROMO CODE: RothPod for 20% off

    Attended a Meetup

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  24. #50
    Colonialism, Self-Determination, and Secession | Ryan McMaken,-and:b
    {Mises Media | 13 August 2024}

    "Self-determination, imperialism, and secession are three ways of looking at the same object. Because, as we will see, the tradition of self-determination is closely connected to the issue of secession, and also its opposite then, imperialism and colonialism."

    Recorded on August 3, 2024, at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama.

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