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But you're evading American responsibility for the current mess and shifting the blame. WE screwed this all up. The "conservatives" of prior generations were the first to go soft. And it was their capitulation that led to the current mess. No, we were not overwhelmed by immigrants and then corrupted... we first became corrupt, and then immigration policy was changed to accommodate waves of immigrants seeking free handouts instead of coming here to work and achieve the American dream (once upon a time) for themselves. And because you allow the prior-generation conservatives to get off scot-free for their betrayal of this country and its core values, you participate in shifting the blame onto foreigners who are just following human self-interest. They may be despicable like common crooks are despicable, but they're not crazy. What they're doing is perfectly rational... coming here to get free stuff, and to be paid to breed American women that American men won't breed because the legal regime has been changed to make family-headship practically an act of insanity. If you have the morals of a dog, modern America is paradise on earth... just go from house to house and breed American women and get paid to do it! Otherwise, if you have traditional values (one man, one wife, nuclear family) modern America is an absolute hellscape. The issue is so badly represented by apologists who want to salvage the reputations of the very "conservatives" who betrayed us that the incels have completely given up and just accepted that it won't be possible for them to form a nuclear family. And the self-justifying conservatives who betrayed this country are still trying to argue that "the issue is the border". Yes, the emergency issue is the border, like the emergency issue of a man who is being attacked by a wild animal is that he is spurting blood. But treating the bites while ignoring the wild animal continuing to tear him to shreds is an amazing act of ostrich-head-burying. The interests of those who want the man to be killed by the wild animal are perfectly served by those who want to just "focus on the immediate issue" of the wounds spurting blood and "we'll get to the other stuff later, those are minor issues by comparison." No, they arethe issue, because they arethe cause of why the man is dying. And he is continuing to be attacked!
Let's be clear: certain of the conservative elites in this country are corrupt and evil to the core. They have gone into the same tyrannical habit that has defined all prior governments on earth before America. They want to maintain the legacy of their heirs at any cost, and so they resort to demographic warfare against their own countrymen whom they deem to be "inferior stock". For this reason, the laws become changed by those conservative power-interests to be hostile to the formation of nuclear families by the ordinary American man. Such men and their families are just "possible future competitors" to their own heirs. They themselves have no worry of their nuclear family coming apart because they have the threat of disinheritance which, when you are sitting on a multi-billion dollar estate, is a better threat than the death-sentence. So, these turncoat traitors will go out in public and pretend to support conservative causes and then, behind closed doors, they support the Divorce-Industrial Complex which is how they wage demographic warfare against their fellow American men whose only crime is not having been born rich. And the hordes of foreign immigrants pouring over the border are much more threat to the ordinary American man (forming a family, holding a job) so, again, the wealthy "conservatives" are natural allies to this. But since they can't openly espouse these policies, they instead support neoCONs and RINOs to do it for them. "Oh yeah, we're conservative, we even voted for Bush! We're multi-generational Republicans!" Every one of these people are more dangerous than 10,000 Nancy Pelosis and allowing them to spin you around and shake your fist at Pelosi and the illegals pouring over the border, while ignoring the actual issues is just politically and historically naive. The very naivete that the neoCONs have been harvesting by the bushel since 9/11 and converting into Marxist Clown World. That is how we got here.
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