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Thread: The 9th Circuit Just Stripped mRNA Shots of Legal Liability Protection

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Trump isn't a doctor or a scientist either.
    He had nothing to do with calling it a vaccine.
    The deepstate called it a vaccine and lied to him.
    And millions of us looked at the facts available to even us as unconnected civilians and said, uh, no, that's not what a vaccine is.

    He's too stupid to be president. That, not "veto-proof majorities", is what makes him completely powerless to stop evil. Whether he's really that stupid or just another Deep State Figurehead, he's a proven loser. Time to try a different strategy than, "Vote Trump and pray he grows a brain!"

    Maybe it's time to elect someone with some kind of expertise other than how to get out from under loans through bankruptcy and who to bribe to get a zoning variance.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 06-11-2024 at 07:05 AM.

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  3. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    It wasn't a Trump ruling.
    Right. It was an anti-Trump ruling.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

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  5. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    And millions of us looked at the facts available to even us as unconnected civilians and said, uh, no, that's not what a vaccine is.

    He's too stupid to be president. That, not "veto-proof majorities", is what makes him completely powerless to stop evil. Whether he's really that stupid or just another Deep State Figurehead, he's a proven loser. Time to try a different strategy than, "Vote Trump and pray he grows a brain!"

    Maybe it's time to elect someone with some kind of expertise other than how to get out from under loans through bankruptcy and who to bribe to get a zoning variance.
    He had no way to dispute what every doctor with a government job or access to a microphone was repeating over and over.
    Not only would the media have crucified him for opposing a "vaccine", but Congress would have impeached and removed him for interfering with the bureacracy.

    Trump is the only option, don't even try to claim RFKommie with the CIA handler running his campaign is better, or that his actual record on covid wasn't much worse, I'm tired of having to post the proof of the truth every time you lie.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  6. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    Right. It was an anti-Trump ruling.
    Trump had nothing to do with designating it a vaccine.

    Your lies and twistings fool nobody.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  7. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Trump had nothing to do with designating it a vaccine.

    Your lies and twistings fool nobody.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  8. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    He had no way to dispute what every doctor with a government job or access to a microphone was repeating over and over.
    Not only would the media have crucified him for opposing a "vaccine", but Congress would have impeached and removed him for interfering with the bureacracy.

    Trump is the only option, don't even try to claim RFKommie with the CIA handler running his campaign is better, or that his actual record on covid wasn't much worse, I'm tired of having to post the proof of the truth every time you lie.
    Oh, so the lie was that you said he was too stupid to see what millions of us figured out with less information than he had access to?

    What you really said was that he will twist with the prevailing winds on every important thing that comes up, and we should all be down with that because you think he's our "only choice"?
    Last edited by acptulsa; 06-11-2024 at 09:51 AM.

  9. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Trump had nothing to do with designating it a vaccine.

    Your lies and twistings fool nobody.

    Yes he did. Trump even threatened the FDA Chief to get it approved by "days end" or he would be fired. And Trump isn't even a doctor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post

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  10. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    And they failed to create a real vaccine.
    Trump was not the one to designate the failed treatment they created a vaccine.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  11. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Oh, so the lie was that you said he was too stupid to see what millions of us figured out with less information than he had access to?

    What you really said was that he will twist with the prevailing winds on every important thing that comes up, and we should all be down with that because you think he's our "only choice"?
    There is no lie, Trump is not a scientist and had no time to be involved with the scientific details.
    And if he had been made aware of the scientific details he had nothing he could do about them.

    He did not label what they created a vaccine, they labeled it one and told him it was one and he was in position to argue because he was busy with everything else he was doing to fight the garbage being thrown at him and doing things like promoting alternative treatments, and even had he had the time and decided to look into the matter he couldn't do anything to oppose the bureaucracy and media in the middle of an election year where the public had been whipped into a panic over the "pandemic" and the media was already blaming him for every single real or fake death.

    Trump had nothing to do with calling a not vaccine a vaccine, this is not an anti-Trump ruling, and his justices will not overturn this ruling so it won't be overturned.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  12. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    Yes he did. Trump even threatened the FDA Chief to get it approved by "days end" or he would be fired. And Trump isn't even a doctor.
    They told him it was a vaccine, he didn't tell them.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

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  14. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    There is no lie, Trump is not a scientist and had no time to be involved with the scientific details.
    And if he had been made aware of the scientific details he had nothing he could do about them.

    He did not label what they created a vaccine, they labeled it one and told him it was one and he was in position to argue because he was busy with everything else he was doing to fight the garbage being thrown at him and doing things like promoting alternative treatments, and even had he had the time and decided to look into the matter he couldn't do anything to oppose the bureaucracy and media in the middle of an election year where the public had been whipped into a panic over the "pandemic" and the media was already blaming him for every single real or fake death.

    Trump had nothing to do with calling a not vaccine a vaccine, this is not an anti-Trump ruling, and his justices will not overturn this ruling so it won't be overturned.
    Gee, it's a shame he didn't consider our health important enough to make time. Gee, it's a shame he didn't pick "all the best people" like he promised, but a bunch of Deep State operatives he couldn't and shouldn't have trusted. Gee, it's a shame he didn't ask the people in the FDA what the holdup was, instead of just demanding their rubber stamp. Gee, it's a shame he couldn't find one doctor in a country of 330 million to explain it to him. Gee, it's too bad that he couldn't find one person in a country of 330 million to go to even one of the emergency rooms the MSM was claiming was swamped, to see if that was true (after saying the phrase "fake news" about ten thousand times during his campaign).

    It amazes me the degree to which you TDS-affected cultists think gross incompetence and negligence is a selling point.

  15. #42
    Won't make any difference to the experiments that signed general releases.

  16. #43
    Trump is a nincompoop who lets his own supporters rot in prison.

  17. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Two.L View Post
    Won't make any difference to the experiments that signed general releases.
    if someone made someone take it to keep enployment who would sign a release? Just let them fire you and collect the unemployment and unemployment bonus together which were around two times median income after tax.
    Do something Danke

  18. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Gee, it's a shame he didn't consider our health important enough to make time. Gee, it's a shame he didn't pick "all the best people" like he promised, but a bunch of Deep State operatives he couldn't and shouldn't have trusted. Gee, it's a shame he didn't ask the people in the FDA what the holdup was, instead of just demanding their rubber stamp. Gee, it's a shame he couldn't find one doctor in a country of 330 million to explain it to him. Gee, it's too bad that he couldn't find one person in a country of 330 million to go to even one of the emergency rooms the MSM was claiming was swamped, to see if that was true (after saying the phrase "fake news" about ten thousand times during his campaign).

    It amazes me the degree to which you TDS-affected cultists think gross incompetence and negligence is a selling point.
    He's a businessman who delegates, it was never his job to go down to the labs and study the science, and he had a lot more important things to do.
    He made sure to not allow it to be mandated so you could do your own research and make your own decision, and when he did find time to get into the research a little he spent it on the alternative therapies and trying to promote them.
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  19. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    He's a businessman who delegates, it was never his job to go down to the labs and study the science, and he had a lot more important things to do.
    More important things to do than to ensure he wasn't demanding that his FDA chief fast-track poison for our veins.

    Yes, I heard you the first time. But thank you for repeating it. It's always helpful when Trump's Delusional Supporters clarify the man's priorities, because they're so perverted that people call his critics conspiracy theorists for telling the truth about them.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 06-12-2024 at 07:06 AM.

  20. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    And they failed to create a real vaccine.
    Trump was not the one to designate the failed treatment they created a vaccine.
    His administration was. Did he disagree?
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  21. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    And they failed to create a real vaccine.
    Trump was not the one to designate the failed treatment they created a vaccine.
    Under the leadership of President Trump, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Defense (DoD) today announced an agreement with Moderna, Inc. to manufacture and deliver 100 million doses of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate. The federal government will own these vaccine doses.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

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  23. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    He didn't step up and take responsibility as Commander in Chief and protect the troops because he had better things to do.

    He was a busy man. He had mean tweets to send.

  24. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    What did they do with 100 million of doses ?
    Do something Danke

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