"Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky will co-moderate a presidential debate next month at the FreedomFest conference, but while President Joe Biden and former Presdient Donald Trump have both been invited, neither of them are currently slated to participate.
Confirmed participants include Libertarian Chase Oliver, Jill Stein of the Green Party, and Randall Terry of the Constitution Party, according to the Free & Equal Elections Foundation, which also noted that Trump, Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Cornel West have also been invited."
“As someone who’s voted for third-party Presidential candidates in past elections, I look forward to helping broaden the national discussion by moderating this important debate,” stated Congressman Massie.
I'm super excited Massie is going to be a part of this debate! We're still working on a big name journalist to moderate with him, but that's an awesome start!
America deserves better presidential debates!
Alternative candidates outside of the 2 party system are shut out of the presidential debates, but we’re going around that by having our own debates, and including candidates that would otherwise be denied the opportunity.
We have a solid plan to deliver, and we kicked things off February 29th - https://www.c-span.org/video/?533956...dential-debate - Our next debate will be on July 12th at Caesars Forum in Las Vegas - www.freedomfest.com/featured-sessions/ - and will be a much bigger event!
Since 2008 Free & Equal Elections Foundation - https://freeandequal.org/ - has been hosting open presidential debates every election cycle for independent and “3rd party” candidates. We’re doing things differently this year.
Our biggest success to date was in 2012, when we produced an open presidential debate that was moderated by Larry King. Broadcasters included Al Jazeera, Free Speech TV, ORA TV, Link TV and C-SPAN. We built a coalition of over 40 supporting organizations to help spread the word, and the audience was estimated at 20 million - enough to trend top 10 on Twitter, Jimmy Kimmel made fun, Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC devoted a segment in support, and the Sunday talk shows all spent a few minutes talking about it.
We gave a slice of America a taste of what could be - candidates with ideas you won't hear from R's and D's, and visions for America that deserve to be heard by all. It was admittedly all too little too late though, as it was held on October 23rd - and by starting Much earlier in the year and producing a full series of debates, we know we can really outdo ourselves this time around!
We're currently building out our coalition - https://freeandequal.org/debates/fre...tes-coalition/ - to help spread the word organically, we'll also be involving coalition members in pre and post debate discussion panels, and gathering questions for the candidates from the coalition members - these are the peoples debates after all! We'd love to have you join our team and help make this year's debate series a true game changer!
All that we ask of our coalition members is that you help share news of our debates before they happen - no rules, no fees - just sharing it any way you can, as much or as little as you want. In return we'll list you on our website coalition page, on a banner at the debates, in the on-camera credits, social media posts and articles/press releases.
The coalition is absolutely key to getting the word out there, so we’d really appreciate this!
For Liberty!
Zak Carter
(and for the record, it's all thanks to Ron Paul and what he did back in 2008 right after that campaign that led me to Free &Equal!)
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