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Thread: Moldovan opposition party Member Arrested for Visiting BRICS forum

  1. #1

    Exclamation Moldovan opposition party Member Arrested for Visiting BRICS forum

    "Democracy in Action"
    What were the crimes of the Moldovan opposition? his only crime was because he dared to participated in the BRICS forum.
    That was his only crime.

    How is this democratic?

    The leader of the Moldovan opposition party "Șansă," Alexei Lungu, was detained at the airport in Chisinau upon returning from Moscow. Where he participated in the BRICS forum.

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  3. #2
    Sounds like 'murikan style sponsored freedumb and democracy.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    Sounds like 'murikan style sponsored freedumb and democracy.
    "...was arrested when he got back from Moscow" is a pretty fair indication of just how Soviet this nation has become.

  5. #4
    Moldova should be part of Romania anyway. If elections were held today, I'm sure it would be similar to Crimea referendum on joining Russia. The people are almost exclusively Romanian, they speak Romanian. The only reason there's a border there is because what's considered Romania today was historically ruled by Austria-Hungary and what's considered Moldova was ruled by Russia. Of course the Moldovan politicians aren't going to want to give up their power to do that.

  6. #5
    Here is a great video from a while ago about Moldova.

    The 9:20 part is great where Bald refers to the political posters on "The Wall of Thieves".

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