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Thread: Trump & FISA

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    OK, then what are your strategy and tactics? Be specific and give reasonable operational detail.
    I'm afraid government has done a sufficiently thorough job of hogging all secrecy unto itself that executing the sort of complex, multi-faceted operation you seem to crave is impossible. I, for one, am playing it by ear. But I have no intention of setting this aside as I go, or forgetting it for one reckless moment:

    Donald J. Trump resembles that remark. Always has. There is no reason to believe that will change.

    You're telling me that you think it's imperative to burn the last shreds of the Constitution to install Trump to kick that damnable can down the road one more time, and you're ready to do it. I say I've been trying to get people to leave the can alone and take this country back for decades. I'm sure not going to stop for a clown show. Why does that bother you now, when it hasn't bothered you for nearly half a century? Because people might be listening to people like me now?
    Last edited by acptulsa; 04-14-2024 at 11:04 AM.

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  3. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    I'm afraid government has done a sufficiently thorough job of hogging all secrecy unto itself that executing the sort of complex, multi-faceted operation you seem to crave is impossible. I, for one, am playing it by ear. But I have no intention of setting this aside as I go, or forgetting it for one reckless moment:

    Donald J. Trump resembles that remark. Always has. There is no reason to believe that will change.

    You're telling me that you think it's imperative to burn the last shreds of the Constitution to install Trump to kick that damnable can down the road one more time, and you're ready to do it. I say I've been trying to get people to leave the can alone and take this country back for decades. I'm sure not going to stop for a clown show. Why does that bother you now, when it hasn't bothered you for nearly half a century? Because people might be listening to people like me now?
    Who's burning what? While I doubt all but a few will argue that Trump is some perfect liberty minded freedom fighter, he is what he is. The only question is if he's better and worse than the alternative.

    Osan is absolutely right that some pragmatism is necessary. I always think back to the 1948 communist coup in Czechoslovakia.
    On 21 February 1948, twelve non-Communist ministers resigned in protest. They objected to Gottwald's refusal to stop packing the police with Communists, and believed that Gottwald would give way. Instead, the latter threatened a general strike unless Beneš appointed a Communist-dominated government. Armed Communist militia and police took over Prague and mass demonstrations were mounted. On 25 February, Beneš, fearing civil war and Soviet intervention, capitulated and allowed the formation of a new government in accordance with KSČ demands.
    Giving up and ceding power is not the way for more liberty. Those 12 ministers and Edvard Beneš were far from some perfect liberty minded Ron Paul predecessors. They were however the last remaining barrier to full Marxist authoritarianism.

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  5. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt4Liberty View Post
    The only question is if he's better and worse than the alternative.
    People who solve problems, as opposed to mitigating damage somewhat, ask not about "the alternative". People like that ask, "what are our alternatives?"

  6. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    You just posted a wall of text that seems premised on the assumption that if your kitchen were on fire, you could count on Trump to pee on the flames.
    I now see you are not quite ready for a serious conversation. Rather than address my points, you resort to disingenuous humor and slights? By all appearances you are just full of bile and need to vent. Fine, please proceed, but I do note that thus far I've seen nothing of substance.

    But this is a thread about him ordering someone to do something that he could have done six years ago, but didn't.
    This is beginning to take on the timbre of a rant. I don't mind, but I thought we were talking about real world approaches. if you don't want to address it, then just say it and I will beg off.

    No. I'm not at all sure of the concept.
    Which concept would tht be?

    Trump and Biden are cops on the same squad.
    That is an as-yet undemonstrated assumption. I have my doubts aplenty, but have seen nothing conclusive to date.

    One's playing good cop and the other is playing bad cop.
    Perhaps, perhaps not. Time will tell, but unless you have sufficient evidence to show, I have to call foul here.

    But the bad cop has such advanced Alzheimer's that he'll be lucky to make next January under any circumstances.
    He does indeed seem to be on borrowed time, but anyone can see that. What of it?

    Nobody thinks Biden's going to legitimately win anything.
    He didn't legitimately win the first time; again I ask what of it? The fraud was blatant and the response to the mountains of damning evidence well sealed it for me. Between the two, anyone doubting is either low in intellectual fuel, or peddling.

    You're all just waiting for the even more obvious electoral shenanigans so we can go to the Capitol and demand Trump be made Mussolini.
    This is just tantruming. It accomplishes nothing worthwhile.

    You really think they won't comply?
    I'm going to need just a wee bit more here.

    Lesser evil? Lesser evils are anachronisms.
    Call it what you will. If the difference for me is living to fight another day vs. either ending up in a cell where I am forced quiesced, or murdered, I'll take option A, thankyouverymuch.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  7. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    I'm afraid government has done a sufficiently thorough job of hogging all secrecy unto itself that executing the sort of complex, multi-faceted operation you seem to crave is impossible. I, for one, am playing it by ear. But I have no intention of setting this aside as I go, or forgetting it for one reckless moment:

    Donald J. Trump resembles that remark. Always has. There is no reason to believe that will change.

    You're telling me that you think it's imperative to burn the last shreds of the Constitution to install Trump to kick that damnable can down the road one more time, and you're ready to do it. I say I've been trying to get people to leave the can alone and take this country back for decades. I'm sure not going to stop for a clown show. Why does that bother you now, when it hasn't bothered you for nearly half a century? Because people might be listening to people like me now?
    You will have to forgive me now, but I must be direct: this is a complete bull$#@! response that addresses nothing, and tosses in a strawman just for evasive giggles.

    Let's just call it a push since you seem to view this exchange as some sort of competition. It's not. I am looking for soluitions and you have provided bupkis in spite of the seemingly big talk to the contrary. I have no idea what your purpose is here, but it is not on the same planet as mine.

    Feel free to prove otherwise at any time. I will always listen.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  8. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    People who solve problems, as opposed to mitigating damage somewhat, ask not about "the alternative". People like that ask, "what are our alternatives?"

    And your grave error here lies in the assumption that damage control is never a solution.

    When a gunshot victime arrives at the ER, the first thing they do is get him stable and repair immediate and life-threatening damage. That is a very definite solution. They don't worry about infections, which comes after the patient has not died.

    I'm not sure how you fail to see this. You seem to get so narrowly focused on a tree, the forest disappears. And your bile is self-defeating. But as always, do as you wish. Nobody stops you.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  9. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    I now see you are not quite ready for a serious conversation...

    This is beginning to take on the timbre of a rant. I don't mind, but I thought we were talking about real world approaches...
    Serious conversations about the real world. Got it.

    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    That is an as-yet undemonstrated assumption. I have my doubts aplenty, but have seen nothing conclusive to date.
    You don't want to have a serious conversation about the end of western civilization. You just want me to reassure you that the prepackaged "solution" they're selling you on every channel really will make things acceptable again without anyone having to go out on a limb and upset the apple cart too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    He didn't legitimately win the first time; again I ask what of it? The fraud was blatant and the response to the mountains of damning evidence well sealed it for me. Between the two, anyone doubting is either low in intellectual fuel, or peddling.
    Every single cycle since the SCOTUS decided Bush v. Gore they've been throwing something different at us each time. From the illiterate son of an ex-CIA head to a foreign national with a tranny "wife" to a blowhard who limits his vocabulary to that of a third grade playground bully to the senile pedophile, the only constant is that each is a bigger clown than the last. And you can't seem to grasp that this guy might just be the relief of the ever-escalating, ratcheting pressure that could sell the American people the unthinkable.

    You look at 2020, and say, this is the new normal. But the only reason they were able to put 2020 over is because people were unprepared for it. They were still looking at 2016 and insisting that was the new normal. And that worked because we were still looking at 2012 and assuming that was the new business as usual.

    There is no business as usual. The deep state is bored with the status quo, and arrogant enough to just know they can have even more than they do.

    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    I'm going to need just a wee bit more here.
    I doubt that'll do the trick. I've been pouring this into you for months, and you certainly haven't been soaking it up like one of those more desirable, more absorbent name brands of paper towels. Most of it seems to pour out the other ear. But what I was once again telling you is, the deep state does not love the sexually confused, the melanin-sufficient, the brainwashed and strident, and want them to be happy. They are tools to give us our four red years, similar to the Two Red Years that catapulted Mussolini to power. And just as soon as we agree to sacrifice the Constitution, they will happily stand them up against the wall and shoot them all.

    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    If the difference for me is living to fight another day...
    Fight? Or just be suckered one more day?

    There is no business as usual. They are obviously not setting us up for a carbon copy repeat of 2020. All of this is in pursuit of an end, and if you refuse to consider that possibility, Sun Tsu would be very disappointed in you.

    Just give up that constitution and we will thumb that lever and release this intolerable pressure we are putting on you a ratchet tooth or two. You know you can't stand no more. You know you weren't using your civil rights anyway. You'll soon be too old to notice, and I'm sure your kids and grandkids will forgive you someday. They're so brainwashed they'll never notice the difference anyway. Just stop clinging to that silly constitution and admit that you really love Trump like a Big Brother.

    Ever read up on the rise of Mussolini?
    Last edited by acptulsa; 04-14-2024 at 01:03 PM.

  10. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    When a gunshot victime arrives at the ER, the first thing they do is get him stable and repair immediate and life-threatening damage. That is a very definite solution. They don't worry about infections, which comes after the patient has not died.

    I'm not sure how you fail to see this.
    You bought MAGA hook line and sinker, didn't you?

    So, you're depending on Trump to make America great again. But you aren't naive enough to think his new CBDC will have a cash option. For example.

    I've been saying it since 2015: Government never made America great. Only Americans -- civilian Americans -- ever did that trick. Only Americans --civilian Americans -- ever will.

    Be careful not to become a Quisling. You want to be able to use a mirror when you shave.

    Neither of these proven losers are any kind of solution to any of the real problems before us, except that your boy might just be willing to order aliens and other brown people mown down in the streets for your satisfaction and amusement. Hell, Trump's bound to want to top his old buddy Bibi in bloodshed. And Biden has set him up perfectly to do it.

    If you think these mossy-haired harpies and these imported prison escapees are anything other than the carbon the powers that be want to reduce (once they're no longer needed to scare people like you away from real solutions), you haven't stopped to consider the care with which they have concentrated the one in close proximity to the other.

    You simply aren't cynical enough to understand the head psychopaths in charge. Very, very few people are. Well buckle up, Pollyannas.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 04-14-2024 at 01:06 PM.

  11. #39
    There are those who read history, and cluck their tongues, and wonder how those silly people failed to see through the manipulation. But when history then rhymes on them, they diligently do just what they clicked their tongues at others over. And there are those who read history, and when it rhymes, they recognize the meter. They say, I've seen this play, and I don't want a role in it.

    The game looks the same to some of us when we're living in the ugly middle of it as when we're overviewing it from our favorite history book reading chair. And we find that most of the people who seemingly can't are prone to feel a compulsive need to ignore it and hope it goes away.

    The search term is Biennio Rosso. We are enjoying our Quadrennio Rosso. Study up and you'll never look at Trussolini the same way again.

    Last edited by acptulsa; 04-14-2024 at 02:13 PM.

  12. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt4Liberty View Post
    Amen brother, couldn't agree more
    Same here.

    I’ll take incrementally better at its worst. And I do believe trump to be the best candidate in the race. I just can’t get behind the “just give up” crowd.
    No - No - No - No

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  14. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    People who solve problems, as opposed to mitigating damage somewhat, ask not about "the alternative". People like that ask, "what are our alternatives?"
    And the answer is "None".
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

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    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

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    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

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