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I see here a fair amount of bile and outright hatred of Trump. I understand why and I have my own doubts, but riding around town on the "I Hate Trump" bandwagon is an unproductive tactic. If you need to vent, go to the back 40, set up targets, and break out the 50BMG. Ranting about the insufficiencies of Trump is a grade-A waste of time.
We are in a fight for our lives, figuratively and possibly physically, depending on which of the paranoid conspiracy speculations to which you subscribe. Standing on principles in the way of a purist such that the perfect becomes the enemy of the "will have to do under the circumstances", is a highly self-defeating approach. Stand on uch if you absolutely must, but as your purity leads you to the gas chamber, remember what I wrote here on this day.
There is principle and there is pragmatism. The sweet spot on any given day and under a given set of circumstances lies between the two. This is the essence of the art of living, and the art of war. My inner purist is with the others 100% regarding Trump. My inner pragmatist has taken a 2x4 and knocked the purist mostly stupid for the sake of not dying on the wrong hill. I provisionally support Trump because we the people are painted into a very tight corner, the alternative choices posing a far more remote chance of helping us out. It's trite and it is as sad as the devil bawling his eyes out a rock in Georgia, but Trump is by all appearances the lesser evil.
And so we are left with the paltry choices of Biden, some ain't-gonna-win-no-matter-how-hard-we-vote third party candidate, Trump, giving up entirely and going home and blowing our brains out for despair, or going to hot warfare against Theire minions in the United States. None of these options are particularly appetizing, I think many here would agree. But Trump is, again to all appearances, by far the least of the evils presented to us for choice. And if the appearances are false in the ways and to the degrees we might call "worst case", then we are sore-$#@!ed and reduced to the choices of capitulation or hot war and nothing we do otherwise will count for anything good.
As a practical measure, and given the reality of the unenviable position into which we have allowed ourselves to be maneuvered by malevolent interests, and further given that we cannot know for certain the cloth from which the Donald is cut, he remains the current best hope for any return to a lesser state of servitude. Again, if he proves to be something very much other than what he advertises, then we are screwed to the barn door no worse than if we choose otherwise. We know Biden will continue to pile-drive us into the dust, and IMO war is the option of absolute last resort, to be chosen only if it becomes clear that Trump is leading us down the garden path.
I say support Trump with the full expectation that he is going to do the BOHICA tango on us. At that point we have nothing to lose but our cell phones and any crumbs tossed our way might be seen at least as a move in the right direction... maybe. Sitting this one out: loser. Voting otherwise: demonstrated loser. Going to war: almost vanishingly small likelihood we have to sand for it, and it would still be premature.
Given what we have allowed Themme to do to us, and we are all guilty of it, Trump is the only choice that is even cosmetically promising not to make things worse.
Be practical and have your inner pragmatist work your inner purist over with a soft iron wire until the latter gets really quiet because we don't need to hear from him a whole lot at the moment. If we can make for better days, and I'm very dubious that we can at this point, then we will want his counsel in order that we do our best not to become that which we claim to despise and hate.
If ever there was a time in American history to get smart, it is now. As bad as things stand today, you will really hate what will be coming if we do not at least hold the barbarians at the gates.
Your choice.
It always was.
Mortem proditoribus
Mortem tyrannis
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