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Thread: Ron Paul: A Thought Experiment Picture President Paul NOW

  1. #1

    Ron Paul: A Thought Experiment Picture President Paul NOW

    Ron Paul: A Thought Experiment

    I'm writing this article to suggest that those Ron Paul supporters who are willing to participate might want to help me with my new thought experiment. Call it an experiment in positive thinking.
    by Walt Thiessen

    One of the most staggeringly incredible things about the Ron Paul Revolution is how it has come together so spontaneously and so easily, how so many people have seemingly emerged out of the woodwork, out of nowhere, and come together to support their candidate. I have to confess that I never thought that such a thing would happen during my lifetime. That it has happened and is happening is a marvel

    I recently borrowed a book from the local library which was recommended by a fellow libertarian. It's called The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, and it was published one year ago. It's one of those Oprah Winfrey books, a recommendation that is usually enough to make me want to stay away. It's also one of those books on positive thinking, which is enough to make many rational people groan, roll their eyes, and try to change the subject as quickly as possible. If that describes you, I urge you to stop reading this article, because you won't like the rest of it.

    If you're still reading this article, then I'm going to assume that you are at least open to the possibility of what positive thinking can do for the Ron Paul campaign.

    My purpose in writing this article is a simple one. I want to encourage as many Ron Paul supporters as possible to engage in a little thought experiment in support of their candidate. I'm proposing that we utilize our inner powers as a group in support of Ron Paul's candidacy every day. I'm proposing that we focus on this because I believe this kind of activity is at the core of the Ron Paul Revolution.

    Byrne's book, like so many others before hers, proposes that (in the words of positive thinking guru Bob Proctor), "Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you."

    In short, I'm proposing that we "attract" Ron Paul as president using what we hold in our minds. Christian Paul supporters will recognize this as the power of prayer. Non-religious types will recognize this as the power of positive affirmations or positive thinking. I don't care what you call it. I propose that we do it as a group and that we try to draw others into what we're doing.

    I'm not suggesting that we abandon all of the other aspects of campaigning and supporting a candidate. Far from it! I'm simply suggesting that we might want to tweak the way we think about our candidate on a day-by-day basis.

    For example, one thing we see a lot of is Paul supporters bashing other candidates. I have done it myself. But as Byrne points out in her book, "Like Aladdin's Genie, the law of attraction grants our every command." Whatever we think about we attract, whether we think about it negatively or positively. Thus, if we think about Mike Huckabee or Rudy Giuliani in a negative light, we will get more of Mike Huckabee or Rudy Giuliani. It doesn't matter that we were rejecting their arguments or their stances on the issues. Just the mere fact of focusing our thoughts and energies on them sends a command to the univserse that says that we want more of Huckabee or Giuliani. And like Aladdin's Genie, the universe grants every command we give it.

    Consider the consequences of this simple observation. It means that the worst thing we can do for Ron Paul is to not focus on Ron Paul, but rather to focus on negatives that Ron Paul wants to correct.

    Byrne quotes marketing specialist Dr. Joe Vitale about this:

    "Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you've attracted. Now I know at first blush that's going to be something that you hate to hear. You're going to immediately say, 'I didn't attract the car accident. I didn't attract this particular client who gives me a hard time. I didn't particularly attract the debt.' And I'm here to be a little bit in your face and to say, yes you did attract it. This is one of the hardest concepts to get, but once you've accepted it, it's life transforming."

    This is a staggering concept. It clearly implies that we have attracted the IRS to us, that we have attracted fiat money to us, that we have attracted George W. Bush and William J. Clinton to us, and that we have attracted all of the other problems our country us!!

    This concept also explains quite clearly why the Ron Paul Revolution is happening. Thousands of people from around the country and around the world are finding each other, predominantly via the Internet, because they chose to focus their minds on achieving freedom right now. For whatever reason, they decided that they were sick of the status quo, and they wanted change. And the universe granted them their wish to the limited degree that they requested it. It delivered to them contact with others who were making the exact same request of the universe. Or in religious terms, God answered their prayers by delivering to them contact with others who felt the same way as they did.

    The law of attraction says that like attracts like. So here's the basis of my thought experiment. I propose that if we want Ron Paul to be President, that we focus our energies every day on Ron Paul AS President! To a large extent, this is what the Ron Paul Revolution has already done, and it's the reason why it continues to grow. It has also been a largely unconscious decision made by so many. I propose that we all make it a daily, conscious decision.

    One really easy way to do it is to focus on a picture of Ron Paul that represents him in the role we want him to play. Pictures are a great way to accomplish this. Pick your favorite Ron Paul picture, print it out on your printer, and post it on your wall where you'll see it every day. Then, as you begin your day, focus for a few minutes on the picture, and as you do so feel as good about that picture as you can possibly feel. Byrne makes a great deal in her book about how important it is to have positive feelings about what it is you are trying to attract into your life. This should be easy for most of us, since most of us feel so positively about Ron Paul. Still, it's something we have to remember to do as we look at our chosen picture each day. If we don't build as much positive, happy feeling about Ron Paul while we gaze at his picture, our efforts will be muted and will not produce the results we're hoping for.

    One of my favorite pictures is this one. You might also like this one. There's also a photoshopped photo that someone circulated which I can't find right now which has Ron Paul sitting at a desk that looks like it's in the Oval Office. That's an ideal one. But whatever photo you pick, make sure it helps you visualize Ron Paul actually being President.

    Then, whenever things go wrong, whenever the campaign gets discouraging, or even whenever you get up to go get a cup of coffee, I want you to look at your chosen picture of Ron Paul and focus on the happy feeling of him being President. If you're religious and want to turn it into a prayer, that's great. The power of prayer is well-documented.

    I plan to return to this theme from now on as I write my articles about Ron Paul. I hope you'll join me in helping to promote the Ron Paul Revolution using the attractive power of our minds.

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  3. #2
    I'm going to try this.

  4. #3


    This is very important.

    I do believe that our minds are very powerful and that we can shape our realities using the power of the mind. But I disagree that we have attracted every negative thing that has happened to us. I think our thoughts and (especially) our emotions contribute to reality creation but not as freely as many New Age people are claiming.

    Those who can truly create reality are the ones whose minds are serene, and they visualize their goals in the present tense with deep intent. Since most people's minds are not serene, they do contribute to creating their reality but not that much.

    Emotion is everything. Thought alone doesn't accomplish much. But negative emotions like anger and anxiety and fear actually mess it up.

    "Even vote fraud is not beyond these people."
    -- Ron Paul, January 10, 2008

    They Don't Want You To Think:

    We're In a Lot of Trouble:

    "Conspiracy" and "Theory" are two separate words.

  5. #4
    If you say "don't think of an elephant", then people will invariably think of an elephant.

    It's called framing. It's a very prevalent issue in linguistics. Noam Chomsky is a master of this.

  6. #5
    Thought is energy. If enough people send the same thought out into the universe (100th Monkey Theory) it will manifest into 3 D reality.

    I find it hard to listen to people when they say that Ron Paul WON'T/CAN'T win. So I counteract it with a positive thought instead.

  7. #6
    This guy stole my idea, which I posted on here a month or so ago.

    We've had our 'moneybomb' and we need a 'spiritual energy bomb'. It's not just "thought" or "Positive thinking".


    This happened to me a couple times. I had a visualization of Ron Paul 'winning' and at the same time I felt emotionally elated, like I was actually experiencing it right then.

    As many people as possible need to do this at the exact same time, because that will give it more power.


    Now, that being said -- there is a reason to not do this ----

    I often think there are parallel universes and many dimensions and our consciousness has many experiences in many physical bodies on other planes at the same time. Kind of like having dreams, expecially if you ever did lucid dreaming you know how real they are, just like right now. And we may be experiencing what is in our minds.

    So sometimes I wonder if we do visualize and emotionally experience something in our head, it is really happening on another plane, so it will not happen right here on this one.

    So maybe we better not manifest Ron Paul winning on another level -- we want it to happen for real on this one.



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