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Thread: California "cant account for" $24 Billion spent on bums.

  1. #1

    California "cant account for" $24 Billion spent on bums.

    California GOP leaders call for accountability after state can’t account for $24B spent on homeless crisis.

    California GOP leaders are calling for more accountability after an audit released earlier this week indicated that the state spent around $24 billion to tackle the homeless crisis over the past five years but did not consistently track whether the huge outlay of public money did anything to actually improve the problem.

    The state auditor’s report found that despite roughly $24 billion spent on homeless and housing programs during the 2018-2023 fiscal years, the problem didn’t improve in many cities, according to the state auditor’s report.

    Among other things, the report found that the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH), which is responsible for coordinating agencies and allocating resources for the homelessness programs, stopped tracking whether the programs were working in 2021.

    It also failed to collect and evaluate outcome data for these programs due to the lack of a consistent method, the audit found.
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  3. #2
    Do something Danke

  4. #3
    The bums got it, all right. And the head bum was a guy named Newsom.

  5. #4
    The California GOP would have spent that money on the homeless as well.
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