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Anti Federalist

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Kim Goldman even talked to two jurors and said she was told the three-and-a-half hour deliberation was allegedly a cover-up.
"They corroborated what my dad and I always thought -- which was that they didn't do their job," she said. "They pulled testimony just to cover up that they always knew what their answer was when they went into that jury room and they wasted our time for three-and-a-half hours."
Kim Goldman said the jurors claimed no evidence would have likely made a difference in the outcome.
Never heard that before but not surprised. Acquitting Simpson was a real wake up call for white people. That $#@!ing jury condoned those murders because of race and then blacks broke out in a massive celebration.
I'm speaking only for myself. I watched the trial intently. The police and prosecution fxcked up with the chain of evidence. And the
DNA lab in the OJ trial wasn't even accredited. I think some people would have found OJ guilty regardless and some would have found OJ not guilty regardless. Some still think Derek Chauvin is innocent despite the knee on the neck 2 1/2 minutes after the George Floyd no longer had a pulse. Some think Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty despite video showing him running AWAY from the white child rapist who was trying to take his gun. (The race of Kyle's victims is important because people try to make something racial out of it even t though everyone his shot was white.) There's the the Central Park 6 that Trump still thinks are guilty despite someone else already having been convicted of that crime. Oh, and what about Harvey Milk's killer Dan White who got off on the "Twinkie Defense?" I saw one of those (white) jurors who said "He seemed like such a nice young man. There had to be SOME reason for him to do what he did." At the end of the day there are 12 people who have 12 opinions that may or may not agree with yours. After that....life tends to go on.
Edit: One more thing. I know more than one black democrat that thought OJ was guilty the whole time and at least one white republican that still thought OJ was innocent even after OJ wrote the book "How I would have done it." And I've gone from thinking Michael Jackson was innocent of pedophilia to thinking he was guilty to now thinking he probably was innocent and my latest switch to thinking he was innocent came from a Candace Owens monologue.
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