Inflation: Causes, Consequences, and Cure
{Mises Institute | 17 February 2024}
While the government tries to hide the consequences of inflation in its official statistics, Americans see and feel it every time they visit the grocery store. The state and its media lapdogs try to blame inflation on corporate greed, but the true source of inflation is the Federal Reserve and the banking system.
Join the Mises Institute in Tampa for our first event of 2024 to discuss inflation’s causes, consequences, and cure. Our speakers - Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman - will uncover the state’s deceit to reveal what inflation really is: deliberate debasement of the dollar to create winners and losers. The main beneficiary is of course the government, but as the speakers will show, inflation infects the whole economy, creating business cycles, financial instability, and unending strain on household budgets.
SPEAKER TITLE VIDEO AUDIO Tho Bishop Welcome: Inflation: Causes, Consequences, and Cure POST #2 MP3 Thomas DiLorenzo Who Benefits from Inflation? POST #3 MP3 Patrick Newman The Redistributive Effects on Monetary Policy POST #9 MP3 Joseph Salerno Hyperinflation and the Destruction of Human Personality POST #4 MP3 OTHER VIDEO Jeff Deist: How Inflation Corrupts Peoples and Cultures POST #13
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