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Thread: Trans "therapies" have NO benefit to mental health - Study confirms

  1. #1

    Trans "therapies" have NO benefit to mental health - Study confirms

    Contradicting the claim that chopping off your genitals improves your mental health.

    That this is allowed to continue, that minor children who have not yet gone through puberty are subjected to these horrors, is criminal.

    Pediatricians Release Position Statement Reviewing Over 60 Studies on Mental Health in Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria

    February 7, 2024 For More Information Contact: (352) 376-1877

    Atlanta, GA - The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has released a position statement titled Mental Health in Adolescents with Incongruence of Gender Identity and Biological Sex.

    The authors reviewed over 60 studies and concluded that social transition, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones have no demonstrable, long-term benefit on psychosocial well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.

    The paper details studies that have led many countries to reject transgender interventions in adolescents in favor of psychological treatment.

    Lead author and Vice President of ACPeds, Dr. Jane Anderson says, “We urge medical professionals and parents to affirm the truth about childhood gender dysphoria in the presence of harmful thoughts and address the underlying mental illness, adverse events, and family dysfunction.”

    Dr. Michael Artigues, President of ACPeds, says “The studies reviewed in this paper demonstrate what many who practice medicine intuitively understand that young patients experiencing gender dysphoria deserve help in accepting and loving themselves as they are, not interventions that destroy their healthy bodies and put them on track of medicalization for life.”

    To read the Position Statement, click here. To read the factsheet summary, click here.

    To request an interview with the authors, please email
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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  3. #2
    NOT Frankenstein

    why I should worship the state (who apparently is the only party that can possess guns without question).
    The state's only purpose is to kill and control. Why do you worship it? - Sola_Fide

    Baptiste said.
    At which point will Americans realize that creating an unaccountable institution that is able to pass its liability on to tax-payers is immoral and attracts sociopaths?

  4. #3
    Doesn't take a genius to come to that conclusion. There's a lot of stories of people who end up regretting going through their transition.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  5. #4
    Kids like to play "dress up" they like to pretend. My son and I used to play all kinds of roles when he was little. We made all kinds of costumes. I play this way with my grand children.

    As a child I wanted to be a boy for a little while. I am so glad that I was born in a different time. The best event in my life was becoming a mother. I can't imagine how messed up I would be if this had been taken from me while having this fleeting fantasy that I wanted to be a boy had been nurtured while I was going thru puberty. I think I would probably be dead.

    I doubt that there is a single person alive that has never thought about what would life be like if I was rich, poor, boy, girl, monster, supper hero or, some other opposite role they live. This is how we grow up learn empathy, become who we really are.

    I don't really think "gay" is natural or that people are born that way or that it is in the dna. That does not mean that I hate them it means that I know that some type of trauma has happened to them and that it may have happened before they became fully conscious or self aware.

    I pray to God that some how that this insane agenda to support a childhood fantasy or bond to trauma gets exposed and these poor children get help.

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Working Poor View Post
    I don't really think "gay" is natural or that people are born that way or that it is in the dna. That does not mean that I hate them it means that I know that some type of trauma has happened to them and that it may have happened before they became fully conscious or self aware.
    It's almost certainly not natural. Homosexual preference is non-existent in other animals. Pretty much every study that says otherwise is junk science or been debunked.

    People become gay by repeatedly doing gay things. If you do gay things long enough, you're gonna become gay. It's just the way dopamine works.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  7. #6
    Definitely true, but I doubt the organization will be taken seriously by mainstream people.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTexan View Post
    People become gay by repeatedly doing gay things. If you do gay things long enough, you're gonna become gay. It's just the way dopamine works.
    I almost went gay once by listening to too much metal.

    “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

    H.L. Mencken

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by cjm View Post
    I almost went gay once by listening to too much metal.

    It's no coincidence that homosexuality rose in conjunction with the popularity of Queen and Village People.

    I had a buddy go to a queen concert once. He was never the same after that
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Working Poor View Post
    I doubt that there is a single person alive that has never thought about what would life be like if ...
    I think you're spot on with that. I'm pretty sure my tomboy daughter would have been considered transgender if she were in public school today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Working Poor View Post
    I don't really think "gay" is natural or that people are born that way or that it is in the dna.
    You used "or" in that statement; and I just wanted to be sure that you meant different cases. Do you think that individuals can be born differently than what their DNA prescribes? For instance, would you accept that an individual with XX chromosomes (not an abnormal XXY or XYY, but just XX) can be born male? Because they can. Sex differentiation occurs at about six weeks, and if the mother's system is flooded with substances that approximate male hormones at that time, then the XX fetus will become male. Likewise, for an XY individual in a uterine environment that is flooded with substances that approximate female hormones, then the fetus will become female. Under normal pristine circumstances, you would consider this to produce numbers on the order of birth defects (certainly less than 1%); so it wouldn't explain an incoming class at Brown University where 40% of incoming Freshmen identify as non-binary. (which I would consider to be sociological rather than biological). But given environmental factors like hormones in the meat and dairy industries, I can't dismiss it entirely.
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

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