Originally Posted by
Occam's Banana
[If]someone with a large platform (like Tucker Carlson, for example) uses that platform to publicize anything in opposition to X, more people will realize they are not the isolated "odd men out" after all. That's why the establishment media is freaking out so hard over Carlson's interview with Putin. It would not have been a problem back in the days before the "Wild West" of social media, when they were the gatekeepers who were able to effectively curate everything most people saw, heard, or read. Back then, they had no problems interviewing all kinds of people - Sadaam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, et al. They could completely control the framing and presentation of those interviews, and thus control what content (and even more importantly, the context of that content) people ended up seeing, hearing, or reading.
They can't do that any more. As a result of social media, they've lost their former stranglehold over both content and context, and as a result, their propaganda is no longer nearly as effective as it used to be when it comes to isolating and neutralizing opposition.
And they have no idea what to do about it except to desperately scream "bloody murder!" or "treason!" or the like, and demand new and draconian laws and such.
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