The Second Amendment is absolute. The right to keep and to bear arms is one that belongs to the people. Not only will I firmly protect gun rights by voting against EVERY new proposed restriction, I will work to restore rights that are currently being impeded on. Agencies like the ATF are out of control, often operating outside of the law, and need to be put in their place. My experience in the firearms industry makes me the perfect candidate to fight for gun rights where others have failed.
The job of the federal government is to protect its citizens first. What is happening on our southern border is not only criminal, but intentional. I will fight to secure our southern border, and fight against any attempt to legally open the floodgates to the millions of illegals who are making their first action in the United States violating its law and its legal boundaries.
Federal spending is out of control, and has been out of control for a long time. Our debt is doubling more rapidly than ever before, and will quickly reach a point of no return if not dealt with soon. I will work toward a balanced budget, cut federal spending at every reasonable opportunity, and make sure we don’t leave the next generation of Americans with a financial mess that is impossible to clean up.
Censoring the free exchange of ideas goes against one of the very founding pillars of this nation. Whether it comes from government agencies investigating law abiding citizens over political expression, or Silicon Valley technocrats trying to shape the world to their biases, censorship must be stopped.
The public education system is fundamentally broken, and in many cases has become a propaganda arm to indoctrinate your children with anti-American, and anti-family values. That is why I am an advocate for School choice. The public schooling system should not have a federally enforced monopoly on the education of your children.
The Supreme Court was absolutely correct in ruling that the Roe V. Wade case resulted in bad legislation. The federal government has no right to legislate on things outside of its purview, which is why issues such as abortion are to be decided only by the states themselves.
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