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Thread: An idea to deal with spy devices

  1. #1

    An idea to deal with spy devices

    9 hours ago (edited)
    I figured out a way to hold smart device companies and snoopers who sell information collected by the internet of things in your house accountable!

    All those targeted ads based on the things seen in your house or heard while you're talking in your house (heard through your smart tv, your phone, tablet, kitchen appliances etc..)

    If you put up a small transparent copyright sign with your name on it... and put it in front of your smart devices such as a smart TV , or anything with a camera on it....

    If someone takes it and sells it.. they are violating copyright law

    A way to hold the smart tv and ioT companies accountable if you start getting targeted ads afterwards, you know the information is being collected and sold with your copyright logo on it..... you could then immediately sue the TV company who made your TV as well as the internet provider and anyone else snooping and selling the images to 3rd parties online.

    Simple: Put your name and a copyright logo in the lower corner of the smart tv's view of the room Make sure its big enough to read from a distance of a few feet from the TV or smart device.

    Could also be done with a small sticker over wherever the cameras are located, but they're hard to find...

    Much easier to print out your name and put a copyright symbol on it, along with the terms of service you make for it (no use, pay me to use my info etc) ....

    This is how storm chasers copyright their content for instance, and anyone who takes the video or pictures from the live streams can be held legally accountable.

    It's called a "watermark" and you can put it anywhere in view in the room you're in ! You claim rights to anything in your house on camera by putting a watermark in view of the camera ! If they remove it or try to circumvent it, that's even more of a crime than just taking it without paying you or asking.

    If the smart TV or smart device picks up the watermark and the company records it or sells it, big no no.

    For audio recording devices, you would have something that plays once every few hours verbally which says something about no recording allowed.

    Have fun!
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  3. #2
    That is not going to work.

    Copyright only applies to created content, which is (initially) "owned" by the creators, not the subjects. (IOW: The people doing the recording are the creators - not the people being recorded.) Video footage created by the storm chasers mentioned in the OP is an example of this, but just talking to someone in your kitchen about how much you like cheese while you happen to be within "earshot" of some listening device does not. Also, having been observed (whether recorded or unrecorded) by someone else does not establish a copyright claim to any information derived from such observations. Only a particular "expression" of information can be copyrighted, not the information itself. (IOW: Even if your expression of the fact that you like cheese is copyrighted, the mere fact that you like cheese cannot be copyrighted - and others cannot be barred from making use of that fact on the basis of any supposed copyright over a particular expression of that fact.)

    Anything in "plain view of the public eye" is subject to being recorded without permission from (or copyrighted "ownership" by) any recorded persons. Private venues also do not require permission to record those present at those venues, as one's presence implies consent. Exceptions may exist in so-called "two-party" states with regard to recorded conversations - but even in those cases, the issue is one of "privacy" and not of "copyright". [1]

    One's use of devices which are known to make such recordings (or to allow the gathering of information) implies consent. IOW: If you don't want to be spied on, don't use devices that are known to spy on you. Waving a "copyright" sign around isn't going to accomplish anything at all. [2]

    [1] I know that recordings of conversations in "two-party" jurisdictions that are made without the consent of the participants are not admissible in legal proceedings. However, I don't know if there is any civil or criminal liability merely for the making of such recordings (or even for using them outside of legal proceedings).

    [2] Copyright is automatic for all copyrightable material. One does not have to make any explicit claim that one's copyrightable material has been copyrighted in order to possess and assert copyright privileges for that material. (One can officially register a copyright in order to establish a clear public record, but it is not necessary to do so.)
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 11-14-2023 at 06:31 AM.
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  4. #3
    An idea to deal with spy devices that might actually work.

  5. #4
    Get rid of your cell phone used encrypted hardwired internet. No Blue tooth or wifi.

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