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Rank has its privileges. Oops? Did I use the word "privileges" to describe a black person? Why yes. Yes I did.
People are selling their souls for a chance to be smug.
And doubly so when war is supported by people who could come up with all kinds of both logical and compassionate reasons to oppose Vietnam, besides just the obvious fact that they didn't want to be drafted.
I know this because they told me so.
Jokes the hippies laughed at are now reality. This was a Smothers Brothers routine.
[Dick is singing 'McNamara's Band']
Tom: Okay, hold it, hold it!
[Music stops]
Tom: Didn't hear one Jewish name in there. You really stepped into it that time, didn't ya.
Dick: Yeah, I...
Tom: So you launch into a song full of the worst kind of controversy...
Dick: What's the matter - ?
Tom: There's not one Chinese, one Italian, one Greek - I didn't hear anybody in there.
Dick: Of course you didn't, because they're all Irish.
Tom: There wasn't one Palucci, one Rabinowitz, one Hayakawa. I bet you there isn't even one colored person in that band.
Dick: You know what, I bet you are right, because it's an all-Irish band.
Tom: Oh, you're in for it now. Boy, did you start a controversy there.
Dick: Now what did I start? I'm trying to sing a happy little song...
Tom: You're going to be hearing from the NA double-I CP
Dick: Now what is that?
Tom: The National Association for Advancement of Irish Colored People.
Thanks for reminding me about how I went to Lollapalooza in 1993. It was crazy back then.
"When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch
Of course, most don't need to be subverted to be hypocrites.
I called the thread subversion into democracy, but in many cases it doesn't seem to take much. Hypocrisy seems to come naturally to many.
This isn't stupidity. She's plenty smart enough to know exactly how big a hypocrite she is. It's pure chutzpah.
Last edited by acptulsa; 12-22-2023 at 09:42 AM.
They just hate people who can defend themselves from them.
Last edited by acptulsa; 12-25-2023 at 06:30 AM.
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