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Thread: [Milei WINS!] Javier Milei, Austrian econ. prof. & ancap, runs for president of Argentina

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Javier Milei's take on Ukraine

    I don't have time to format it right now, but below is a raw transcript of Tucker Carlson's interview of Milei. Take a read of his discussions of the tyranny of socialism, of abortion and of the danger of Pope Francis's support for leftism, including leftist tyrants who are known murderers, and ask yourself if this can be "controlled opp". Every controlled-opp has certain Verboten topics they are not permitted to speak on. There are certain positions that NO controlled-opp will ever take, because even a single voice supporting such a position is too dangerous to the established order. Milei does not merely espouse one such position, he espouses half a dozen, or more. Just in this one interview. Milei may be a lot of things but controlled-opp is not one of them.

    we're in downtown Buenos Aires the
    capital of Argentina this was once about
    100 years ago one of the richest cities
    in the world and you could tell as you
    walk around
    The Faded Grandeur of a once great City
    but this is now a desperate country its
    economy is in shambles has been for a
    long time Argentina famously defaulted
    on its debt more than 20 years ago but
    now hyperinflation has made this country
    genuinely desperate you see when you
    have dinner here in restaurants and
    people pull out bricks of local currency
    the peso to pay it feels like Weimar or
    Zimbabwe but it's not this is a
    developed country that's moving
    backwards at high speed
    and because of the frustration that has
    built up among the population
    particularly among poor people a man
    called Javier Miele is poised to become
    its next president
    he's a former Soccer Star goalie
    a performer in a Rolling Stones cover
    band and a Libertarian Economist he's
    not a Libertarian in the traditional
    American sense he wouldn't fit into the
    Cato Institute which has attacked him
    for liking Donald Trump too much he's
    libertarian in the traditional sense he
    believes people should have the maximum
    amount of Freedom they can be given
    which is a lot much more than they now
    get in Argentina he has moved from
    basically nowhere in the last several
    years to become maybe the most famous
    person in this country the election is
    next month in October and once again it
    seems like he's likely to win
    the reception he's gotten from the press
    in the west particularly in the United
    States the New York Times The Washington
    Post also the financial times has been
    hostile to put it mildly they describe
    him as a far-right figure like he's a
    you see we sat down with him at Great
    length just a moment ago he read across
    from the president's Mansion The Pink
    House that he hopes to soon occupy to
    find out what he's like
    he didn't seem very radical
    continuing what they're now doing in
    Argentina seems radical in fact insane
    but judge for yourself here he is
    thanks so much for joining us sir for
    letting us come and interview you here
    in Buenos sorry so why do you think from
    your perspective you've become a man
    with no political background so popular
    so quickly in this country
    from my standpoint there are two ways of
    explaining this popularity
    one has to do with my personal
    over the course of my life I've been a
    soccer player
    and sang in a rock band I'm also an
    and I think that combination makes for
    an attractive television production
    the other important way to explain this
    is because of my ideas
    Argentina is a country that has embraced
    socialist ideas for the last 100 years
    so liberalism is a natural form of
    rebellion against the system
    and Rebellion is always led by youth
    when they look at me they see someone
    talking about liberalism and rebelling
    against the status quo
    I don't understand how people with power
    in Argentina could support the status
    quo given that your inflation rate is up
    there with Lebanon and Zimbabwe in other
    countries that aren't real countries
    but your country is beautiful abundant
    natural resources intelligent
    well-educated population and yet its
    economy is in shambles how could any so
    clearly the system isn't working how
    could anyone support that the issue is
    that Argentina began to embrace
    socialist ideas over a hundred years ago
    the analogy of frogs in a pot of water
    is useful here when you turn up the heat
    slowly the frogs don't realize it until
    the time comes and when they try to jump
    out it's too late and they end up dead
    Argentina's Embrace of socialist ideas
    began with an idea that seems attractive
    but it's actually a terrifying way to
    operate an economic system the idea that
    where there is a need there is a right
    it's a problem because there can be
    infinite needs but someone always has to
    pay for those rights
    and the resources for that are finite
    that Sparks a conflict between infinite
    needs and finite resources
    in the liberalist view this conflict is
    easy to resolve through economic freedom
    and private property
    this is a natural mechanism to resolve
    this tension in a society
    but the Socialists don't much like the
    Invisible Hand they prefer the claws of
    the state and they hide it behind the
    discourse of social justice this sort of
    social justice is deeply unjust because
    it's premeditated by unequal treatment
    under the law and preceded by a robbery
    I didn't fully appreciate the degree to
    which the Argentinian government had
    embraced Fringe academic American style
    social justice a businessman told me at
    lunch today that people would identify
    as transgender pay lower taxes
    2019 you had a Ministry of women in
    created in this country for the first
    time what does that Ministry do in
    theory it is supposed to deal with
    women's issues but when you look for the
    results you find there aren't any just
    writing songs are women happier here
    hey no
    no no because there are no real results
    just painting a Park Bench red or
    writing a song doesn't fix the
    conditions or address the problems that
    women face
    in fact one of the most important
    achievements of liberalism is equality
    under the law
    and then this kind of ministry
    why isn't there a Ministry of men
    if there is true equality under the law
    what we need is to enforce the law not
    to create a Ministry of women
    it's based on a premise that is totally
    false for example they say that there is
    a glass ceiling for women and women earn
    less than men and that all businessmen
    are pigs who only care about making
    if that were the case and all
    businessmen are pigs who only care about
    making money then why aren't all offices
    swarming with women they should be full
    of women but when you look it's fairly
    even and proportional to the population
    if you look beyond the averages you will
    find that it's a matter of the decisions
    that men and women are making as they
    choose their professions and if you
    correct for profession and for line of
    work then pay is actually even
    and the truth is all of the regulations
    and restrictions that these
    organizations like the ministry of women
    all they do is create positive
    discrimination affirmative action that's
    discrimination and I think it's
    absolutely offensive to woman because it
    means treating them as lesser beings
    which is truly abhorrent
    and it also Sparks counterproductive
    Behavior among women and this hurts
    women in the end
    it's the same old story
    All State action causes more harm than
    what it is supposed to correct
    for example they tried to fix a problem
    with rents in Argentina
    they passed a law on rentals now we are
    worse off than before
    they try to fix the problem of hunger
    and now there is more hunger they try to
    fix the problem of poverty and now
    there's more poverty they try to fix the
    lack of employment and now there's more
    unemployment every time the state
    intervenes it is a violent action that
    harms the right to private property and
    in the end limits our freedom
    the end result is much worse than how
    things were before
    it was always clear that the ministry of
    women would only hurt women except those
    who are state employees you oppose
    abortion why
    because as someone who believes in
    liberalism I'll say libertarian liberal
    because in English the word liberal
    means something different so let me say
    as a Libertarian we believe that
    liberalism entails the unrestricted
    respect for the lives of others rooted
    in a principle of non-aggression and the
    defense of life liberty and property
    and if we cleave these ideas of Liberty
    one of the most fundamental aspects is
    to defend the right to life
    beyond that there is a scientific
    justification to be had
    it's the fact that life begins at
    conception it's at that very instant
    that a new being begins to evolve
    with its own unique DNA
    while it's true that women have the
    right to their own bodies the child in a
    woman's womb is not her body
    that child is not her body that makes
    abortion a murder enabled and aggravated
    by a power imbalance against a child
    that has no way to defend itself
    and beyond that there is a matter of
    mathematics life is a Continuum with two
    Quantum leaps birth and death
    any interruption in the interim is
    murder so I would think you're a
    Catholic you said you're just defending
    really the Catholic life principle the
    Pope the current pope is from Argentina
    I would think he would support you he is
    instead criticized you and you've called
    him a communist
    why the disconnect
    well first because the pope plays
    politics he has strong political
    influence and he has shown a great
    affinity for dictators such as Castro
    and Maduro he is on the side of this
    bloody dictatorships
    wait I'm sort of Raul Castro's a
    right and Fidel Castro was also a
    murderer but the pope you believe the
    pope has an affinity for role Castro see
    exacto yes that's right he has an
    affinity for murderous
    in fact he won't denounce them he's
    quite lenient to them
    he's also lenient toward the Venezuelan
    dictatorship he's lenient toward the
    entire left even when they are true
    that's a problem
    but he also takes social justice as a
    central element of his vision
    that's difficult because what is social
    justice truly
    it's stealing the fruits of one person's
    labor and giving it to someone else
    so it means two things first it's
    the problem with that is that one of the
    Ten Commandments is thou shall not steal
    to support social justice is to support
    stealing so one problem is that it
    violates the Ten Commandments
    the other problem is that it creates
    unequal treatment under the law
    and I don't think it's fair for some
    people to be rewarded While others are
    punished all through the power of the
    state that wields a monopoly on violence
    so when you look around it's fascinating
    to look around the city Buenos Aires and
    the architecture is a mixture of
    sublimely beautiful buildings and
    stupendously ugly buildings and it feels
    like looking at an archaeological tell
    where the architecture corresponds to
    certain political eras and I wonder if
    you believe that socialism leftism
    ugliness this is an initial way to
    characterize Argentina in terms of the
    city of Buenos Aires
    when you look at its architecture the
    architecture of liberalist Argentina is
    a style that is so fascinating and
    dustling it's the architecture of a
    glorious time times of liberalism in
    the colon theater is the best example of
    this it is one of the best lyrical
    theaters in the world and it is the
    reflection of a thriving liberalist
    Argentina that was admired around the
    world and then came the buildings that
    were more square and squat
    these were the buildings of the ministry
    of Public Works or the Ministry of
    Social Action
    the one down on nine de Julio Street
    it's a truly ugly building with directly
    Soviet characteristics in fact there
    used to be a statue they've since
    removed it but there was a statue there
    that looked like this a man with his
    hand cupped backward as if accepting a
    that's one of the things that the
    Builder included in protest for the
    number of bribes they demanded of him as
    he was erecting the building
    that's the architecture Squat and ugly
    and the Only Winners involved are those
    who have business with the politicians
    Puerto Madero is an example he
    you described the buildings the leftist
    buildings as square and plain and ugly
    why does the left love concrete so much
    your old buildings are built out of
    stone and plaster but the the the newer
    socialist buildings are all concrete
    what is that
    it has to do with leftist values there
    are underlying values within leftist
    ideas Envy hatred resentment unequal
    treatment under the law and violence
    all that these socialist altruism ends
    up doing is contaminate the system with
    incentives that generate poverty
    so of course if you are poor what you
    can build is limited by your poverty
    this is one reason everywhere and always
    socialism is a violent murderous and
    impoverishing phenomenon those are the
    characteristics of socialism socialism
    has become
    uh ascendant really in the United States
    as you may have noticed
    with the attendant symptoms you
    described massive public debt levels
    increasing poverty disorder crime filth
    and ugliness Argentina is at the end
    stage of that Argentina is now a poor
    country because of those policies
    what advice would you give to Americans
    having lived it
    never embrace the ideals of socialism
    never allow yourselves to be seduced by
    the siren song of social justice
    don't get caught up in that terrible
    concept that where there is a need there
    is a right
    but that can't happen on its own
    we have to be prepared for this and wage
    a cultural War every single day
    and we have to be careful because they
    have no problem with getting inside the
    state and employing gramshi's techniques
    seducing the artists seducing the
    culture seducing the media or meddling
    in educational content
    you need to be very careful cut off
    their funding and force them into a fair
    at the same time we have to raise
    awareness among the business sector that
    the masses are necessary Milton Friedman
    used to say that the social role of an
    entrepreneur is to make money
    but that's not enough part of their
    investment must include investing in
    those who defend the ideals of Freedom
    so the Socialists can make no further
    advances and if they don't do it they
    will get into the state and use the
    state to impose a long-term agenda that
    will destroy everything it touches
    so we need a commitment from all of
    those who create wealth to fight against
    socialism to fight against statism and
    to understand that if they fail to do so
    the Socialists will keep coming
    because what's the point since they try
    to leech off others without working they
    are tireless in their Pursuit
    their late Motif in life is to live off
    of others
    so they never give up on this mechanism
    to gain control of others wealth money
    or income
    so this battle must be waged unceasingly
    we cannot take a day off because when we
    rest socialism Creeps in Donald Trump is
    running for president again in the
    United States as you know what advice
    would you give him
    he should continue his fight against
    because he is one of the few who truly
    understood that we are fighting
    socialism that we are fighting the
    he understood perfectly that the
    generation of wealth comes from the
    private sector
    the state does not create wealth the
    state destroys it
    the state can give you nothing because
    it produces nothing
    and when it attempts it it does so
    so I'd say if I could humbly offer
    all I could say would be to double down
    on his efforts in the same direction
    defending the ideals of freedom
    and refusing to give an inch to the
    Socialists do you see the climate change
    movement as part of the same socialist
    it is part of the Socialist agenda in
    fact what post-marxism attempts to do
    given the clear economic failure
    after the fall of the Berlin Wall
    although socialism actually failed in
    when they had to build the wall in the
    first place
    faced with that defeat they moved class
    struggle into other aspects of life
    for example the struggle between black
    and white or black lives matter the
    entire lgbtq Lobby everything related to
    radical feminism
    because remember that the original cause
    of feminism is rooted in liberalism
    the first one to promote it was Jeremy
    Bentham in the mid-18th century
    this agenda also includes the agenda of
    man against nature where man is the one
    supposedly harming nature when the truth
    is that the world has had other
    temperature spikes in the past it's a
    cycle that exists regardless of man and
    if the prices were truly free those
    problems would be fixed easily we
    wouldn't need the state to regulate
    because every time the state regulates
    things get even worse there's also a
    darker side to this agenda it's a
    murderous agenda the agenda of abortion
    as a consequence of what humans are
    doing to the planet they promote the
    murder of people still in their mother's
    womb abortion
    this is a policy that has always failed
    throughout the world and it's terrible
    not only by virtue of its failure but
    because it is a bloodthirsty policy in
    which Some Humans believe they should
    decide who should live and who should
    it's the utmost expression of hubris how
    can a person decide who will live and
    who will not
    I want to say it clearly the Socialists
    hands are stained with blood
    they always have blood on their hands
    are you arguing that socialists commit
    Bloodshed because they believe they are
    God because they believe themselves God
    they are Heretics that's why in his last
    book Hayek called it the Fatal conceit
    because to coordinate this kind of
    action everything that you have to know
    and that has to do with another article
    by Hayek cold the use of knowledge in
    society in which he takes a more
    scientific and deeper exploration of
    Adam Smith's idea of the Invisible Hand
    what he says is that to implement
    socialism the people who do it would
    have to be omniscient omnipresent and
    omnipotent that is they believe they are
    let me tell you something
    they are not God
    and what's worse politicians are such
    miserable low lives
    especially the leftists they are even
    below the average population who would
    fake being average only those who are
    below average this is an agenda of Envy
    Envy is a capital sin no good can come
    from it no good can come from murder no
    good can come from robbery so going back
    to Pope Francis why does he defend an
    agenda that supports murder robbery and
    envy it's strange isn't it so why why
    does he what's what's the answer
    he's the one who should answer that
    because examined in this debate in the
    light of empirical evidence he is the
    one who should be giving explanations as
    to why he defends an economic system
    that leads to Poverty misery violence
    and decadence and if it were up to them
    they would destroy the world that's
    something he should explain I'm not a
    socialist I'm a Libertarian liberal
    you've said that as president of
    Argentina you will not do business with
    not only will I not do business with
    China I won't do business with any
    communist I am a defender of Freedom
    peace and democracy
    there is no room for Communists there
    is no room for Putin there
    is no room for Lula there
    we want to be the moral Lighthouse for
    our continent
    we want to be Defenders of Freedom
    democracy and diversity
    of peace
    from within the state we will not pursue
    any action with Communists or socialists
    that doesn't mean that argentinians
    can't trade if they want to trade with
    China or with Russia or with Brazil
    that's up to each Argentinian
    do you pray for wisdom and guidance
    I know that there are many people who
    are praying for me
    and it brings me joy to know that people
    go to the hotel
    to the Wailing Wall in Israel and pray
    for me I feel fine
    but it's that I'm convinced that what
    I'm doing is right
    life without freedom is not worth living
    I was once asked if I'd be willing to
    give my life for the ideals of freedom
    and I am willing I want to be an
    embodiment of that way of living of
    living in Freedom
    I think slavery is a horrifying concept
    and I will fight for the ideals of
    Freedom as long as I need to whatever
    the consequences may be
    doing the right thing is non-negotiable
    interesting last question
    you said
    um there's this enormous State Workforce
    government Workforce in Argentina but
    you said that you
    would not lay them off immediately until
    you built up the private sector economy
    because you worried there would be
    violent protests
    are you worried that there will be
    violent protests or violence against
    your supporters over the next month
    before the election
    I'm not worried because I will govern
    according to the law
    under my Administration the law will be
    respected and the people will pay for
    their mistakes
    they should have no reason to complain
    they won't be laid off in the first
    round of reforms and when the second
    round of reforms take place they will be
    able to leave behind their public sector
    jobs because they will have an incentive
    to do so and they will be paid better it
    shouldn't be a problem
    but if they still want to make trouble
    we will enforce the law and anyone who
    tries to Riot anyone who breaks the law
    will be put in prison
    do you believe law enforcement is on
    your side
    if not the justice system wouldn't be
    I will be working to make sure that our
    justice system is truly independent and
    can act freely
    anyone who breaks the law and violates
    the Constitution will have to pay for it
    with a justice system that has the
    political support to be truly
    I don't see any reason for them not to
    be on our side
    otherwise it's not Justice
    thank you
    you're welcome
    appreciate it thanks that's it
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  3. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    I'm not the one coping.

  4. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    I don't have time to format it right now, but below is a raw transcript of Tucker Carlson's interview of Milei. Take a read of his discussions of the tyranny of socialism, of abortion and of the danger of Pope Francis's support for leftism, including leftist tyrants who are known murderers, and ask yourself if this can be "controlled opp". Every controlled-opp has certain Verboten topics they are not permitted to speak on. There are certain positions that NO controlled-opp will ever take, because even a single voice supporting such a position is too dangerous to the established order. Milei does not merely espouse one such position, he espouses half a dozen, or more. Just in this one interview. Milei may be a lot of things but controlled-opp is not one of them.
    I disagree that "there are certain positions that no controlled opp[osition] will ever take" - at least, not according to the promoters of "controlled opposition" narratives. By their nature, such narratives can always account for anything (or its exact opposite). In the case of any of the things you mention, it could simply be chalked up to inscrutably elaborate "3D chess" machinations - or even just to crude, last-ditch desperation by the supposed "controlling opposers" - and no one could ever prove otherwise.

    However, your general point is still a valid and correct one. It would indeed be extremely foolishly counterproductive for those who oppose certain ideas to ostensibly endorse and promote those ideas so aggressively as part of some manipulatively illusory facade. That is why, as unfalsifiable as they are, many "controlled opposition" narratives are so lacking in credibility, some even to the point of blatant absurdity - such as the notion that Javier Milei is some kind (witting or unwitting) cat's-paw.

    IOW: If Javier Milei is "controlled opposition", then we could do with a hell of a lot more of it. Three cheers for "controlled opposition"!
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 09-18-2023 at 10:29 AM.

  5. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    I disagree that "there are certain positions that no controlled opp[osition] will ever take"

    Obviously, it's not just about the position itself, it's about the prominence of the pulpit from which that position/message is being espoused. Milei explains Austrian principles clearly, directly, truly (no spinning) and in a manner that anyone in the public can understand. Combined with criticism of the Pope, etc. he is either baiting suicide by assassination, or he has some guardian angels. I see no chance that any department of the Establishment wants anything to do with this guy. Expect to see all kinds of muck-raking on him.

    no one could ever prove otherwise.
    Proof and patterns are two different classes of knowledge. A pattern can be 99.9% reliable, and yet not provable (not 100% certain). That 0.1% gap always matters, but few patterns are more reliable than the nature of controlled-opp messaging. Even when they say the truth to win people over, they do it in a manner/style that somehow still serves their true agenda. The rats are not that hard to spot once you learn the common patterns.

    However, your general point is still a valid and correct one. It would indeed be extremely foolishly counterproductive for those who oppose certain ideas to ostensibly endorse and promote those ideas so aggressively as part of some manipulatively illusory facade. That is why, as unfalsifiable as they are, many "controlled opposition" narratives are so lacking in credibility, some even to the point of blatant absurdity - such as the notion that Javier Milei is some kind (witting or unwitting) cat's-paw. IOW: If Javier Milei is "controlled opposition", then we could do with a hell of a lot more of it. Three cheers for "controlled opposition"!
    Fair enough.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  7. #65
    Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    Robert Heinlein

    Give a man an inch and right away he thinks he's a ruler

    Groucho Marx

    I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.

    Linus, from the Peanuts comic

    You cannot have liberty without morality and morality without faith

    Alexis de Torqueville

    Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
    Those who learn from the past are condemned to watch everybody else repeat it

    A Zero Hedge comment

  8. #66

  9. #67
    Argentina's presidential election is on October 22nd.

    Javier Milei is the runaway frontrunner. He is a conservative.

    Of course, that means that the prosecutors in Argentina took the opportunity to charge him with a crime even though he did nothing wrong.

    The charge is that he caused a sharp drop in the Argentine currency with his Presidential campaign.

    Yes, really.

    Just like in America, they are using lawfare to try and take out an excellent politician.

    They did the same to the great Bolsonaro of Brazil and the great Donald Trump of USA!

    I hope Milei wins and arrests the prosecutors going after him!

    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  10. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post

    I checked some polls recently and he was in third place. Of course, polls in Argentina could be even more rigged than ours. But pretty sure there’s no way the world elite will allow him to just win.

    We’re beyond the point of elections dontcha think?
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  11. #69
    THREAD: Prosecutor files criminal charge against freedom candidate Javier Milei in Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Prosecutor files case against Argentina's frontrunner Javier Milei days before presidential election

    By DANIEL POLITI Associated Press October 13, 2023, 4:19 PM

    The Associated Press

    BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- A prosecutor launched a criminal case Friday against Argentina's frontrunner in this month's presidential elections, accusing Javier Milei of deliberately causing a drop in the Argentine currency when he encouraged citizens not to save in pesos.

    Milei denounced the move as political persecution, just days ahead of the Oct. 22 polling.

    President Alberto Fernández had called for the investigation in a complaint filed Wednesday, saying that the right-wing populist candidate was trying to scare the public and that his actions were “a severe affront to the democratic system.”

    Prosecutor Franco Picardi on Friday referred a criminal case to a federal judge, going off Fernández's accusation that claimed Milei and other candidates on his party's ticket were inciting public fear — a charge that carries possible prison terms of up to six years. Federal Judge María

    Servini will later decide whether there is enough evidence to indict.

    Milei is considered the frontrunner in the Oct. 22 election, after rocking Argentina’s political landscape when he unexpectedly received the most votes in August primaries that are widely seen as a massive poll of voter preferences.

    He pushed back against the criminal case Friday, characterizing the prosecutor as an ally of the government and saying that Picardi is “persecuting the political option most voted by the Argentine people.”

    In a post on social media, Milei added: “Nothing will prevent the beating we’re going to give them at the polls.”

    In a news conference earlier this week, Milei said those who criticized him were trying to "tarnish the electoral process or even forcibly ban the most popular political force ... because they know we're just a few points away from winning.”

    In his initial complaint, Fernández cited a radio interview Monday in which Milei recommended that Argentines not renew fixed rate deposits in the local currency, saying the “peso is the currency issued by the Argentine politician, and therefore it is not worth crap.”

    Another member of Milei's self-described libertarian party, a candidate for the Buenos Aires mayoralty, also called on citizens to drop the peso.

    “Today more than ever: Don’t save in pesos,” Ramiro Marra wrote on social media Tuesday.

    Marra and Agustín Romo, a candidate for the Buenos Aires province legislature in Milei’s Liberty Advances party, also were included in the prosecutor’s filing.

    Many of Milei's rivals blamed him for a sharp depreciation of the peso, which lost 10 percent of its value over the past week.

    The so-called blue rate, as the informal exchange rate is known, reached as high as 1,050 pesos to the U.S. dollar on Tuesday, a sharp increase from 880 pesos the previous week. It later moderated that increase and ended the week at around 980 pesos to the dollar.

    Stringent capital controls mean that access to the official foreign exchange market, which currently prices a dollar at 367 pesos, is extremely limited.

    Milei is a fiercely anti-establishment candidate who has said that the answer to Argentina’s red-hot inflation, which is running at around 140% per year, is to dollarize the economy. He had recently suggested the sharp depreciation of the peso could be convenient for his eventual presidency.

    “The higher price of the dollar, the easier it is to dollarize,” Milei said earlier this month.

    Polls show Milei is leading the race for presidency although he does not appear to have enough votes to win outright without a runoff next month.

  12. #70
    Another zionist right wing anti-establishment stooge with f*cked up hair, Javier Milei, is favourite to become Argentina’s next president.
    Milei has links to the Dutch royals, the family of Queen Maxima in particular (who was born in Argentina).

    In the early 1990s, Javier Milei was a senior economist at HSBC, where one of his colleagues was none other than Maxima Zorreguieta, who worked at another location, but at least once went to the Buenos Aires office where Milei worked.

    Javier Finkman and Fabián Abadie invited Javier Milei to join HSBC.
    Later Milei taught Finance at the University of Buenos Aires with both Finkman and Abadie.

    In the early 1990s, Finkman and Abadie were appraising the value of companies for brokerage firm Capel, where Maxima now worked.
    HSBC later acquired Capel: (in Spanish)

    In 1999, Milei was advising Antonio Bussi, who was running for Congress.
    Bussi was later convicted of crimes against humanity during the brutal junta that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983, that included Maxima’s dad, Jorge Zorreguieta (who for some reason escaped the prison sentence he desevered).

    Bussi’s son is running for a spot Argentina’s lower house, for Milei’s coalition, Liberty Advances.

    Milei says to consult a rabbi, considers converting to Judaism, and promises that his first trip abroad as president would be to Israel:

    Javier Milei once supported the nephew of former President Carlos Menem, when he was running for office:

    Carlos Menem was also involved in the money laundering and arms dealing by Jorge Zorreguieta, and associated, with the Bush family.
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    In June 2001, former Argentine President Carlos Menem was accused for his involvement in illegally selling 6,500 tons of arms to Croatia and Ecuador between 1991 and 1995, in violation of international arms embargoes.
    Zorreguieta corruption scandal
    Do NOT ever read my posts. Google and Yahoo wouldn’t block them without a very good reason: Google-censors-the-world/page3

    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  13. #71
    Maybe Javier Milei’s close ties to the Spanish “extreme right” Vox party are even more interesting than his Argentinian high society contacts.

    See VOX leader Santiago Abascal with Javier Milei, Spain, October 2022 (?).

    Vox was endorsed by none other than Steve Bannon (there he is again!), Marine Le Pen and Matteo Salvini.
    Steve Bannon, of the British royals controlled SCL Group that got Trump crowned president, started his affiliation with the party after meeting Vox’s zionist Friend of Israel Rafael Bardají in Washington. Bardají was an adviser to Spanish PM José María Aznar, and also part of the notorious zionist Gatestone Institute.

    Rafael Bardají was also close to Trump NSA John Bolton (also of Gatestone), Jason Greenblatt Trump’s Middle East negotiator, and with Jared Kushner, the Chabad-Lubavitch husband of Ivanka Trump:

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    In 2017, John Bolton (before he became Trump’s NSA) was awarded “The Guardian of Zion Award” by Rennert.

    In 2014, Rafael Bardají organised PR advice from Israel for Vox.

    See Rafael Bardají with Steve Bannon.

    Also in 2014, Vox’s first, unsuccessful candidate for the European Parliament, Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, got a large donation — more than 800,000 euros (about $897,000) - from the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), another zionist front supporting the extremist Islamic Iran Republic through opposition. Both John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani have spoken at MEK’s annual Paris event:
    Do NOT ever read my posts. Google and Yahoo wouldn’t block them without a very good reason: Google-censors-the-world/page3

    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  14. #72
    I've seen the media $#@! on Trump pretty badly before but he's never been compared to Chucky at least.

    Election is tonight although it sounds there won't be an outright winner yet.
    Last edited by jct74; 10-22-2023 at 04:44 PM.

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  16. #73
    With 76 percent of a paper ballot, hand counted election, counted.

    First official results are rolling in with 76% of the vote counted:

    Massa 36%
    Milei 31%
    Bullrich 24%
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  17. #74
    Familiar looking graph...

    Wonder if those vaqueros have the cojones that cowboys seem to lack these days.

  18. #75

  19. #76

  20. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Not sure if that's a perfect interpretation or not, but that's my kind of candidate! They will NEVER let him win. If they do, it's only to destroy these silly ideas of freedom and liberty once and for all.
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  21. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    Not sure if that's a perfect interpretation or not, but that's my kind of candidate!
    However imperfect the interpretation may be, I hope nothing was lost in translation.

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    They will NEVER let him win.
    The election is today. I am sure it will be well and heavily "fortified".

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    If they do, it's only to destroy these silly ideas of freedom and liberty once and for all.
    If they do somehow fail to keep him out, at least we'll get a simulation of the kind of shenanigans Ron Paul would have faced if he had won.

  22. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    If they do somehow fail to keep him out, at least we'll get a simulation of the kind of shenanigans Ron Paul would have faced if he had won.

  23. #80
    I will eat my shoes if he somehow ends up winning.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

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  25. #81
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  26. #82
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 11-19-2023 at 05:30 PM.

  27. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    If they do somehow fail to keep him out, at least we'll get a simulation of the kind of shenanigans Ron Paul would have faced if he had won.
    Let the shenanigans begin ...

  28. #84
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 11-19-2023 at 05:36 PM.

  29. #85

  30. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Globalist View Post
    I will eat my shoes if he somehow ends up winning.

  31. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Graham:I want sanctions!

  32. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    If they do somehow fail to keep him out, at least we'll get a simulation of the kind of shenanigans Ron Paul would have faced if he had won.
    Let the shenanigans begin ...

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  34. #89
    Get ready to now see people using this victory as indication that Trump will win next year.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  35. #90

    Javier Milei WINS in a landslide in Argentina

    I don't care if this is posted somewhere else.

    For $#@!'s sake we all needed some good news.

    Congratulations to you and the people of Argentina!!!!

    Populist Libertarian Javier Milei Wins Presidency of Argentina in Landslide

    FRANCES MARTEL 19 Nov 2023

    Economist Javier Milei, a cable news fixture who was elected to the Argentine Congress riding a wave of anti-socialist sentiment in 2021, was elected the nation’s president on Sunday.

    Milei campaigned as a libertarian, capitalist anti-socialist, leading his young political movement, Liberty Advances, against the long-standing Peronist socialist establishment. As a Latin American libertarian, he also took socially conservative positions that do not align with the common understanding of mainstream libertarianism in the United States, such as opposing the legalization of abortion and discouraging business dealings with communist countries, including one of Argentina’s top trade partners, China.

    The candidate representing the socialists, current Minister of Economics Sergio Massa, announced to his supporters before official election results had been published that he had called Milei to concede the presidency.

    With 86.59 percent of the vote tallied at press time and published by Argentina’s election authorities, Milei received 55.95 percent of the vote, compared to 44.04 percent for Sergio Massa – a double-digit lead made especially notable because Massa defeated Milei in the first round of voting on October 22.

    Milei will succeed Massa’s boss, current President Alberto Fernández, under whose leadership the country has experienced an unprecedented economic crisis, fueling skyrocketing inflation, joblessness, and social anxiety. Fernández chose not to run for reelection and the presumed candidate expected to replace him, current Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, also chose not to run after being convicted of corruption crimes in late 2022. Courts found her both guilty of engaging in corruption and covered by prosecutorial immunity laws, so the vice president – who has also served as both president and first lady – chose to abstain from entering the race.

    Massa delivered a speech at his campaign headquarters in which he urged supporters to wish Milei luck and work to improve the lives of Argentines collectively.

    “I want to say that, obviously, the results are not what we expected,” Massa said – to audible expressions of shock, as the election results were not yet available – “and I have communicated with Javier Milei to congratulate him and wish him luck because he is the president that the majority of Argentines chose for the next four years.”

    Speaking over some jeers, Massa added, “I did it convinced that the most important thing we have to leave Argentines with is the message that coexistence, dialogue, and respect for peace before so much violence and disqualification is the best path that we can take.”
    Last edited by Anti Federalist; 11-19-2023 at 06:02 PM.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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