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Thread: [Milei WINS!] Javier Milei, Austrian econ. prof. & ancap, runs for president of Argentina

  1. #541
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Argentina's Milei heads to Davos taking selfies, criticizing 'socialist agenda'
    Going to a Davos meeting where they are literally promoting the "World Order"
    Me rn:

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  3. #542
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post

  4. #543

  5. #544
    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    I $#@!ing love this guy.
    Javier Milei has done more for himself and his Israeli govt pals...
    Last edited by WarriorLiberty; 01-17-2024 at 09:36 AM.

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  7. #545
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Javier Milei has done more for himself and his Israeli govt pals...

    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Special address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina | Davos 2024 | World Economic Forum
    {World Economic Forum | 17 January 2024}

    A special address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina.

    The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will provide a crucial space to focus on the fundamental principles driving trust, including transparency, consistency and accountability.

    This Annual Meeting will welcome over 100 governments, all major international organizations, 1000 Forum’s Partners, as well as civil society leaders, experts, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets.

    The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.

    04:20 - Introduction by Klaus Schwab
    06:00 - Javier Milei
    - OB]
    [thread archive:]
    {Count Dankula @CountDankulaTV | 17 January 2024}

    I was really disappointed when I found out Javier Milei was going to the WEF summit.

    Until I got a few minutes into his speech and he is just telling them that everything they are doing is wrong and $#@!ed up and the "root of all the worlds problems".

    He's a pulling a Gervais at the Golden Globes so far.

    And he has just $#@! all over their socialist model and told them free market capitalism is the only way forward lmao.

    I think he just trojan horsed them to $#@! all over their ideology to their faces but I am going to watch the rest.

    He's now pulling out the stats and saying how from year zero to about 1800 global per capita GDP was at rock bottom and never increased during that time and the only thing that changed this was free market capitalism.

    He is going HARD with the stats. The crowd is $#@!ing squirming.

    Also lmao.

    "Free market capitalism and trade is the only way to end hunger and poverty across out planet, the empirical evidence is unquestionable"

    Man is $#@!ing railing everything the WEF stands for to their faces lmao.

    "The state is financed through coercion."

    Man said taxation is theft.

    He's now explaining the basics of supply/demand economics.

    Convenient since the WEF clearly needs to be educated on that.

    He is now asking them why anyone can be against the system of free market capitalism which has a proven track record of lifting people out of poverty.

    He is now talking about Libertarianism and telling the crowd it's core values.

    Each core value is something the WEF is against.

    He said there are those who seek to undermine everyones freedom for their own personal power and condemn to world the poverty and stagnation.

    He didn't point any figures but it's clear he is talking about the WEF, I think he is being careful so he doesn't get pulled off stage.

    "It should never be forgotten that socialism is always, and everywhere an impoverishing phenomenon that has failed in all countries where it has been tried out"

    He's $#@!ing nuking them.

    He is now describing how market failures are almost always caused by state regulations and interference.

    The WEF wants complete totalitarian control of the market.

    "Whenever you want to correct a supposed market failure, inexorably, as a result of not knowing what the market is, or as a result of having fallen in love with a failed model, you are opening up the doors to socialism and condemning people to poverty"

    Schwab is sweating.

    "All that base feminism radical agenda has led to is greater state intervention, to hinder the economic process, giving a job to bureaucrats who have not contributed anything to society, examples are international organisation committed to pushing this agenda"

    He is cleverly talking about everything the WEF stands for without naming the WEF.

    He's now talking about how neo-marxists have co-opted all of our institutions.

    His closing statement.

    "Do not be intimidated either by the political class or by parasites who live off the state, do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges."

    "Do not surrender to the advance of the state, the state is not the solution, the state is the problem itself"


    Speech finished. Yeah he completely trojan horsed them. He spent the whole time $#@!ting all over the WEFs ideals and goals without outright naming them (maybe worried about being yanked off stage). Even breaking out empirical evidence to prove that the economic model the WEF wants does not work.

    This was amazing, especially after seeing Klaus Schwab shidding and farding about "the dangers of libertarianism" just a few weeks ago, Javi goes into his house and starts preaching it.

    Full translated speech is here.

    [see the video embedded above - OB]

    Javier Milei is who Klaus Schwab is talking about.

    And Milei just walked into Schwab's own house and threw it right in his face.

  8. #546
    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    Ukraine's Zelenskyy Visits Argentina in Bid to Win Support From Global South

    He also had a phone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, discussing "the details of the next defense package from the French Republic, which will significantly enhance Ukraine's firepower

  9. #547
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Milei pushing "austerity measures"

    These austerity polices had usually had being towards agaisnt the common people.
    The guy on the left in the pic below is Evo Morales. He was the socialist president of Bolivia until 2019.

    I'm sure he was thinking all about how much he cares for "the common people" while he was flying around on a private jet.

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post

  10. #548
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Javier Milei has done more for himself and his Israeli govt pals...
    Such as?
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  11. #549
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Argentina's Milei heads to Davos taking selfies, criticizing 'socialist agenda'
    Going to a Davos meeting where they are literally promoting the "World Order"
    Milei's rebuke of WEF to their own faces is significant enough (and has gained enough traction/attention) that it deserves a thread of it's own - so I've moved all the relevant posts from this thread to a new one:
    Please make any posts concerning the Milei/WEF/Davos nexus to that thread.
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-18-2024 at 02:48 PM.

  12. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Javier Milei has done more for himself and his Israeli govt pals...

  13. #551
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  14. #552

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  16. #553
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post

  17. #554
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The guy on the left in the pic below is Evo Morales. He was the socialist president of Bolivia until 2019.

    I'm sure he was thinking all about how much he cares for "the common people" while he was flying around on a private jet.
    One is invited to speak at Davos and the one isnt. Can you imagine Davos inviting Ron Paul to their assembly? His invitation alone should be a big red flag to anyone else who thinks he is legit. Hey, if he was so fiscally efficient, why didn't he fly economy class. That looks like 1st class which isn't what normal people fly with.

  18. #555
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Not just friends with Jewish people, the man is a Zionist, he hangs out with Zionists, get invited to their assembly etc etc. You don't need to be antisemitic to be a good person.

  19. #556
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    One is invited to speak at Davos and the one isnt. [...]
    LOL OK

    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    Not just friends with Jewish people, the man is a Zionist, he hangs out with Zionists, get invited to their assembly etc etc. You don't need to be antisemitic to be a good person.
    What part of "I don't give a $#@!" did you not understand?
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-25-2024 at 03:15 AM.

  20. #557
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    What part of "I don't give a $#@!" did you not understand?
    I understand, some people care about identity politics and other dont. You must be one of those guys who dont care and the problem with politicians who engage in identity politics is that when the identity they protect go against their principle, they usually protect the identity instead of their principle.

  21. #558
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    I understand, some people care about identity politics and other dont. You must be one of those guys who dont care and the problem with politicians who engage in identity politics is that when the identity they protect go against their principle, they usually protect the identity instead of their principle.

  22. #559
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    ... Can you imagine Davos inviting Ron Paul to their assembly? ...
    If he hadn't fumbled at the goal line and actually won in 2008, I'm quite certain he would have been invited.

  23. #560
    Quote Originally Posted by Bern View Post
    If he hadn't fumbled at the goal line and actually won in 2008, I'm quite certain he would have been invited.
    God bless your heart if you actually believe that. The man is being used for something and I am not exactly sure what it is. We are all acting like the WEF didnt do their research and were just completely shocked by the role the pretends to play in politics.

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  25. #561
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    God bless your heart if you actually believe that. The man is being used for something and I am not exactly sure what it is. We are all acting like the WEF didnt do their research and were just completely shocked by the role the pretends to play in politics.
    We finally have a guy on the international stage saying literally all the right things from our perspective. He is remarkably invoking the names of Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard in a way that no other person in global politics has since Ron Paul and - forgive me, here - has managed to gain significantly more prominence than Ron in that he actually won an election to head of state, in a economically devastated country. And somehow, people on our side are suspicious of his motives? And when - inevitably - TPTB come in and undermine him or overthrow him, this will then become further confirmation that he was all along a globalist plant.

    I'm not sure how people like you get out of bed in the morning. Every defeat is a defeat, and every victory is a defeat. Must be a miserable way to walk through life.

  26. #562
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    God bless your heart if you actually believe that. The man is being used for something and I am not exactly sure what it is. We are all acting like the WEF didnt do their research and were just completely shocked by the role the pretends to play in politics.
    We're not acting like anything. We're watching the actions of the WEF and Javier Milei. You can't really criticize Javier Milei until he actually does something worth criticizing. If you find something, tell us.
    The John Birch Society is a grassroots education and action organization to return the Republic to the principles found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. -- Join the Fight!

  27. #563
    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    We finally have a guy on the international stage saying literally all the right things from our perspective. He is remarkably invoking the names of Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard in a way that no other person in global politics has since Ron Paul and - forgive me, here - has managed to gain significantly more prominence than Ron in that he actually won an election to head of state, in a economically devastated country. And somehow, people on our side are suspicious of his motives? And when - inevitably - TPTB come in and undermine him or overthrow him, this will then become further confirmation that he was all along a globalist plant.

    I'm not sure how people like you get out of bed in the morning. Every defeat is a defeat, and every victory is a defeat. Must be a miserable way to walk through life.
    Its not that awful being me, I do take pleasure in the small genuine victories in life. A municipal bond is defeated, that's a victory, getting the local hospital to drop their vaccine mandates, that is another victory. With Milei, I will just watch and see if my suspicions are true. If not, then I will join the cheerleaders on this site to sing his praises.

    Speeches at WEF does absolutely nothing for me, removing a bunch of useless but insignificant govt employees is good but as an anarch cap, he could do much better. I wanna see how much of the budget he cuts and how much of it comes from the defense, pharma and intelligence sector.

  28. #564
    Quote Originally Posted by WisconsinLiberty View Post
    We're not acting like anything. We're watching the actions of the WEF and Javier Milei. You can't really criticize Javier Milei until he actually does something worth criticizing. If you find something, tell us.
    I am watching, his support for Ukraine and the Israeli govt is concerning but its not the smoking gun I was expecting to condemn him. But I will surely post more when he slips up. I know he will slip up.

  29. #565
    Yes, but what will you post if he does cut defense to the bone, and pharma completely out?

  30. #566
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    Its not that awful being me, I do take pleasure in the small genuine victories in life. A municipal bond is defeated, that's a victory, getting the local hospital to drop their vaccine mandates, that is another victory. With Milei, I will just watch and see if my suspicions are true. If not, then I will join the cheerleaders on this site to sing his praises.

    Speeches at WEF does absolutely nothing for me, removing a bunch of useless but insignificant govt employees is good but as an anarch cap, he could do much better. I wanna see how much of the budget he cuts and how much of it comes from the defense, pharma and intelligence sector.
    Well, Javier Milei isn't an Anarcho-capitalist so prepare to be disappointed. The rest of us will celebrate each victory he has in reducing the size of government and we'll criticize his missteps that contradict that.
    The John Birch Society is a grassroots education and action organization to return the Republic to the principles found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. -- Join the Fight!

  31. #567
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    ... I wanna see how much of the budget he cuts ...
    Milei is not a dictator. He does not have absolute control to cut what he wants. He has to work with a legislative body from which his party is a small minority. That said, Milei has come out swinging.

    Argentine President Javier Milei's "omnibus" bill, a sprawling reform package ranging from tax hikes to privatizations, has cleared its first hurdle in Congress with a green light from a lower house committee. It now faces far tougher obstacles.

    The bill, part of a major push to reshape the South American country's embattled economy, will require majority approval from lawmakers in both chambers of Congress, where Milei's own libertarian coalition only holds a small minority of seats.

    It is a key plank of Milei's reform plans since taking office last month, aimed at reviving the fortunes of South America's no. 2 economy, which is battling inflation over 200%, high poverty levels and crippling public debt.

    As part of the bill, the government would privatize a raft of public firms - though it has backtracked on selling off state energy firm YPF (YPFD.BA), opens new tab - and introduce a broad 15% tax on most exports, with top export soy and its derivatives rising to 33% from 31%.

    The lengthy legislation faces a debate in the lower chamber of deputies next week, with some conservative and moderate blocs in Congress supportive, though often with conditions, while more left-leaning lawmakers are generally opposed.

    Milei's right-wing coalition has only 15% of the seats in the lower house and 10% in the Senate, but he has allied with the main conservative bloc and brought a range of political voices into his government.

    "Many of us have the will to accompany the government and help it in the necessary reforms to get the country out of this crisis," Radical Civic Union lawmaker Martin Tetaz said, according to a read-out of the lower house committee debate.

    "But we are convinced that these reforms cannot be done at the expense of austerity on retirees, cannot include increases in taxes on production and, much less, on exports."

    The official Peronist bloc, the main opposition, was more forthright in their plans to try to knock down the bill.

    "As a bloc we are going to express our rejection," said the head of the Union por la Patria coalition German Martinez, adding he expected other political parties to join them.

  32. #568
    Quote Originally Posted by John-G View Post
    Its not that awful being me, I do take pleasure in the small genuine victories in life. A municipal bond is defeated, that's a victory, getting the local hospital to drop their vaccine mandates, that is another victory. With Milei, I will just watch and see if my suspicions are true. If not, then I will join the cheerleaders on this site to sing his praises.

    Speeches at WEF does absolutely nothing for me, removing a bunch of useless but insignificant govt employees is good but as an anarch cap, he could do much better. I wanna see how much of the budget he cuts and how much of it comes from the defense, pharma and intelligence sector.
    Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good... exactly why we always sit on the sidelines.

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  34. #569
    Quote Originally Posted by WisconsinLiberty View Post
    Well, Javier Milei isn't an Anarcho-capitalist so prepare to be disappointed. The rest of us will celebrate each victory he has in reducing the size of government and we'll criticize his missteps that contradict that.
    The man is a self-described anarcho-capitalist, this is not something his enemies call him. Sorry but I would like to see him act like one. Instead, he goes around supporting statists like Zelensky who forcibly conscripts citizens to fight in a war, a man who ban certain Christian churches. The man cant even be honest to himself.

  35. #570
    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good... exactly why we always sit on the sidelines.
    Its not about getting perfection, even Ron Paul was not perfect. The point is getting someone who I believe is not a controlled opposition. I hope I am wrong but just like Trump, the man is sus as hell.

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