Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
What is up with all the Milei-hate on RPF?!

Stop falling for the most transparent, Clown World Fake News tricks!!

It's not hate, it's called holding them accountable which too few people do. Why do you hate analysis and free speech?

A Rothbardian Dissection of Javier Milei

In consequence, if Rothbard buried Reagan, despite his free-market rhetoric, and did something similar with Thatcher, why would he have let his guard down in the face of Milei’s anti-statist rhetoric? It is completely impossible that Mr. Libertarian would have turned a deaf ear to the resounding bells of truth. Because the truths that have been exposed here are enough to expel Javier Milei from a true libertarian movement, for he is, in reality, a member of the neocons, a regime “libertarian,” a false libertarian—and a fraud.[1]

[1] I want to thank Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Octavio Bermúdez, Thomas DiLorenzo, Stephan Kinsella, Daniel Morena Vitón, and Fernando Chiocca, for having helped me with the elaboration of this article.
