Originally Posted by
It's time to retire this old wives' tale: "That's
your economic theory.
Our economic theory says different."
This is as retarded as having "
your physics" and "
my physics". Economic theory -- actual economics, as exemplified by the Austrian school -- isn't about opinions. It's about unalterable facts of reality. If you increase the MW, you will increase unemployment, all else equal. That's not an opinion, it's an unalterable fact. Much of the political discourse consists of opinions for which there is no easy method to find out who is right (doesn't mean it's impossible, it's just not easy). But when it comes to basic facts of economics, there are clear and relatively easy answers to be had, all one has to do is read a good book on economics. Hazlitt's
Economics In One Lesson is a great starting-point and I believe Milei has recommended everyone to read that.
The meteoric rise of Argentina on the world stage is a concrete demonstration of this reality -- real economists are not just grumpy apologists for country-club Republicanism which I hate anyway. No, they are explaining the facts of reality, and you can live in denial of reality (and have a collapsing, fiat-money-based, debt-enslaved country)... or you can listen to the truth, accept the unalterable facts of economic reality, and make policy decisions accordingly. This is the same dilemma facing all ~200 nations in the world today. Keep living in denial, if you choose, but you and your people will continue to pay the penalty in the form of ever-increasing destitution.
The global plutocracy are the only ones who are winning from the status quo. American elites -- both Democrat and Republican -- have more in common with European elites than with ordinary Americans. This is true for the plutocrat class of
every nation. Until this lesson is really absorbed by The People, nothing is ever really going to change. Stop allowing globalism to destroy your economy so that some random precinct governor in South America can add a third yacht to his collection in Barbados. That's where all your "foreign aid" is
really going. Yacht collections.
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