Originally Posted by
Anti Federalist
You know who’s REALLY to blame for victim disarmament (gun control)?
Gun owners and liberty advocates.
There are currently well north of 100 MILLION private gun owners in this country. The overwhelming majority of them lean toward the liberty end of the spectrum to one degree or another. They are estimated to own over 400 MILLION firearms, and that is probably a gross underestimate since the stats are based on self-reporting. They also own TRILLIONS of rounds of ammunition.
If just a very small fraction of them would stand up and say “NO MORE! We will no longer comply with ANY of you illegitimate and immoral victim disarmament (gun control) schemes,” and stick together and support each other with the steely resolve to make it stick no matter what it takes, the entire gun control regime would collapse virtually overnight. All they’d have to do is nut up and do the job that most of them volunteered for by voluntarily claiming for themselves the mantle of “liberty advocate.”
But they won’t.
Want to know who to blame?
Look in a mirror.
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