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Thread: Taking things from white people

  1. #2011
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    Whoever at that "National Conservative" wrote that is a pathetic hypocrite and what's wrong with America. He is literally accepting that modified full-auto's are illegal, which should not be, as outlined in the 2nd Amendment, [...]
    They are illegal (whether they should be or not).

    Merely saying so does not necessarily make one "accepting" of it (in the sense of approving or endorsing it).

    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    [...] and then he proceeds to want to prosecute people with "illegally" modified guns.
    I must have missed that part. Can you tell me where he expressed that he wants that? Maybe he really does want that - I can't say with any certainty that he doesn't - but if so, I can't see where he actually said (or even implied) such a thing. He merely said that the state senators to whom he referred do not want that, but that they simultaneously do want to prohibit non-criminals from owning lawful handguns.

    As far as I can tell, "National Conservative" is correct in everything he actually explicitly said. Gun-grabbing statists don't really give a damn about criminals with guns, because criminals with guns don't really pose any threat to them. It's the non-criminals with guns that they fear and despise.

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  3. #2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    Whoever at that "National Conservative" wrote that is a pathetic hypocrite and what's wrong with America. He is literally accepting that modified full-auto's are illegal, which should not be, as outlined in the 2nd Amendment, and then he proceeds to want to prosecute people with "illegally" modified guns.

    And then we have "National Conservative" followers who Pete and Repeat this pathetic crap.

    I remember years ago raising the issue that CCW, Full-Auto's and Suppressors should not require any permit/paperwork, but the chest-thumping "republicans" pulled out their cards, displayed them and told me that I was a lunatic. Well, they deserve just what they get.

    If the "republicans" across this country would have fought back years ago [instead of playing "show and tell" with their CCW and other cool licensing], the 2 far-left senators wouldn't have anything to ban. And we would be on stronger footing to put a quicker stop to it.
    All he's doing is pointing out the fact that often there is no prosecution for "gun crimes", but yet there will be leftists who will attempt to disarm everybody.

    But beyond that, you're right, the last restrictions to roll back will be those in the 1934 NFA, which is why I support GOA and FPC.

    Thread: SCOTUS will hear FPC's "ATF 'frame or receiver' rule" lawsuit (VanDerStok v. Garland)
    Last edited by Anti Federalist; 05-20-2024 at 11:39 PM. Reason: TLA mistake
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  4. #2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    They are illegal (whether they should be or not).

    Merely saying so does not necessarily make one "accepting" of it (in the sense of approving or endorsing it).

    I must have missed that part. Can you tell me where he expressed that he wants that? Maybe he really does want that - I can't say with any certainty that he doesn't - but if so, I can't see where he actually said (or even implied) such a thing. He merely said that the state senators to whom he referred do not want that, but that they simultaneously do want to prohibit non-criminals from owning lawful handguns.

    As far as I can tell, "National Conservative" is correct in everything he actually explicitly said. Gun-grabbing statists don't really give a damn about criminals with guns, because criminals with guns don't really pose any threat to them. It's the non-criminals with guns that they fear and despise.
    ...that illegally modify their handguns...
    I admit to dropping the ball on forming coherent sentences at times, but for somebody who works for an organization and has followers, I would expect that he would word things better/differently. To me he is accepting of the fact, whether it is/isn't/should be/shouldn't be. I personally have been in the front line for years harping on gun rights so this is something that hits a huge ass nerve with me.

    Anyway... carry on.

    Edit: Upon thinking about your statement: "They are illegal (whether they should be or not)." Is that because the 2nd Amendment says so? Or because some politician wrote something contrary to the 2ndA and stoopid gun-owners follow it like sheep?
    Last edited by PAF; 05-20-2024 at 11:47 PM.

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  5. #2014

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  6. #2015
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    Edit: Upon thinking about your statement: "They are illegal (whether they should be or not)." Is that because the 2nd Amendment says so? Or because some politician wrote something contrary to the 2ndA and stoopid gun-owners follow it like sheep?
    It's because people with the will and wherewithal to do so will use force (or credible threats of force) against those who do not comply with their wishes. Neither the 2nd Amendment nor any other thing "some politician[s] wrote" really has anything to do with it, except as window dressing.

  7. #2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    It's because people with the will and wherewithal to do will use force (or credible threats of force) against those who do not comply with their wishes.

    Neither the 2nd Amendment nor any other thing "some politician[s] wrote" really has anything to do with it, except as window dressing.

    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    I remember years ago raising the issue that CCW, Full-Auto's and Suppressors should not require any permit/paperwork, but the chest-thumping "republicans" pulled out their cards, displayed them and told me that I was a lunatic. Well, they deserve just what they get.

    If the "republicans" across this country would have fought back years ago [instead of playing "show and tell" with their CCW and other cool licensing], the 2 far-left senators wouldn't have anything to ban. And we would be on stronger footing to put a quicker stop to it.

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

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  9. #2017
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    "[...] far-left senators wouldn't have anything to ban."

    Of course they would.

    The absence of CCW licensure (or any other rights-limiting schemes) certainly wouldn't thwart or stymie them.

    If anything, it would just goad them into trying to impose something even worse.

  10. #2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    "[...] far-left senators wouldn't have anything to ban."

    Of course they would.
    A litmus test; to see how far arm-less people can push armed people around.

    The absence of CCW licensure (or any other rights-limiting schemes) certainly wouldn't thwart or stymie them.
    A litmus test; to see how far arm-less people can push armed people around.

    If anything, it would just goad them into trying to impose something even worse.
    A litmus test; to see how far arm-less people can push armed people around.

    But, I'm sure the attorney's will work something out.

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  11. #2019
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  12. #2020
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  13. #2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Too many corporations that people deal with on a day-to-day basis are merged with government, and partnered with the WEF. People are not going to boycott business that they work for, or do business every day with, it doesn't matter who is elected, R or D, they are preselected/preapproved and will continue the Agenda.

    If there ever is a civil war, or a world war for that matter, people will forced to take things as local as possible. The problem is, all of this can avoided if people did that now. But they won't. They simply aren't extremist enough, nor do they want to be, even if it leads to the cure.

    Government is not going to save you. All of this dems did this! repubs did that! doesn't matter, the people are still going to go along with it all and vote, believing that it will actually make a difference.

    So, there ya go.

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  14. #2022

  15. #2023

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  16. #2024

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  18. #2025
    Taking things from white black people
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  19. #2026

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  20. #2027
    The story of Yakub, told in comic book form.

    I have no idea if this is ironic, comic, serious or tongue in cheek.

    Still a fun read.

    I can recall, way back in a mostly all black high school, a young Nation of Islam follower preaching this to me and using it as justification to kill every white person on earth.

    Last edited by Anti Federalist; 05-23-2024 at 08:25 PM.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  21. #2028

    Last edited by Anti Federalist; 05-24-2024 at 06:37 AM.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  22. #2029
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    That's some massive trolling right there
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  23. #2030
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  24. #2031
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  25. #2032

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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  27. #2033

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  28. #2034
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTelander View Post
    And this year's Darwin Award goes to...
    This guy coulda been a contender - but he didn't die (so I guess that makes him ... what? a dishonorable mention?):

    Man survives after SUV explodes when he tried lighting up a cigarette inside
    {Matthew Rodriguez | 24 May 2024}

    A man tried lighting up a cigarette in his SUV with propane canisters inside, leading to a sudden explosion with the vehicle flying into pieces in Van Nuys Thursday, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

    Firefighters and police rushed to a supermarket parking lot in the 7200 block of Van Nuys Boulevard after receiving a call about an SUV that exploded around 10:30 p.m., police said. When first responders arrived, the man inside the vehicle told them he had been trying to light a cigarette when the explosion happened.

    He suffered minor injuries and was taken to a nearby hospital, according to LAPD.

    Investigators with the agency determined it was a propane explosion

    Pieces of the parked vehicle flew in every direction, one of which lodged into a nearby tree. The explosion left the Toyota SUV mostly in just mangled pieces. The sound of the explosion could be heard at least a few blocks away, according to man who lives around the corner from the parking lot, who said it was "like an earthquake rattling the windows."

    "But it was gone as soon as it started," said Ken Smith, adding that he looked out his window and saw his neighbors standing outside their home and looking around after the loud boom.

    LAPD closed the parking lot following the detonation.

    No other details have been released by authorities.

  29. #2035

  30. #2036
    Nobody is better at destroying the good things that white people have done than white people are. Nobody.

  31. #2037
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  32. #2038

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  33. #2039

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

  34. #2040

    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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