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Thread: Tell Gov. Kristi Noem to Protect Private Property Rights in South Dakota

  1. #1

    Tell Gov. Kristi Noem to Protect Private Property Rights in South Dakota

    Tell Gov. Kristi Noem to Protect Private Property Rights in South Dakota

    The property rights of South Dakota landowners are under attack by out-of-state companies seeking to build Agenda 2030-compliant carbon-capture pipelines. It is imperative that Governor Kristi Noem take decisive action to protect South Dakotans’ property rights.


    The property rights of South Dakota landowners are under attack by out-of-state companies seeking to build Agenda 2030-compliant carbon-capture pipelines. It is imperative that Governor Kristi Noem take decisive action to protect South Dakotans’ property rights.

    Summit Carbon Solutions, a company seeking to build a 2,000-mile carbon-capture network in several Midwestern states, has sued over 100 South Dakota landowners in an attempt to seize their land via eminent domain. Furthermore, the company is conducting invasive surveys of the private land it wants to seize.

    Carbon-capture pipelines are premised on the false and dangerous notions that carbon is harmful for humanity, is contributing to harmful “climate change,” and must be severely reduced. Much of this land Summit is trying to seize is fertile and owned by farmers. Using it for carbon-capture projects would decimate the land’s productivity (in addition to creating serious safety concerns) while promoting a radical “green” agenda.

    Additionally, the carbon-capture pipelines are closely connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 “sustainable development” scheme to eliminate private property and totally reshape society in the name of fighting “climate change.” They also are tied to the “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) agenda.

    Several of the companies and investors behind these projects are foreign-based and have troubled histories. For example, Communist China is a major investor in Summit Carbon Solutions.

    Governor Kristi Noem has been silent on this important topic. It is imperative that the governor take strong and decisive action to protect the property rights of South Dakotans, and to push back against the radical-environmentalist agenda behind the carbon-capture pipelines.

    Contact Governor Kristi Noem and urge her to protect property rights by preventing Summit from confiscating privately-owned land in South Dakota.
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    Behind every female "Take "murika Back" heart throb for the GOP lies a neocon globalist traitor.

    Just watch.......

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