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This was a deceptively dense bit with a lot crammed into a few short minutes.
The thing that strikes me most is, once again, the weak link. That would be us; our attitudes; our will to commit, and to what we would apply it.
I disagree with the assertion that prior to Musk's acquisition of twitter, there was no way for people of common interests and goals to get together. Even Eville™ facebook provides ample opportunity for such congress. I would also point out that the dissemination of the brands of information that this guy is claiming to be so recent, has been largely available for over 30 years now. USENET was a fine resource with tens of thousands of newsgroups where people discussed and argued over anything from the manifold deceptions of "government" (e.g. Gulf of Tonkin) to how to rim your girlfriend. Saying that this is some new thing is clearly incorrect.
To my eyes, the real difference here is one not of access, but of incentive - motivation. Prior to 9/11, Americans were mostly droning along from day to day in the cloud that lead them to take nearly everything in their lives for granted as they wrung their hands over which color ought be the new BMW. Then the towers were demolished in a cloud of vast lies and bull$#@!. It was interesting to observe how vast legions of Americans outright refused to consider that which was so obvious to we, the engineers, shrieking at us that we were looney conspiracy theorists, apparently oblivious to the fact that the official story describes a pretty grand and very dark conspiracy in itself.
It seems to me that the odd bedfellows phenomenon is now arising not due to sudden availability to truth, but to the fact that Theye are squeezing us more severely than ever before, encroaching in a ceaseless expansion of trespass to the point that businessmen can barely conduct business without "government's" nose in their sphincters. So it's really not some great awakening born of the great and inherent, if heretofore latent, goodness of these people, but due almost solely to the desperation of rats with no place left to hide.
If any of you recall, a decade or so ago I asked several times here whether there was any limit to the degradations to which Americans could be subjected where they would finally stand tall and say "this far and no farther". Perhaps we're seeing a late-blooming shred of self-respect rising from the ash heap into which Theye are clearly reducing the world... OUR world, for Theire's I suspect remains quite sufficiently and pleasantly oppulent. Too early to tell, but we can always hold out some hope, no matter how hopelessly grim things may seem. And even so, I maintain that we press on regardless, come what may, for to think on it with even cursory care one sees that at this point we have nearly nothing to lose which is worth the having.
I agree with his admonition to keep things positive, just so long as we keep it real as well.
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