Bro, my friend, @
Brian4Liberty is correct. What makes everything even possible is FUNDING this crap. Look around. Even though there are trans and other movements, they are by and large very small in actual numbers. Gallup finds 7.2% of U.S. adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual. That is a far cry from 92.8% of the entire U.S. population. Hospitals are being subsidized, bonuses given to classify and re-classify, centers popping up, re-education in public schools - all funded by $$$$.
Get crony corporatism out of Washington and watch how fast everything dries up. At that point, trans and others can think as do as they wish, but without $$dollars$$ they can do it amongst themselves and on their own dime, leaving the rest of us alone.
EVERYTHING comes down to $$money$$. From the point and time that you earn it, to them stealing it from you and redistributing it for nefarious and unconstitutional pet peeves and projects including WAR. One thing is for certain, global corporations, crony corporations at home, hospitals and centers are all profiting by this. CUT THE LOBBYISTS AND THE FUNDING and it ALL DRIES UP.
Ron Paul discusses this, RFK Jr. discusses this. We need more ground swell and communication until the People understand.
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