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I would accept JFK jr. over HRC, Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, and so many others.
At least he has principles and integrity.

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Strategically I'm considering a cross over in the primaries and voting for RFK jr. The democrats aren't going to be smart enough to figure out that he's the best of their bunch so they're gonna need some help. Here in Georgia they'll probably try to run Stacy Abrams or some stupid s*#%.

Originally Posted by
Anti Federalist
Yeah, that's a deal breaker for me as well.
Assuming Trump gets the nod for 2024 and he's not dead or in jail, I'll probably write in Ron based on Trump's "Red Flag" support and vaccine support.
He's gain a lot of respect in my eyes if he would just put aside his got damned ego for five minutes and sincerely apologize for "warp speed".
You know what? Screw it! There is no Ron Paul this year. Rand
should run, despite what my friend @
Matt Collins says, but he won't. Neither Trump nor Desantis are perfect on gun control, and in his zeal to stamp out "wokeness" in Florida, even actually black history, like the story of Ruby Bridges, are being cast aside. Tim Scott, while good on race relations and police brutality, is a full throated neocon who thinks Biden isn't doing
enough damage to the Ukrainian people. RFK Jr. called out corporate socialism on Tucker Carlson! That's epic!
So at this point I'm behind RFK Jr. The GOP will likely keep the house and might take the Senate. On the gun control front we have to get better on our messaging on how to protect schools. I'm working on that on my end. Look for the launch of a new YouTube channel soon.
Edit: Note. RFK Jr. is now the candidate who must not be talked about. Remember when that was Ron Paul?
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