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Thread: Data of 400 Million Twitter users up for sale

  1. #1

    Data of 400 Million Twitter users up for sale

    A threat actor is claiming they have obtained data of 400,000,000 Twitter users and is offering it for sale.
    A threat actor claims they have obtained data of 400,000,000 Twitter users and is attempting to sell it.
    The seller claims the database is private, he provided a sample of 1,000 accounts as proof of claims which included the private information of prominent users such as Donald Trump JR, Brian Krebs, and many more.

    The seller, a member of data breach forums named Ryushi, claims the data was scraped via a vulnerability, it includes emails and phone numbers of celebrities, politicians, companies, normal users, and a lot of OG and special usernames.

    The seller is also inviting Twitter and Elon Musk to buy the data to avoid GDPR lawsuits.

    More at:
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