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Thread: Glenn Greenwald / SYSTEM UPDATE

  1. #1

    Glenn Greenwald / SYSTEM UPDATE

    SYSTEM UPDATE: Glenn Greenwald's daily live prime-time news program on Rumble


    An Exclusive Preview of Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Show: "System Update"
    The soon-to-launch one-hour nightly program was spurred by our commitment to fortifying free speech platforms and the success we have had there in already attracting a large audience.
    Glenn Greenwald (31 October 2022)

    On Friday, we published a lengthy article [see this thread - OB] documenting the consortium of state and corporate power that is aggressively imposing a new and escalated regime of censorship online and, increasingly, offline. Its primary purpose was to report on new evidence identifying the members of this consortium and the new tactics employed to further accumulate the power to marginalize, silence and even punish those who dissent from the pronouncements of institutions of authority.

    The central theme, which we have reported here often, is that it is not Big Tech executives in charge of this censorship program but the Biden White House and U.S. Security State. Superb new reporting today from The Intercept's Lee Fang and Ken Klippenstein [see this post - OB] bolsters that view, as it reveals never previously seen documents showing how closely U.S. security officials are involved in these decisions, including the FBI's pressure on Facebook to suppress The New York Post's pre-election reporting on the Biden family, dissent on COVID orthodoxies, and any information that may call into question the credibility of leading institutions of authority (I highly recommend the whole article but this whole Twitter thread by Fang highlights some amazing documents). This is the consortium of state and corporate power on which much on so much of our reporting has focused, and it is the critical context for why we are deciding to launch our new program on this free speech platform.

    The final section of our new article from Friday [see post #2 below - OB] announced and described the new, exciting project I had been referencing — and was working to build — for many months. Starting very shortly, we will launch a new, nightly, prime-time live news and politics broadcast on Rumble, the rapidly growing free speech alternative to YouTube. Our new show will air at 7:00 pm ET, each Monday through Friday. It is part of a new network of live shows in which Rumble is investing. The first show, hosted by Russell Brand and called "Stay Free,” debuted last month and, though less than a month old, is already routinely attracting significant audience sizes. I was a guest on Brand's debut show, starting at the 41:00 minute mark, where we discussed the motives, objectives and ethos of this new network. As this Wall St. Journal article from last month reporting our new program explains, other hosts will be unveiled shortly.

    I wanted to write a separate note about our new show due to the likelihood that some of the key details were likely obscured by the 6,000-word reporting about the new censorship regime that preceded this last section. But I also want to provide subscribers here with an exclusive glimpse of what this show will be, how it will function, what it will look like and how we will use the new state-of-the-art studio we just completed building after many months of design and construction. I am as excited about the potential reach and impact of this show as I have been about any new project in quite some time.

    To begin with, we have full and complete editorial freedom and journalistic independence. While Rumble is enabling and providing the platform, budget and substantial promotional activities for our program, our show itself is not part of or subject to Rumble's corporate structure or managers. Rumble has no desire to be anything other than a content-neutral free speech platform, and it thus does not employ any editorial managers or supervisors to control or influence the content of what we produce, what we cover, or how we cover it.

    As I learned from my experience at The Intercept, words in a contract only go so far: after all, I resigned from the Intercept shortly before the 2020 presidential election when its New-York-based liberal editors violated my contractual right to publish my articles directly to the internet without their prior review, approval or interference. They calculated that it was worth it to them to censor my work in violation of my contract with them — which barred them from blocking publication of my articles — because of how fearful they were that their liberal colleagues and friends would be angered by my publishing reporting shortly before the election that reflected poorly on Joe Biden, based on the Hunter Biden archive which Intercept editors, following the CIA, falsely called “Russian disinformation.”

    But in addition to contractual guarantees from Rumble for full editorial freedom, I also know and trust the platform's founders and managers enough to believe they are genuinely committed to the free speech and free inquiry principles on which the entire company and its brand are predicated. I have seen them already strongly resist censorship pressures from both states and media outlets of the kind that has coerced bigger companies to capitulate, and I have little doubt about their intent to continue. For Rumble, it is not only an overarching cause but also central to their brand and business self-interest that they remain steadfast in their mission to create significant spaces on the internet that still foster free discourse and that are immune to the power of states and their media allies to try to coerce compliance with censorship commands.

    This is how the show will work once we launch. We will broadcast the full one-hour show live on Rumble and, once that live show is concluded, we will immediately move to our dedicated group page on Locals — a community-based platform recently purchased by Rumble and which is now part of its platform — to engage in a 20-30 minute after-show exclusively with our subscribers. That after-show on Locals is designed to foster the audience interactivity I have always believed was the most important innovation of digital age media: it forced journalists to abandon the from-the-mountaintop monologue model, where they hand down pronouncements to a faceless crowd without ever being challenged, in favor of the dialogue model, where journalists are required (or, as I have always viewed it, able) to hear and respond to questions, critiques, ideas, and other forms of reaction from their audience.

    Anyone who is already a paid subscriber to our Substack page here, or who becomes one, will have free and complete access to everything we do on both Rumble and Locals. There is no need to purchase any other subscriptions. Once we are ready to launch, you will receive a few emails asking if you want to opt-in to a free Locals subscription that will exist jointly with the one you already have here on Substack. However much time you have left on your existing Substack subscription will be the same amount of time you will receive free of charge on your new Locals subscription.

    As I noted in the article on Friday, written journalism has always been the foundation of my reporting and still will be. This nightly broadcast on Rumble is intended to expand the reach of what we do here — especially by being able to communicate with people, including younger people — who do not want to consume news and commentary through written text but only through video. Beyond that, the advanced technological capabilities of the set we built will enable us to construct arguments and amass evidence in newly potent and convincing ways that mere written text cannot achieve. But as we already do for our current, periodic System Update videos on Rumble, we will continue to provide transcripts of each show for those who prefer to read rather than watch.

    Beyond the bedrock free speech commitment of Rumble that I documented in Friday’s article, I am most excited about the very large audience size Rumble already has amassed: an audience that will only grow significantly as more and more people grow disenchanted with Big Tech repression, and as we and Rumble elevate our promotional activities for this new network of live shows. As I indicated on Friday, the videos we have been posting to Rumble — even while they are just sporadic, with no promotional activities behind them, and before the platform's most recent explosion in growth — have routinely produced audience sizes larger than most cable programs. Indeed, the impetus for this idea of a new network of live daily shows came when I spontaneously decided to broadcast live on Rumble about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, and it attracted an ultimate audience size of close to 1.5 million people. This is what really excites me and makes me believe in the major potential of this platform to reach millions. I absolutely believe it can and will compete with and then surpass current standard television fare:

    [images hidden to save space - OB]

    The new Rumble show was originally scheduled to launch last month on September 12. But I was not able to adhere to that September launch date, nor subsequently re-scheduled ones, because the health crisis in my family still prevents me from committing right now to producing a high-quality show five nights a week. While my husband continues to recuperate in ICU, we have decided for now to do a “soft-launch,” which — instead of appearing on Rumble — will first appear for a few weeks on Locals.

    We intend for these shows that are part of the “soft-launch” to be a full show of the highest possible quality, not some lowered or partial form of what the ultimate show will be. By putting the show for a few weeks on Locals — where only our subscribers will have access — it will enable us to work out the kinks in the show, will allow me to take a few days off here and there when our family situation requires, and, most importantly, will give us an opportunity to hear and incorporate your feedback about what we can do differently and better.

    Anyone who is currently a paid subscriber to Substack, or who becomes one, will be entitled to a full Locals subscription completely free of charge. This will enable you — beyond accessing my written work at Substack -- to have exclusive access to the first few weeks of the show. And, once the show launches on Rumble (which will be freely available to all the public to maximize audience size), you will continue to have full and free access to our after-show on Locals that is designed to foster audience participation. All paid Substack subscribers will begin receiving emails over the next few weeks asking if you want to opt-in, free of charge, to the Locals subscription (which will simply be in addition to the Substack subscription you already have). That will enable you to have unlimited access to everything we do on the Locals platforms, including full access to the "soft launch” of the show and then the after-show as well. I hope as many of you as possible opt-in to that new free subscription.

    For current subscribers only, I am providing some photos below of the rehearsals we have been doing, as well as of the very modernized set we built and how we intend to use it:
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 02-07-2023 at 02:33 PM.
    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

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  3. #2
    This is the closing section of Greenwald's article "The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime -- and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program", the preceding parts of which can be found here:

    I've put it here to due to thread-topic relevance.

    Our New Nightly Live Program on Rumble
    Any article that simply reports on these vital developments with free speech and systemic censorship is, by itself, journalistically worthwhile, even necessary. With so many Western corporate journalists supportive of or (at best) indifferent to the grave dangers this system imposes, the truth behind this censorship regime — who is constructing it and for what purposes — is far too rarely revealed. Any news article reporting on the component parts of this escalating regime would be inherently valuable.

    But when it comes to this sinister regime of information control, I long ago ceased believing it sufficient merely to report on it. I regard the need to fight against this regime of censorship, to destabilize and subvert it, and ultimately to defeat it as a paramount cause, the journalistic and political cause I prioritize above all others. Little is possible, including meaningful journalism, if we are prevented from being heard, if our discourse is strictly controlled and policed by the very power centers our rights allow and encourage us to challenge. Few other values can be defended, and few other injustices exposed and combated, if ruling class elites continue to acquire the defining tyrannical power of information control and silencing of dissent.

    Action, not just words, is required. That is why I have been devoting myself to supporting only those sites and companies genuinely determined to resist pressures and other forms of coercion to censor on behalf of Western establishment institutions, and instead to preserve and fortify spaces for free speech and free inquiry online, with the ability to reach large numbers of people. It does nobody any good — other than one's adversaries — if one willingly ghettoizes oneself into fringe and marginalized precincts. What is required is a cause-driven commitment to free speech along with the strategic ability to attract large audiences — and that, to me, means doing my journalism only on platforms with a demonstrated commitment to these values and an demonstrated ability to reach large numbers of people.

    For this reason, the platforms with which I have worked over the past two years are ones that have proven not just a willingness but an eagerness to express defiant contempt for these censorship pressures and an impressive commitment to ensuring free expression: Substack for written journalism, Callin for podcasts, and Rumble for video journalism. Each has been the target of pressure campaigns of the type that caused the Cloudflare CEO so pathetically to reverse his own refusal to obey censorship orders after less than a day. Each of these platforms has refused to accede to these demands in the way that Cloudflare and so many others before it have done. That is precisely what is needed to subvert the growing censorship regime: people and companies that simply refuse to obey.

    Rumble in particular has been the target of intense attacks — in part because it agreed to allow RT to broadcast on its platform in order to protest the EU's outlawing of that network and thus incurred the wrath of the Russia-obsessed corporate media, but also because it has experienced massive growth largely as the result of growing anger toward Big Tech censorship. Rumble has begun attracting not only political commentators banished in unison by Big Tech — such as the recent banning Andrew Tate, who promptly moved his large audience to Rumble — but also cultural commentators and Gen Z personalities increasingly angry at the repressive climate imposed by Google on its YouTube platform. This is driving more and more growth to the platform, which in turn is causing establishment media corporations to devote more and more energy to disparaging it.

    Crickey, Aug. 29, 2022

    Rumble's lawsuit against Google for antitrust violations — alleging that Google is using its market dominance of search engines to hide Rumble videos in order to protect Google's YouTube — created a significant win for Rumble, as we reported here in August, as the judge refused Google's request to dismiss the lawsuit. That ruling allows Rumble to obtain invasive discovery about how Google manipulates its search engine algorithms, and for whose benefit.

    As a result of what appeared to be the genuine commitment of Rumble's founders to the cause of free speech and anti-censorship efforts, I was part of a group last year — that included former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and frequent Joe Rogan guest Bridget Phetasy — which agreed to create video journalism exclusively for that platform. Our show, called System Update, was a great success, surpassing all of my expectations. Several of our video broadcasts — with little promotional budget or regularly scheduled programming — exceeded 750,000 viewers, while our shows routinely exceeded 200,000 views. Pursuant to our agreement, we uploaded each video to YouTube several hours after they debuted on Rumble, and with the exception of one or two videos, the Rumble videos performed significantly better.

    (Notably, The Washington Post article announcing our move attempted to disparage Rumble as a toxic sewer of disinformation. To do so, it cited one of those benign-sounding groups — what The Post heralded as “the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a counter-extremism think tank in London” — to call Rumble “one of the main platforms for conspiracy communities and far-right communities in the U.S. and around the world.” As I documented in a detailed video report on Rumble, that “Institute” cited by the Post as its disinformation expert is one funded by and serves as a partner to the U.S. and UK Security states as well as Big Tech itself. In other words, the Post unwittingly illustrated how this sham "disinformation” industry is weaponized by institutions of establishment power to deceive the public into believing that their decrees are apolitical proclamations based in science rather than what they are: extremely politicized schemes on behalf of Western power centers designed to make crude censorship appear enlightened and scientific.)

    This stunning success over the past year — with audience sizes that would make many cable programs envious — has led us and Rumble to now enter into a far more sweeping, ambitious and exciting commitment. As part of a new live network of news shows that Rumble will host on its platform, we will be very imminently launching a new and radically expanded version of “System Update.” Our broadcast now will be a one-hour, nightly news and commentary show that will air live, exclusively on Rumble's platform, from Monday to Friday at 7:00 pm ET. At the end of each program on Rumble, I will move to my dedicated community page on Locals — the platform recently purchased by Rumble that is designed to build communities of content and commentary (more about that later) — where I will continue the live broadcast for subscribers only, for roughly 20-30 minutes, by answering questions about the show, engaging critiques and suggestions, and otherwise directly interacting with our audience.

    Anyone who is a paid subscriber here on Substack will have the automatic right to also become a subscriber to our Locals community, free of cost or charge. In other words, if you already purchased a yearly subscription here at Substack, you will continue to have full access to all of my written journalism here, and will also have full access to everything we do at Locals, including the after-show that is exclusively for audience interaction with our subscribers. However much time you have left on your Substack subscription — for instance, those who purchased a one-year Substack subscription in June and thus have eight months remaining on their Substack subscription — will automatically receive eight months of free subscription to our Locals community. Anyone here who purchases their Substack subscription on a monthly basis will be able to do the same on Locals.

    The new network of live one-hour shows on Rumble already launched when Russell Brand debuted his new live show, "Stay Free,” on Rumble on September 28. Many of his shows, after less than a month, are already attracting an audience size of 250,000 views or more (I was one of the guests on his debut show, starting at 41:00, where we discussed the purpose and goal of these new shows). Rumble will shortly be unveiling other hosts who have similarly heterodox and independent views. On September 8, The Wall Street Journal broke the story of the new network of shows Rumble is committing to, and it includes many details about our new upcoming program.

    Our new live program was originally scheduled to launch on September 10, but was delayed due to the ongoing health crisis in my family which I have discussed several times here. That health crisis has unfortunately not yet resolved itself, and that makes it quite difficult for me to commit to a concrete launch date for the show because, to be honest, there are days when I am simply not equipped to work, and I do not want to launch the show until I am confident I can produce five nights of high-quality live programming.

    We are, however, extremely excited by the new show. Rumble — knowing that we need to produce very high-quality shows if we want people to turn off CNN and other corporate television networks and watch our shows instead — has provided very sizable production budgets. That has allowed us to build a new state-of-the-art studio where our show will be hosted, and to hire a large studio team to produce the show with the same technical quality that one would expect to find on any other prime-time television show.

    Until we can commit to a definitive launch date — meaning when our family is whole again and I am not spending significant parts of my days speaking with teams of doctors and ICU nurses — we are instead going to produce a “soft launch” of the show. To do that, we will very shortly — within the next couple of weeks — begin broadcasting our live show not yet on Rumble but on our Locals page. In other words, for the first couple of weeks, as we work out the kinks in the show and do the kind of test run we would do in any event, we will produce our show for the first couple of weeks exclusively for our Substack and Locals subscriber base. That will enable you to be part of the process as we develop the show, to provide feedback on how to make it better, and to begin watching what we believe and expect from the start will be very high-quality news, reporting and commentary. I would not put anything on the air, even as part of a “soft launch,” that I did not have pride and belief in.

    In so many ways, this show is a new and significant challenge for me. We have committed to producing a one-hour live program five nights a week. The show will begin with an in-depth monologue (up to twenty minutes) that is similar in kind to the evidence-heavy presentations we have been producing as part of our periodic System Update programs on Rumble now. The second segment will entail an in-depth interview of roughly twelve to fifteen minutes with a political official, a journalist, or someone who otherwise has something original and informative to say. The third segment will be devoted to covering the top two or three new stories of the day — including with live on-the-scene reporters — but we will cover these stories in a much different way, with a different voice and perspective, than what you would expect to see by turning on your television to watch corporate news. And the last part of the show will consist of a regular, rotating series of topics and segments as we transition into the live, audience-participation after-show on Locals.

    Written journalism has always been the foundation of how I participate in our discourse and that will continue. But this new live program will enable me to reach entirely new audiences (many people now, especially but not only younger people, will only consume news through video), and to do reporting and construct analyses using the most potent technological tools. I am convinced it will do nothing but expand the reach and impact of the journalism I already do here.

    While the show will be part of a new network of shows hosted on Rumble's platform, it is not a Rumble show. By that, I mean that — unlike other programs that appear on television — we will not exist within or report to any corporate management or corporate structure. Rumble has no interest in producing news and political programming, only in providing an ideologically-neutral and content-neutral free speech platform that enables everyone to speak and be heard freely. Rumble thus does not have any editorial managers or any other executives who can be or want to be in a position of overseeing anyone's content. Our contract provides that we have full, complete and unlimited editorial freedom and journalistic independence; Rumble has no desire and no ability to review any of our shows; and our contract is guaranteed and cannot be terminated due to the disagreement with or objections to any of our viewpoints, content or reporting.

    Ultimately, no contract in the world can really guarantee one's editorial freedom (as I learned when The Intercept brazenly violated the contractual right I enjoyed since I co-founded the site in 2013 to publish my reporting directly to the internet without any editorial interference or control, editorial censorship which led me to quit and come to Substack almost two yeas ago to this day [see this thread - OB]). These kinds of relationships require trust, and I have absolute trust in the commitment of the founders and managers of Rumble to devote the site to values of free speech. Even if they were not genuinely committed to these values as a cause — and they are — they know that Rumble's self-interest requires the fulfillment of its commitments to free speech since the reason for Rumble's success is precisely that it is becoming the free speech alternative to Google's YouTube.

    Once we have our date for the soft-launch of our show on Locals, we will notify all subscribers here. All one needs to access our Locals community — and thus have exclusive viewing rights to the first couple of weeks for our debut as well as the right to watch and participate in the after-show on Locals — is a current Substack subscription. Those of you who are already paid subscribers here will not need to do anything other than opt-in to your new free Locals subscription when we send that email announcing our launch date. But the show itself — once it debuts in its nightly form on Rumble — will be freely available to the public at large: no subscription required. Our primary goal — after producing high-quality journalism and broadcast programming — is to reach as large an audience as possible. We do not want to be paywalled and thus reduce the reach of our work.

    Complaining about, denouncing and even protesting the escalating censorship regime in the West will not stop it or even impede its growth. What will do so is the creation and growth of platforms that are committed to free speech and which are fully fortified in all ways — ideologically, politically and technologically — to resist encroachments into our most basic right: the right to freely express ourselves, to freely communicate with one another, and to freely challenge, question and dissent from the policy agendas, dictates and decrees of institutions of authority. Free speech platforms like Rumble, and our new live nightly "System Update” program on it are, above all else, dedicated to advancing this central cause.
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 11-03-2022 at 04:20 PM.

  4. #3

    [additional matter hidden to save space]
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 02:08 AM.

  5. #4
    The Media's Deranged Hysteria Over Elon Musk's Restoration of Free Speech

    We are working hard to prepare our new live, nightly prime-time program -- SYSTEM UPDATE -- which will debut shortly on Rumble. Once launched, it will air every night for one hour, Monday through Friday, at 7 pm ET and will be freely available to everyone. Once the show is concluded, we will move to Locals for an interactive after-show -- for our Locals subscribers only -- where we will take questions, address ideas, and hear audience feedback.

    For now we are perfecting the show in anticipation of our launch by streaming our live test-run shows on Locals. Last night (Friday night), we focused our monologue on the media's truly panic-driven and demented meltdown over the possibility that there will be one social media platform on the internet -- Twitter -- that they cannot censor and control. The monologue examines the underlying motives and drives that cause corporate media employees to panic in the face of free speech, as well as the insidious and potent plan that is being constructed -- right out in the open -- to destroy any social media platform that refuses to submit to censor orders, the way they did to Parler.

    We believe there is no more urgent issue than the full-scale, multi-pronged attack on free speech on the internet. The censorship regime they are constructing will enable them to propagandize the population without challenge and fully control the flow of information. That is why we are devoting our work and producing our show exclusively on Rumble, a company that we truly believe is committed to preserving free speech and defying censorship pressures not only as a brand but as a cause. Stay tuned for the premiere of our new live SYSTEM UPDATE program here on Rumble. We hope you enjoy this glimpse of the show we are in the final stages of perfecting.

  6. #5
    PREMIERE ANNOUNCEMENT: Join Us LIVE on Rumble This Monday, December 12

    We are thrilled to announce the series premiere of our prime-time show SYSTEM UPDATE, debuting Monday, December 12 at 7pm ET, HERE on Rumble.

    After launching on Monday, SYSTEM UPDATE will continue to air every weeknight for one hour at 7pm ET and will be freely available to everyone. Once the show is concluded, we will move to Locals for an interactive after-show -- for our Locals subscribers only -- where we will take questions, address ideas, and hear audience feedback.

    We can’t wait to kick off this next phase of SYSTEM UPDATE -- see you Monday!

  7. #6
    Inaugural epsisode:

    Democrats Abandon Free Speech, The Twitter Files w/ Matt Taibbi, and Media Corruption | SYSTEM UPDATE #1
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 02:18 AM.

  8. #7

  9. #8
    Washington Expands the War State, Miranda Devine on Democrat's Censorship Regime | SYSTEM UPDATE #6

    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Elon’s Banning Spree & The Media’s Sudden Conversion to Free Speech Absolutists | SYSTEM UPDATE #5
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 12-21-2022 at 08:29 PM.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The FBI’s Exposed Propaganda Partnership with Big Tech, ft. Michael Shellenberger | SYSTEM UPDATE #7
    Stream begins at 10:38.

  13. #11
    US Finds Another $44 Billion for Ukraine, Lee Fang on the Pentagon Twitter PsyOp | SYSTEM UPDATE #8

    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 02:22 AM. Reason: changed [tweet] tags to [rumble] tags
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History, New Twitter Files on Rigged Covid Debate | SYSTEM UPDATE #11


    The Twitter Files: How They Rigged the Covid Debate, with David Zweig | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 02:26 AM.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post

    [additional matter hidden to save space]
    Amusing how they want to ban Russian broadcasters but have no problem showing Ukrainian propaganda in Europe.
    Considering that the EU is going after alternative SM for their coverage on the Ukrainian/Russian conflict it shows its desperation.
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 02:28 AM. Reason: updated quoted matter

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Right-Wing Populists Revolt: Trump Tax Returns, McCarthy’s Speaker Vote, & More | SYSTEM UPDATE #13


    Right-Wing Populists Revolt Against Kevin McCarthy and Establishment Power | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 02:32 AM.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Media Silent as Twitter Files Expose Flagrant Misconduct in Govt. & Journalism | SYSTEM UPDATE #15
    "On last night's @SystemUpdate_, we explored the full corporate media blackout on all revelations from the Twitter Files - insisting it's all trivial and from illegitimate journalists - while we reviewed the latest bombshells from Taibbi's reporting:" -- @ggreenwald


    CNN - complaining about Taibbi - declares itself one of the few "major credible news organizations"
    "CNN -- complaining that the Twitter Files only went to fake journalists who have no legitimacy (such as @MTaibbi) -- declared itself one of the few "major, credible news organizations." Serious question: by which conceivable metric is this true?" -- @ggreenwald
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 01:39 AM.

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Justin Amash on from 24:10 to 58:05:

    Congress Closes Third Day With No Speaker: Who holds power in Washington? | SYSTEM UPDATE #16
    "When GOP holdouts began impeding Kevin McCarthy's ascension, I was agnostic: not caring which colorless, banal establishment figure gets this careerist prize. But Congress is radically broken: with @justinamash and @matthewstoller, I explain why:" -- @ggreenwald


    Congress Closes Third Day With No Speaker: Who holds power in Washington? | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2023 at 01:14 PM.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The Enduring Media Lies Surrounding January 6th, 2 Years Later | SYSTEM UPDATE #17


    The Enduring Media Lies Surrounding January 6, 2 Years Later | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-07-2023 at 10:20 AM.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    What really happened in Brazil yesterday? | SYSTEM UPDATE #18


    What really happened in Brazil? | SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Dems Rush to Protect FBI/CIA, Buttigieg’s Latest Airline Fiasco w/ David Sirota | SYSTEM UPDATE #20


    Democrats Rush to Shield FBI/CIA from Any Accountability | SYSTEM UPDATE

    David Sirota Faults Pete Buttigieg in Latest Airline Fiasco | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-13-2023 at 02:13 AM.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Biden's Own Classified Docs Scandal & The US Govt's Game-Playing With Secrecy, w/ Aaron Maté | SYSTEM UPDATE #21
    "On tonight's @SystemUpdate_, live at 7pm ET on Rumble, we'll examine the multi-pronged lessons and ironies bequeathed by Joe Biden's new scandal of mishandling classified documents. Plus: @aaronjmate on Dems' shielding of the CIA/FBI from investigation:" -- @ggreenwald


    Biden Gets His Own Classified Documents Scandal | SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald

    Aaron Maté on the Russiagate Fraud: What questions still remain? | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-14-2023 at 01:09 AM.

  24. #21

    Interview starts @ 10:05:

    Interview with Journalist Glenn Greenwald - Viva Frei Live!

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post



    Censored Brazilian Podcaster Speaks Out: "I don't even know what I'm being accused of."
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-16-2023 at 09:16 PM.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Bills Proliferate to Criminalize Speech, Darren Beattie on Lex Fridman, & Brazil Fallout | SYSTEM UPDATE #23


    Bills Proliferate to Criminalize Online Speech | SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-19-2023 at 12:13 AM.

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The US Security State Protects Big Tech—Why? Plus: Katie Herzog on Lesbianism/Trans Issues | SYSTEM UPDATE #26
    "Tonight on @SystemUpdate_, live at 7pm ET: The US Security State (CIA/FBI/DHS) continues to shield Big Tech from all efforts at reform. Why? Plus: @kittypurrzog on lesbianism, trans issues, how they relate, and the excesses of both sides of that debate:" -- @ggreenwald


    The US Security State Protects Big Tech—Why? | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-24-2023 at 09:41 AM.

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Everyone Condemns Big Tech—Who Is Fighting It? DOJ/Google, Crowder/Shapiro, Brazil, & More | SYSTEM UPDATE #28
    "Everyone claims strident opposition to Big Tech—but who is taking meaningful action to break their hold on power? We'll explore this question looking at Crowder vs. The DW, the DOJ vs. Google, the latest in Brazil, & more." -- @SystemUpdate_


    Crowder vs. Shapiro: Everyone Condemns Big Tech—Who Is Fighting It? | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-26-2023 at 09:04 PM.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Adam Schiff's Endless Petulance Over Removal from House Intel. Plus, Matt Stoller on DOJ v. Google | SYSTEM UPDATE #29
    "Now that he has officially been booted off the House Intel Committee, we're taking a look at the impressively disgraceful record of Adam Schiff. We'll also be speaking w/@MatthewStoller on the DOJ's latest lawsuit against Google." -- @SystemUpdate_


    Adam Schiff's Endless Petulance Over Removal from House Intelligence Committee | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-27-2023 at 10:50 PM.

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Revealed: Mass Media Complicity in “Russian Disinformation” Fraud, w/ Matt Taibbi | SYSTEM UPDATE #30
    "With the latest #TwitterFiles release, @MTaibbi exposed one of the most shocking & widespread "Russian Disinformation" frauds: Hamilton 68. We'll discuss these revelations & speak w/ Matt about this stunning new report." -- @SystemUpdate_


    Revealed: Mass Media Complicity in “Russian Disinformation” Fraud | SYSTEM UPDATE

    INTERVIEW: Matt Taibbi Exposes Massive "Russian Disinformation" Fraud, Hamilton 68 | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-30-2023 at 10:59 AM.

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Russiagate: A New Deep Dive into the Media’s Stunning Lies, Corruption, & Complicity | SYSTEM UPDATE #32
    "The @CJR just released a comprehensive, 4-part series recounting the media's shameful and reckless reporting on the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. We'll cover its key findings on this years-long media fraud." -- @SystemUpdate_


    Russiagate: A New Deep Dive into the Media’s Stunning Lies, Corruption, & Complicity | SYSTEM UPDATE
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 02-02-2023 at 12:46 PM.

  33. #29

  34. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    #TwitterFiles Accountability: Former Twitter Execs Face Congress. Plus, Rogan's "Anti-Semitism" | SYSTEM UPDATE #37
    "Former Twitter Execs—Yoel Roth, Vijaya Gadde, James Baker—confronted with #TwitterFiles revelations today in Congress. We'll break down and recap key take aways. Plus, @JoeRogan accused of anti-semitism." -- @SystemUpdate_


    #TwitterFiles Accountability: Former Twitter Execs Face Congressional Hearing | SYSTEM UPDATE

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