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Thread: Virginia LP Call to Convention: 03 December 2022

  1. #1

    Virginia LP Call to Convention: 03 December 2022

    I've been away for a while but got this today -- not from LPVA, but from LNC. I'm not really on the electoral side of the movement anymore but if any RPFers care, I can slap my name on a petition. Awaiting guidance, Sic Semper Tyrannis.

    attn: @Occam's Banana @fisharmor


    In September, several LPVA state committee members left the party in a controversy. Members of the LPVA are attempting to organize a special convention as allowed under the LPVA Constitution in order to fill vacancies. It is the position of the remaining LPVA party leadership and the LNC that the Libertarian Party of Virginia is still completely intact, regardless of its status as a corporate entity.

    In the absence of an LPVA Chair and Secretary, the LNC has agreed to send out this notification on behalf of the organizing members in their attempt to continue the business of the Party. The LNC takes no position on the contents of their proposed agenda or other business properly within the purview of the LPVA membership, but we do encourage all members to get actively involved in rebuilding your affiliate to continue the work of liberty in Virginia.

    There is a petition being circulated to call a special LPVA convention on December 3, 2022. You can view more information about this and sign the petition if you so choose at:


    If you would like to be in touch with the member organizers, please contact the LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos at who will forward your contact request to them.
    “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

    H.L. Mencken

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  3. #2
    Yeah, there has been a purge, and the LP is becoming libertarian again. Haven't seen anyone around here doing anything specific in Virginia, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cjm View Post
    I've been away for a while but got this today -- not from LPVA, but from LNC. I'm not really on the electoral side of the movement anymore but if any RPFers care, I can slap my name on a petition. Awaiting guidance, Sic Semper Tyrannis.
    The TL;DR is that this business has to do with the shenanigans being pulled by the sore losers who are upset that the Mises Caucus was successful in taking over the national LP. They're just being spiteful and petty, and are childishly trying to break things on their way out the door.

    You should definitely go ahead and sign the petition - and if you're inclined to do more, try to get in touch with someone via the new LPVA accounts (apparently, the old ones were "disappeared" by the outgoing vandals).

    Here's their new website:

    Their new Twitter account (@LPofVA) is here:

    Their new Facebook page is here:

    (Someone from the Virginia Mises Caucus - Twitter: @LPMisesCaucusVA - might also be able to help.)

    Here's the situation according to the new website (bold emphasis in original):

    The Libertarian Party of Virginia is under some maintenance

    Many people are confused as to recent events concerning the Libertarian Party of Virginia (LPVA). While a full accounting of events will have to wait, those members currently taking action want to communicate to the membership and the broader public.

    On the evening of September 11, 2022, a small group, including several members of the LPVA State Central Committee (SCC), acted to damage the party. Without notification to the other members of the board or the general membership, they put forth a motion to dissolve the party. Seven members voted in favor of this action. Without going into detail as to why, those of us members still working within LPVA believe that this vote was null and void.

    As such, the Libertarian Party of Virginia remains intact and affiliated with the National Libertarian Party. The remainder of the leadership of the LPVA, along with Congressional District Committees, regional affiliates, and dedicated volunteers among the party membership, have resolved to continue operating and have received confirmation of our ongoing affiliate status from the Libertarian National Committee. We face some logistical challenges, as the conspirators took action immediately after their charade to destroy or deactivate party assets. Fortunately, our hard-working membership have already made great progress in recovering or replacing what was lost. In the coming weeks, news will be released detailing a convention of the membership.

    If you find yourself in doubt of this account, you are encouraged to review the publicly-available documentation regarding the matter. Unlike the conspirators, who have refused to release the recording of the meeting, we encourage you to seek the truth.

    In due course, we will release a more in-depth description of what occurred, remedying actions, and future plans. We intend to hold those responsible to account, and we will need your help for that. In the meantime, rest assured that we will not treat you with disrespect, and will work to strengthen the Party and the Libertarian movement in the Commonwealth. Just remember that doing things right takes time, so please be patient with us.

    Above all, remember that Libertarians seek to build, not burn.

    If you have any questions, please reach out to your local affiliate or CD members or join in the fun on the new LPofVA Facebook page.

    For more context, here are some of the gory details, according to Reason (from the OP of this thread):

    That same day, the Virginia Libertarian Party's state central committee (SCC) announced that it had dissolved itself after a 7–5 vote (with one abstention), complaining that "the national image of the party" was now "functionally indistinct from other alt-right parties and movements." The party's website and Facebook page disappeared; its email addresses stopped working.

    The move was illegal, LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos says, though the Virginia State Corporation Commission issued a letter Tuesday stating that the dissolution complies "with the requirements of law." A parliamentarian consulted by the LNC countered that the dissolution required a vote of full party membership, while now-former Virginia L.P. chair Holly Ward believes that the SCC itself is the only relevant "members" who needed to approve. McArdle also said in a post to the LNC's business listserv that "corporate dissolution papers do not make or break an affiliate and lots of affiliates don't have corporate status." Technically, in Virginia another legal step known as "termination" must also occur, after the Virginia party's assets have been properly distributed.

    Ward charged in a phone interview that the LNC has become a "fraud," properly backing neither Libertarian candidates nor Libertarian messaging, in a state whose party achieved a remarkable 6.5 percent running Robert Sarvis for governor in 2013 (and another exceptional-for-Libertarians 2.4 percent running Sarvis for Senate in 2014). The national party has made the Libertarian banner toxic to potential candidates, Ward claimed, which she thinks helps explain why there are no L.P. candidates on Virginia ballots this year. In doing candidate outreach, Ward says, she found "interested parties declined to run based on the current image and narrative of the national party."

    Several local and regional Libertarian organizations in Virginia objected to the SCC's abrupt self-destruction, and the conflict is ongoing: Disgruntled Virginia L.P. members are being asked to write letters of complaint to the state government (a move Ward considers a potential use of state force to achieve a political goal, and thus a Libertarian no-no), and the Libertarian Party of Northern Virginia has been decrying the move and vowing to "continue to work with affiliates across the Commonwealth to conduct the business of the party," state party dissolution or not. There are various means for members to call for a new special convention and elect new officers who don't want to dissolve, Harlos says, working on the presumption that the dissolution motion should be considered illegitimate.

    "While the LNC has had to referee some internal party disputes recently," McArdle wrote in her email, "we're still focused on advancing the message of liberty, supporting candidates, and moving the needle in the direction of freedom. I appreciate how level-headed and calm the remaining LPVA officers have been and anticipate they will get their affiliate back in order quickly."
    And if you really want to wade into the tall weeds, here's (LNC Secretary) Caryn Ann Harlos' rebuttal to the Reason article (wherein she addresses shenanigans in New Mexico as well as the ones in Virginia):

    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Impromptu live stream by Caryn Ann Harlos (Libertarian Party National Secretary from 2018 to present):

    @ 3:05 : start / prefatory remarks
    @ 8:40 : disclaimers
    @ 12:10 : technical analysis re: dissolution/disaffiliation
    @ 1:17:15 : criticism of the Reason article

    EVERYTHING THAT REASON GOT WRONG about the LPVA plus dishonest Luchini strikes again!
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 10-11-2022 at 04:30 PM.
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    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
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      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  5. #4
    The magic words are Mises Caucus.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The TL;DR is that this business has to do with the shenanigans being pulled by the sore losers who are upset that the Mises Caucus was successful in taking over the national LP. They're just being spiteful and petty, and are childishly trying to break things on their way out the door.
    Sounds like the LP is moving beyond a debating society and becoming a real political party.

    I signed the petition and wish them good luck, but I'm currently retired from electoral politics. Happy to help from afar with my "status" (life member) when that counts for something though.
    “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

    H.L. Mencken

  7. #6

  8. #7

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Ok I just got around to looking into this again: rpforums and lpva are both blocked on my work laptop so I haven't been able to follow this. (I do NOT do meaningful work on my phone.)

    1) Is there a YT channel that I can subscribe to that will keep me updated?

    2) who is going to the convention? Is it open to others?

    3) Give me an info dump I can forward to others. I know of two guys who phone banked for RP who I can get interested and maybe half a dozen others in VA I could easily convince to look at the LP now that they've dropped their abortion support.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Ok I just got around to looking into this again: rpforums and lpva are both blocked on my work laptop so I haven't been able to follow this. (I do NOT do meaningful work on my phone.)

    1) Is there a YT channel that I can subscribe to that will keep me updated?
    I don't know of any source that is specifically devoted to this particular matter.

    The most likely sources for updates (video or otherwise) are probably the following:

    Libertarian Party of Vifginia:
    Libertarian Party of Northern Virginia:
    Libertarian Party of Central Virginia:
    Virginia Mises Caucus:
    Caryn Ann Harlos is the secretary of the national LP.

    She does semi-regular "LNC update" videos (see HERE for the most recent of these, dated 21 October).

    Caryn Ann Harlos (LP National Secretary):

    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    2) who is going to the convention? Is it open to others?
    See my following post below.

    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    3) Give me an info dump I can forward to others. I know of two guys who phone banked for RP who I can get interested and maybe half a dozen others in VA I could easily convince to look at the LP now that they've dropped their abortion support.
    Apart from the sources cited earlier in this thread (such as the Reason article, or Caryn Ann Harlos' rebuttal video), I don't know of any single "one stop" summary for the whole affair.
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 10-27-2022 at 07:22 PM.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    2) who is going to the convention? Is it open to others?
    Just announced today:

    LP Secretary (27 October 2022)


    The below organizer announces that a General State Convention has been confirmed after petitioning the Membership body to replace Officers and adopt Constitutional Changes and ensure continuity with the Libertarian Party:

    Date: 03 December, 2022
    Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm (EST)
    Location: The Poplar Barn at The Barns at Mattaponi Springs, 23134 Penola Road, Ruther Glen, VA 22546

    Advance registration is required which can be done at this link. You must use your legal name if you wish to be credentialed to vote, if qualified. All Donations are welcome!

    Purpose: The General State Convention shall consider the following items of business (Constitutional Amendments and Officer Elections) as set forth by the Agenda. Chief among which is to resolve the Point of Order on the propriety of the actions taken on 11 September, 2022 by the LPVA State Central Committee (SCC): The action by the LPVA SCC to dissolve the Party is beyond the power of the SCC and is null and void.

    The proposed draft Constitution Amendments (which can be found here) and to elect the new Officers for the Libertarian Party of Virginia.

    HOLIDAY PARTY TO FOLLOW! Register for the business and event here!

    Who is invited to attend: All current Members of the Libertarian Party of Virginia and Lifetime Members of the Libertarian Party who are domiciled in Virginia are entitled to attend, debate, and vote. Libertarian Party Members not domiciled in Virginia are welcome to attend as guests and observers but not speak without the forbearance of the voting body. The intent will be to livestream via Zoom/YouTube as well.

    Identification of Sponsors: Jason Bruce

    Any further questions can be sent to the national Libertarian Party Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos at who will forward to the organizers.

    You can view the postcard that went out here.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Purpose: The General State Convention shall consider the following items of business (Constitutional Amendments and Officer Elections) as set forth by the Agenda. Chief among which is to resolve the Point of Order on the propriety of the actions taken on 11 September, 2022 by the LPVA State Central Committee (SCC): The action by the LPVA SCC to dissolve the Party is beyond the power of the SCC and is null and void.
    The YouTube channel for the Libertarian Party of Virginia (referenced in post #9 above) only has two videos, the most recent of which (from 11 days ago) is an upload of a video recording of the 11 September meeting mentioned in the quote above. IOW: This is the "ground zeroi" incident for this whole affair.

    Libertarian Party of Virginia Public State Central Committee Meeting 11 September, 2022
    A public and open meeting of the State Central Committee (SCC) of the Libertarian Party of Virginia. An accompanying chat transcript can be found at

  14. #12

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