I'm just getting over a ten-day long bout of aspergilliosis. I'm cleaning out mom's basement, which is why I just got home a fifth time in three weeks from NJ. It's getting old, but in the process, the mold got kicked up and Bibi and I both got aspergiliosis. I've never before been effected by mold... Never been 64 before, either.

This was really bad news. 101F, and everything felt like I would never be well again. Caveat: I'm the world's WORST sick person. I suck at it, which is why I never allow myself to become sick, but it would appear I may be losing my touch.

Be VERY careful around household mold because if it gets you, it will kick your ass in a way you will find most unpleasing.

Also, while the pulmonary form is very bad, invasive aspergiliosis can be deadly, and if you develop aspergiliomas, you will have to go under the knife to have them removed. I never took it seriously... until now.

Be careful out there. It's a vicious world.